Best Thread Titles of 2007
Posted 12-10-2008 at 10:13 PM by Crumb
I just want to put this here for posterity sake.
Congrats to all of last years winners and good luck in the soon to arrive 2008 contest.
Here are the monthly Best Thread Title winners from 2007:
The Best
Thread Title of 2007 is:

Here are the monthly Best Thread Title winners from 2007:
- Jan/Feb 2007 - The Hoohaa Monologues by livius drusus
- March 2007 - Fuck you and your gentle reminder! by Waluigi
- April 2007 - 27 degrees, said the thermometer, and I went topless. - California Tanker & For Those About To Wok - Johnny Pneumatic
- May 2007 - Dowsing for pee by Clutch Munny
- June 2007 - Urine Trouble for Pissing Off Train - Dingfod & Whoops, that was supposed to be freakin' brilliant. by Sock Puppet
- July 2007 - I'm gonna eat it whether I can pronounce it or not. Bastards. by Sock Puppet
- August 2007 - Nobody goes to my site because I'm ugly by lisarea
- September 2007 - Nigel's cut in line! Quick everyone, mutter loudly! by Uthgar the Brazen
- October 2007 - My cat just called me an 'asshole' by Brimshack
- November 2007 - WOOOOOOOO! by livius drusus
- December 2007 - Fuck you Grandma!: A vent by LadyShea
The Best

My cat just called me an 'asshole' by Brimshack
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