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Old 08-11-2014, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
What we need are efferent Russian rarefied air generators that exterminate by enforced sleep instantaneously, such that time and distance are not factors in the efferent account of Russian rarefied air generation!


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Old 08-11-2014, 06:21 PM
Cynthia of Syracuse Cynthia of Syracuse is offline
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
Efferent vision is not explanation. It is simply a name that you and Lessans have given to an incoherent collection of assertions that are unsupported by evidence of any sort.

A thousand times over.:bow:
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Old 08-11-2014, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Dragar View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I'm not being dishonest. If relativity theory is subject to critical review, that's fine. But that's not what is happening. Anyone who has an issue with this theory could be kicked out of school. How dare you call my father a crackpot. What does that make you? You are more focused on your reputation than on actually hearing or considering what my father observed.
Special relativity has probably come under more scrutiny - particularly if you fold in the QFT aspects - than any other scientific theory in history. So as usual, you're making things up. And most people don't even learn about special relativity in school, so I very much doubt you could get kicked out for it.
I don't think you read the report I posted. These are carefully constructed criticisms.

Louis Essen points out that the Lorentz length contraction factor is an arbitrary assumption. He remarks that physicists seem to abandon their critical faculties when considering relativity. Essen concludes;
"The so-called theory of special relativity is thus not a theory at all but simply a number of assumptions and the assumptions made implicitly in the course of thought experiments contradict those made initially."
G. Burniston Brown indicates that many physicists feel that the theory of relativity is not a genuine physical theory.
Pari summarizes;
"There is no direct experimental proof of the assumptions made by Einstein to postulate the relativity theory, the special or the general. Plausible alternative explanations can be offered for all laboratory and astronomical observations cited in support of the theory."
Einstein's equations of relativistic dynamics are mathematically incompatible with the experimentally verified Plank's formula of quantum mechanics. These problems, as well as the concept of "negative mass" in relativity and Einstein's postulates of "longitudinal mass" and "transverse mass" are all hypothetical concepts with no experimentally provable or other basis in science.
Pari then points out that many physicists who believe that Einstein's theory of relativity to be flawed have not been able to get their papers accepted for publication in most scientific journals. Eminent scientists are intimidated and warned that they may 'spoil their career prospects,' if they openly opposed Einstein's relativity. Louis Essen cautions;

"The continued acceptance and teaching of relativity hinders the development of a rational extension of electromagnetic theory"
He is concerned that;
"students are told that the theory must be accepted although they cannot expect to understand it. They are encouraged right at the beginning of their careers to forsake science in favor of dogma."
Pari also points out that "In deriving the field equations of general relativity, Einstein has used partial differential equations, which assume continuity of a uniform field or of the spacetime continuum. A mathematical law expressing a regularity in the successive distances of the orbiting Louis Essen cautions;

"The continued acceptance and teaching of relativity hinders the development of a rational extension of electromagnetic theory"
He is concerned that;
"students are told that the theory must be accepted although they cannot expect to understand it. They are encouraged right at the beginning of their careers to forsake science in favor of dogma."
Pari also points out that "In deriving the field equations of general relativity, Einstein has used partial differential equations, which assume continuity of a uniform field or of the spacetime continuum. A mathematical law expressing a regularity in the successive distances of the orbiting bodies around a central primary would be inconsistent with the assumptions of general relativity. And this regularity exists in the form of the Titius-Bode law from which Pari also concludes that the distance law is an integral part of gravitation; i.e. gravitation is quantized.
In a series of articles, A.A.Logunov and co-workers have made several important remarks. They point out that in general relativity the energy of a system and, therefore, its inertial mass does not have any physical meaning, since it depends on the arbitrary choice of the coordinate systems. Therefore, the assertion of equality of the "inertial" and "gravitational" masses in Einstein's theory is devoid of all physical meaning.
Moreover, the arbitrariness of the coordinate transformations in general relativity makes it incapable of giving unique predictions for gravitational effects (bending of light, perihelion rotation, red shift and time-delay experiments.) They conclude that the absence in the general theory of relativity of conservation laws for energy, momentum, and angular momentum of the matter and gravitational field taken together, and also its inability to give unique predictions for gravitational phenomena, make it necessary to abandon the theory of relativity as a physical theory.


Originally Posted by Dragar
As for your father: he's a crackpot. Where you got this nonsense about me caring about my reputation is beyond me.

And finally, you are being dishonest. Why do you shift goalposts, or weasel, or change the subject when called on things? Why do you admit you were wrong about something in one post, then post the same misinformation in the next? Why do you make things up constantly? This is why you are called, rightfully, a crackpot.
You're wrong. You can come to whatever conclusion you want, but this is never going to stop these discoveries from eventually coming to light.

“crackpots” who were right: the conclusion
August 28, 2010

I have been posting a blog series about scientists who were called “crackpots” but eventually turned out to be right. There is a convenient archive of the posts under the tag crackpots-who-were-right in case you missed any of these fascinating stories. I could carry on the series forever, but I want to do other things so I’m going to conclude it with this last post.

If I had continued I would have gone on to tell you about Barry Marshall who got the Nobel Prize after showing that stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterium rather than stress as everyone believed. He found it so difficult to convince anyone that he eventually drank a petri dish of the bacteria to prove it. I also wanted write a bit about Robert Chambers who wrote a popular book about evolution before Darwin. He was ridiculed by biologists for his misuse of terminology but the public were won over and he paved the way for acceptance of Darwin’s theory while much of the scientific establishment held on to creationism. I also never got round to the famous case of Hannes Alfvén another Nobel laureate who faced ridicule when he realised that plasmas and magnetic and electric fields are important in galactic physics, not just gravity as everyone else believed. Nor have I mentioned Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who showed that stars above a certain size would eventually collapse to form black holes at a time when others did not believe they could really exist. The lambasting he got from Eddington almost ended his brilliant career. Then there was Joseph Goldberger who showed that Pellagra is a disease caused by dietary deficiency but for political reasons his opponents continued to claim it was infectious. Others on my list are William Harvey for blood circulation, Doppler for light frequency shifts, Peyton Rous for showing viruses can cause cancer, Boltzmann, Dalton, Tesla, Alverez, Margulis, Krebs, and on and on. All of them had to fight against resistance before their ground breaking work gained the recognition it deserved.

But so what? What can we draw from this? Some people have commented that these people were not real crackpots. They worked as real scientists and had ideas that just took time to establish. They are not like the people who turn up in physics and maths forums with crazy ideas that have no respect for hundreds of years of progress ins science. Furthermore, our “crackpots”-who-were-right are a tiny minority compared to all the ones who were wrong.

I disagree with these points. Firstly, these people really were treated as crazy and were subjected to ridicule or were ignored. The cases described here are the extremes. There are many more who have merely had an important paper rejected. In fact it is hard to know the real extent of the problem because only the most important stories get told in the history of science. My guess is that these people represent the tip of a large iceberg most of which lies hidden below the threshold it takes for historians to take note.

Furthermore, even if the “crackpots” who were right are the minority among all “crackpots”, they are still the most significant part. It is better to create an environment in which these people can have their theories recorded for the sake of the few who are right, than to try to dispel them all because of some irrational fear that they disrupt real science.

And, even amongst those who have really crazy ideas there will be the people like Ohm who also have some valid ideas hidden underneath. No amount of peer-review or archive moderation can reliably separate the good ideas from the bad. The only solution is to allow everyone to have their say and to record it in a permanent accessible form. Some people ask me why I expect scientists to wade through so many papers looking for something they find worthwhile. The answer is I don’t. Work of no value will be ignored while useful ideas will be found by someone doing related research who finds it through keyword searches or other means. Even in the academically run archives there are vast numbers of papers that will never be cited or read by many people. Scientists find out about new ideas through citations, seminars, conferences, word or mouth, etc.

I hope that some people at least will read this series and get the point about why we run the viXra archive with an open policy that allows any work on scientific topic to be recorded. I can’t say that some future Nobel Prize winner will be among our deposits, but it is not impossible. More likely there will be lots of smaller good ideas that move science along in less dramatic steps, but that is the way most science is done.

crackpots who were right | viXra log



"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Last edited by peacegirl; 08-11-2014 at 07:05 PM.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Too bad, we do not have a Richard Pryor smilie. :sadcheer:

This makes it impossible for me to satirize the classic Chevey Chase/Richard Pryor job interview "word association" skit with peacegirl as the interviewer and Pryor being interviewed for a position as an astrophysicist.

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Old 08-11-2014, 07:10 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by But View Post
But it does. Real-time seeing contradicts relativity.
I don't think so. Can you show me where?
Relativity forbids any transmission of information faster than the speed of light.
According to peacegirl, vision does not involve any transmission of information :lol:
How can it LadyShea when this entire discussion is on whether light is transmitting information, or whether the function of light is something altogether different; to reveal what exists? In this case there is no transmission of information which is what you are trying to get people to believe. This is a strawman.
Originally Posted by LadyShea
I am not referring to light in this post, I am talking about whether vision represents a transfer of information, whether efferent or afferent.

In the past, you have argued that we do not gain information at all by seeing. When you see something, do you gain information about it?
Of course we gain information by seeing but if the function of light is to reveal, the statement that relativity forbids any transmission of information faster than the speed of light doesn't even apply because time is not a factor.

Originally Posted by LadyShea
That being said, light contains information, and you've agreed that light contains information (intensity, direction, wavelength). In efferent vision is that information gained by our brain when using light to see?
Yes, but once again this doesn't apply since you are not comparing apples to apples. Moreover, the theory of relativity has recently come under scrutiny, so your basic premise may be faulty as well.
No one is saying that light is transmitting information before light gets here. You and Spacemonkey keep referring to this false notion and it's completely fallacious.
Originally Posted by LadyShea
This misrepresents our questions and arguments, so you are the one making a strawman argument. You've said light is located at the eye or camera film before light has had time to travel to that location.
That is not what I said. That is what you said. If what we are seeing is a mirror image it would take virtually no time to get there and it certainly wouldn't be relative to distance.

Originally Posted by LadyShea
Whether light contains information or not (although you've agreed it does) is irrelevant to those questions and points about the location of light photons and the mechanism of the location change.
I've answered this so many times I've lost count. Why you aren't listening, I have no idea. But these observations remain valid.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill

Last edited by peacegirl; 08-11-2014 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Dragar View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I'm not being dishonest. If relativity theory is subject to critical review, that's fine. But that's not what is happening. Anyone who has an issue with this theory could be kicked out of school. How dare you call my father a crackpot. What does that make you? You are more focused on your reputation than on actually hearing or considering what my father observed.
Special relativity has probably come under more scrutiny - particularly if you fold in the QFT aspects - than any other scientific theory in history. So as usual, you're making things up. And most people don't even learn about special relativity in school, so I very much doubt you could get kicked out for it.
I don't think you read the report I posted. These are carefully constructed criticisms.
How would you know, asshat? :chin:

And, no, they're not. They're stupid.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:19 PM
Cynthia of Syracuse Cynthia of Syracuse is offline
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I told you I don't like the interrogation. If you can't explain what you mean in your own words, then forget it.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Janis. :yup:
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Would you please shut up for a change? You are the most ignorant person that I've ever encountered on a forum. Seeing the object does not require a transfer of information. It requires seeing the object which has nothing to do with a transfer of information from light.

Back to your lack of reading comprehension, I did not say that the brain received information from light, I said the brain received an image of the object from the object itself. And however much you protest, that is a transfer of information from the object to the brain, what is the image, if not information? Or do you now have some idiosyncratic definition of "information" and "image"?
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Wayne Dyer
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I don't think you read the report I posted. These are carefully constructed criticisms.
You're an idiot. You are linking a page from the "Pegasus Research Consortium". Your new crackpot hero thinks the Moon has life on it, and there's an international conspiracy covering it up.

What is wrong with you?
The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. -Eugene Wigner
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
If what we are seeing is based on a mirror image it takes virtually no time to get there, which is your big peeve.

And that is what is impossible, virtual or otherwise. There is no way any image can get from one location to another instantly, and Instantly was your's and Lessans original claim.
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Wayne Dyer
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post

I don't think you read the report I posted. These are carefully constructed criticisms.

[I]Louis Essen points out that the Lorentz length contraction factor is an arbitrary assumption. He remarks that physicists seem to abandon their critical faculties when considering relativity. Essen concludes;
[B]"The so-called theory of special relativity is thus not a theory at all but simply a number of assumptions and the assumptions made implicitly in the course of thought experiments contradict those made initially."

I wonder if you'll ever get a clue about how stupid and dishonest you look (well, ARE) when you pull shit like this. You have NO CLUE what "the Lorentz length contraction" is, DO YOU? Or anything else about SR. So how can you possibly evaluate, honestly, this so-called "criticism"?

Length contraction is NOT an assumption of SR, it's a consequence of it, just like time dilation, and it's observed to happen.

SR has only two postulates, or assumptions, both of which are verified by experience: The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames (this goes back to Galileo, for christ sake) and the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all in inertial frames. Length contraction is NOT an assumption of the theory! The person who wrote that is an idiot, and so are you.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Hey peacegirl, you found a live one in John Lear. He appears to be as big a crackpot doofus as your dear old dad. :lol: A quick scan of his credentials reveals, among other things, that he thinks holograms and camouflage are being used to disguise life on the moon. :foocl:
I don't trust your analysis of a person's credibility with a ten foot pole. You cannot judge a person's area of knowledge by a possible oversight. You want to throw all of his observations into one slush pile. You have an agenda David which is to crush anyone who doesn't agree with your worldview. I've seen this firsthand and I know you all too well. :yup:
Well maybe you'd be interested in some of the other work by Dr. Amrit Sorli (referenced in the article you keep posting). He claims to have measured the weight of prana, the "life force" Living on Light - Prana Has a Measurable Weight, Dr. Amrit Sorli

I can't find anything saying Amrit Sorli is a physicist, though he has been publishing essays and such for years on a variety of topics. Maybe he is an imaginary physicist the same way Lessans is an imaginary mathematician.
You aren't in the position to judge Lessans. You divide people up into groups; those who are worthy of being heard and those who aren't based on all kinds of faulty standards. If Lessans was a distinguished professor, you would back off. You are such a hypocrite.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

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Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
What you are saying is...
Nope. What I am doing is asking you perfectly reasonable questions about your own account. And what you are doing is lying, evading, and weaseling because your delusions have made you constitutionally incapable of even attempting an honest answer.

Please answer my questions about THESE photons (the ones at the camera film on Earth at 12:00 when the Sun is first ignited), and without mentioning or reverting to any other different photons.

You need photons at the camera film when the Sun is first ignited.

Are they traveling photons?

Did they come from the Sun?

Did they get to the film by traveling?

Did they travel at the speed of light?

Can they leave the Sun before it is ignited?

Don't commit the postman's mistake by talking about different photons from those which are at the retina at 12:00. Don't even mention any photons other than those I have asked about. If you get to the end of the questions and realize the photons you are talking about are not the ones at the film at 12:00, then you have fucked up again and have failed to actually answer what was asked.
Forget it Spacemonkey. I asked you to explain why you feel the efferent model is implausible (by answering your own questions) and I can agree or not agree, but of course that's not good enough. You want me to be interrogated until I give in. You are trying to use a prosecutor's strategy where the defendant gets cornered and can only answer with yes and no, and then when he thinks he's got you in the palm of his hand he says, "No further questions." Well guess what? There are further questions but they are not going to come from you. :laugh:
I did explain why the efferent account is implausible, just as I also explained why these questions apply to your account. Yet you are still obstinately and completely unreasonably refusing to even try to answer them. Why is that? Why are honest and direct answers so impossible for you to provide? Is it because you are a hopelessly deluded and dishonest dingbat? Or is there some other reason for your ridiculous evasion?
I told you I don't like the interrogation. If you can't explain what you mean in your own words, then forget it.
Whose words do you think I've been using, Dingbat? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Why does this seem like an interrogation? Is it because I keep repeating my questions? That's only because YOU keep unreasonably refusing to answer them! Idiot! How dare we interrogate you by asking you questions and actually expecting you to answer! How cruel! You poor, poor victim! Do you actually think you should be allowed to ignore and evade pertinent questions with impunity?
I'm done talking to you Spacemonkey. You are a nasty *#$*& and you don't deserve my response. You are disrespectful and pompous. Go back to your day job and leave this thread as promptly as you can. :think:
Originally Posted by LadyShea
And you are a dishonest weasel who turns vindictive because she can't make a solid point. You are the nasty bitch.
No, I'm upset because of the false spin everyone has created which is not hard to do in this kind of venue.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
That is not what I said. That is what you said. If what we are seeing is a mirror image it would take virtually no time to get there and it certainly wouldn't be relative to distance.
What is the mirror image made of, how is it created?
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Hey peacegirl, you found a live one in John Lear. He appears to be as big a crackpot doofus as your dear old dad. :lol: A quick scan of his credentials reveals, among other things, that he thinks holograms and camouflage are being used to disguise life on the moon. :foocl:
I don't trust your analysis of a person's credibility with a ten foot pole. You cannot judge a person's area of knowledge by a possible oversight. You want to throw all of his observations into one slush pile. You have an agenda David which is to crush anyone who doesn't agree with your worldview. I've seen this firsthand and I know you all too well. :yup:
Well maybe you'd be interested in some of the other work by Dr. Amrit Sorli (referenced in the article you keep posting). He claims to have measured the weight of prana, the "life force" Living on Light - Prana Has a Measurable Weight, Dr. Amrit Sorli

I can't find anything saying Amrit Sorli is a physicist, though he has been publishing essays and such for years on a variety of topics. Maybe he is an imaginary physicist the same way Lessans is an imaginary mathematician.
You aren't in the position to judge Lessans. You divide people up into groups; those who are worthy of being heard and those who aren't based on all kinds of faulty standards. If Lessans was a distinguished professor, you would back off. You are such a hypocrite.
Nope, we judge his ideas based on his ideas, and they're wrong. You are a dishonest coward who cannot admit this truth.

Remember when we took your father's ideas on light and sight to Phil Plait's astronomy forum? You wouldn't even look at the thread!

Nobody there knew anything about Lessans or his credentials. But they instantly correctly identified all the wrong things in his garbage, the exact same wrong things we have been pointing out to you.

Go take your father's rubbish to any scientist or science forum or university, and don't tell them anything about Lessans. In fact, if you'd like, lie (which you're so good at anyway) and tell them he was a distinguished physicist! And see what they say.

They'll say: "His credentials notwithstanding, this is utter rubbish for the following reasons…"

Want us to start another thread at Plait's forum and identify Lessans as a distinguished professor? Hmmm? :chin:
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:51 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Artemis Entreri View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Regardless of which direction we see, light is the conduit so we will not see a true to life image if the light is striking a convex lens. We will get an enlarged version, but it will still be in real time. This does not negate Lessans' claim even a little bit. Go back to your drawing board. :laugh:
How do you account for a change in the speed of light through the lens if the image is instant? If the effects of light speed hold true inside the lens then they hold true outside the lens and all vision is delayed due to the speed of light. In order to explain how a lens works in efferent vision you have to explain how light is bent without the speed of light (therefore time) being a factor.
Please explain refraction of light without using the speed of light.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Artemis Entreri View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Regardless of which direction we see, light is the conduit so we will not see a true to life image if the light is striking a convex lens. We will get an enlarged version, but it will still be in real time. This does not negate Lessans' claim even a little bit. Go back to your drawing board. :laugh:
How do you account for a change in the speed of light through the lens if the image is instant? If the effects of light speed hold true inside the lens then they hold true outside the lens and all vision is delayed due to the speed of light. In order to explain how a lens works in efferent vision you have to explain how light is bent without the speed of light (therefore time) being a factor.
Please explain refraction of light without using the speed of light.
You're still not getting it. Just think in terms of a mirror image. How fast does it take for an image to show up on a reflective surface? Well this image is exactly what is at the retina when we see an object. Yes, light and its properties are necessary for sight and will work exactly the same way as it is known to work, but the speed of light is not applicable because there is virtually no travel time.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
[ Just think in terms of a mirror image. How fast does it take for an image to show up on a reflective surface?

Images don't "show up on a reflective surface," fuckwit. They "show up" in the brain. And that image cannot do so until the light strikes the mirror and returns to the eye. Thus even a mirror image of one's self a short distance across the room, is an image from the past.
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:07 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
How fast [sic] does it take for an image to show up [sic] on a reflective surface?
Assuming what you really mean is 'how long before we see it in the mirror?' that's an easy one. Measure the total distance from the object to the eye (or camera) via the mirror. Divide by the speed of light.

Example: a light is 20 metres from a mirror; you are 10 metres from the mirror and roughly in line with the light, so that you can see the light in the mirror when the light is switched on. The light is switched on at midnight. How long till you see it?

Answer: the light has to travel a total of 30 metres before it reaches your eye. Light travels roughly 300,000,000 metres per second through air so it will be 0.0000001 seconds before you see it. That is 100 nanoseconds.
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

If time isn't a factor then the standard explanation for refraction doesn't hold. If time is not a factor and the altered image is created instantly then it could not be effected by the speed of light passing through a lens, as optics and afferent vision says. Yet we know what the effects of lens are, how can these effects be explained in efferent vision?
Why am I naked and sticky?... Did I miss something fun?
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl
If he can see the object (we're working this backwards) then the light has to be at the eye instantly (just like with the candle).
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Great, but you still need to explain how the light gets to the eye in keeping with the known and immutable properties of light.
I did over a hundred times. Efferent vision.
Efferent vision is the idea you need to explain, it is not an explanation at all.
I have LadyShea and it's no worse in explanation than what science uses to explain afferent vision. Really truly.
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Science uses optics to explain afferent vision. Are you saying your dishonest weaseling, and Lessans handful of paragraphs, is equal in explanatory power to an entire branch of physics -representing the work of thousands of scientists- with mountains of data and evidence and detailed explanations of every aspect and factor?
My father gave credit where it was due. He didn't take anything away from anyone, but if something is wrong with a basic assumption, then the whole kit and caboodle needs to be reanalyzed. Naming the parts of the eye and what each part does is very enlightening, but the danger here is taking these observations and coming to conclusions about how the eyes work in conjunction with the brain that has not been conclusively established. This is open territory and all of the data gathered thus far does not prove delayed time seeing. Supporting evidence can also contain confirmation bias especially when the basic premise (that the eyes are a sense organ) is no longer thought to be a theory.

Originally Posted by LadyShea
Anyway, you've repeatedly said, optics works the same way in efferent vision, and efferent vision doesn't change optics. Why do you keep saying things like that when you do not believe it to be true?
Optics does work the same way, and we do get information from the properties of light. The only difference is whether we create the image from light, or we see the real object from light. This does not change GPS systems or the slight correction due to the difference in clock time.

So much is based on conjecture that to think this issue is a done deal is a joke. I don't care what they say on paper; it's still a theory and all alternate claims have to be taken into account. The fact that you disregard Lessans' claims outright should be lauded as BULLSHIT OF THE YEAR. George Carlin thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom. :)
Originally Posted by LadyShea
:lol: you are such a Weasel.
I'm really not. I'm just asking you to delay your premature judgments which you have a hard time doing.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
You have to understand the efferent account. The light is not bringing us anything. We are using the light to see. Magnification is consistent with this account because optics is consistent with this account. But time is not a factor because, once again, we're not waiting for the light to arrive to get the information. We are seeing the real object due to light's presence. Light is a condition of sight; it is not a cause of sight.
The actual bug and the magnified image of the bug are different sizes. If we were seeing the actual bug and the light was merely revealing it wouldn't we be seeing it in its actual size?
No Angakuk because optics works the same way. We are seeing through the light, and if the lens is convex which bends the light, the light would magnify the bug.
That doesn't explain at all how magnification works in efferent vision, or how it is compatible with your statement "We are seeing the real object due to light's presence".

You are simply re-stating how it works with the standard afferent model (which is what optics is), and in the standard model we are not seeing the real object at all...we are seeing a virtual image made of light.
In both models, we cannot see without light. We are using light in different ways but light is necessary in both accounts. In the efferent account it is that same bent light (due to the convex lens) that will cause the eyes to see the bug magnified. We are still seeing the bug in real time, just larger.
So do you agree that we are not seeing the "real object" at all, and therefore retract your statement?
I am not retracting my statement just because light travels. We would be seeing the bug magnified due to the type of lens that the light is striking. You still have no conception of why traveling light does not bring us the image apart from the object, do you?
In this particular segment, we were discussing a magnified image, and the efferent vision explanation for magnification. According to optics we are not seeing the real object at all...we are seeing a virtual image made of light when seeing something magnified. This is in contradiction to your statement "We are seeing the real object due to light's presence". So, do you maintain that claim or retract it? Either way, you have yet to explain magnification in the efferent model.

Vague references to "the type of lens" are not explanatory in any way.
LadyShea, you lose, seriously. You are working overtime to discredit Lessans and you will not win because he was right, and one day he will be given credit for being right. Your puny efforts are going to be looked at as someone who had an agenda based on what she thought was true and for that reason was determined to prove Lessans wrong because she was sure he was a crackpot. It's not going to work because he wasn't wrong. Keep trying LadyShea but you will end up with your tail between your legs, not Lessans.

Regardless of which direction we see, light is the conduit so we will not see a true to life image if the light is striking a convex lens. We will get an enlarged version, but it will still be in real time. This does not negate Lessans' claim even a little bit. Go back to your drawing board. :laugh:
Inability and refusal to respond to the question in a reasonable way is noted. You are dishonest, and I wonder if Lessans would have been proud of that.
I actually love your response because its ridiculous. Give it up LadyShea. Please go to all the other threads that may rock your boat, but please leave here. You will not win. I promise you. My father would have had a party knowing what I'm going through, so don't play this pity party game on me. You are a sneaky unforgiving all knowing bullshitter.
Lessans would have had a party to celebrate you being a liar. His character, according to you, is also noted :lol:
He taught me good character. If I purposely lied (which is a redundancy since lying implies an intent to deceive), he wouldn't have liked that but he would have tried to understand what motivated me to lie. I'm sure he would have liked that I stood up for his work which is more important than you will ever know.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Before proceeding to our presentation it is imperative that you forget all preconceived notions of what you think you know. Enter here with an open mind and be prepared to be amazed. We do not expect all that enter this portal to be convinced that everything we say is true, but take a moment to examine the evidence we provide, and think on it for a spell. We guarantee that you will never look at the old black and white NASA moon the same way again.
For decades you have been shown that the Moon is a dull lifeless world, in fact organizations like the USGS and NASA have even gone out of their way to keep this myth alive with images like the one below... The Enigmas on the Moon - Intro - Photos Taken in Space
Wow, the similarity in writing style between these guys and Lessans is uncanny. Forget all your preconceived notions and prepare to be amazed! It's like word for word.

No wonder peacegirl adores crackpots, they remind her of Lessans.
Maybe this is just how genius's talk. :D


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:37 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by But View Post
Originally Posted by davidm View Post

It accepts submissions without requiring authors to have an academic affiliation and without any threshold for quality.
:lol: No shit!

Hey, peacegirl, this is the place for Daddy's book! Submit, submit!
Absolutely! What's missing there is a paper on efferent vision.


viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1404.0121, Russian Sleep Weapon
viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1407.0120, “Here and Now” as a Virtual High Energy Particle. Mass of the “Here and Now”
viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1406.0126, Rocks and Minerals are Electron Degenerate Matter
viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1406.0082, Numerological Formula for the Mass of the Proton
I am not going to make any submissions because it will be associated with crackpottery.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-11-2014, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post

There is no transfer of information that goes faster than the speed of light because light is not bringing any information. If you had understood anything, you would have seen that this doesn't even relate.

You are such a treasure trove of trash. Every time you let your yap fly open, the Stupid falls out.

The change of the state of the sun from OFF to ON in Lessans' scenario is information by definition.

When we learn the sun has been turned on, we are, uh, INFORMED of something! Lessans posits this information is transmitted instantaneously. This violates relativity theory by definition.
I don't know what you think transfer of information is but it's not the same as mine.
It was explained very clearly when he said "The change of the state of the sun from OFF to ON in Lessans' scenario is information by definition".

If you see something, information has been transferred from that object to your brain. Information such as "there is an object" (a 1 rather than a 0), further information transferred via vision are the visual properties of what you are seeing...color, shape, distance, size. The transfer comes from the fact that you are separate from the object you are seeing...information from X is gained by Y.
Right, but there is a presumption that we are getting information through the speed of light and nothing travels faster than this. I'm sorry but it doesn't even apply. You're just grasping at straws.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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