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Sock Puppet
Yesterday 09:31 PM
Seen any crappy movies?
I was interested in seeing a few of those (the only one I've seen is Longlegs, because the Li'l Puppet is a Nic Cage and weird movie fan), so thanks, Mr. Reasons! Looks like I'll check out Doctor... (386,224 views, 923 replies)
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Yesterday 07:55 PM
Counting game (images)
https://live.staticflickr.co m/4207/35044117020_1819d329 3e.jpg (710,504 views, 4,718 replies)
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Yesterday 06:26 PM
Sudoffle #955 Sudoffle ⬛ 0 🟨 0 ⏲️ 5m5s Sudoffle (251,633 views, 2,564 replies)

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