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Old 07-20-2012, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

Use your imagination, bort.
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Old 07-22-2012, 09:31 AM
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Now it's my turn.

Dark Knight Rises

For those among us who are devotees of Batman or Christopher Nolan, there is like nothing anyone could say that would dissuade you from seeing DKR. As a corollary, if you didn't like the previous movies there's probably nothing I could say that would encourage you to see it. What Nolan et al have done is create a trilogy. A great one at that. Three very good movies that happen to be about a well known and loved comic book character. He's taken elements that already existed within the canon of that character, given it a little shake and poured out something that is, at a minimum, the equal to any other single story of the canon.

As an imperfect comparison, DKR was a little bit like Spider-Man 3. There was a lot going on. A lot of pieces that needed to be moved around the board. A lot of action needed to happen. And a lot of story that needed telling. Where the two franchises differ is that for everything that Spider-Man 3 did wrong, DKR did right.

Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Bane's voice. George Lucas has a lot to answer for but he got one thing right. If you need to redub all the vocals for your main villain, think James Earl Jones, not whatever Nolan was thinking.
I wasn't as bothered by this. I do remember how he sounded in the first trailers, and it was terrible. His redubbing of the lines makes Bane easier to understand but at the same time it's obvious that it was studio work and not in the environment.

Originally Posted by Janet View Post
My second issue is actually an issue with Batman films in general. Far too many people find out, work out or get told who Batman really is. Amazing that the comic books have gone for decades and the animated series for years without anyone finding out but film-makers can't go three hours without it.
In this final movie there are five people who know the secret. Lucius knows because he's the one giving Bruce all the toys. Bane knows because he knows. (I can't say more.) Selina knows because she was there when Bane revealed that he knew. She might've eventually figured it out on her own but not because she was trying. Blake made an assumption based on a guess and maybe some correlation to other things - he's the only person who figured it out on his own. Gordon was given a very explicit clue. That's still pretty good odds given that most of the police force was trying to figure it out.

Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Bane - Here you got Bane the master strategist, not just Bane the 'roided out venom junkie. In fact, venom doesn't get mentioned at all. You also got to see the iconic Bane moments fans were hoping for.

Catwoman - I went into this very skeptical about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, but by the end of the film she'd completely won me over. She give us a Catwoman whose not quite noble enough to be a hero, yet not quite cynical enough to be a villain and unable to completely commit to either. I think she nailed it.
You are very smart and I agree with everything you say. I will add that Joseph Gordon Levitt was great in his role. Blake was a well drawn character and JGL was fantastic. I have a niggle about where he ended up, but it's little.
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Old 07-24-2012, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

I think where people don't like TDKR is because they go in thinking it's a Batman movie (a la TDK, where Good vs Evil face off). It's not. It's the last chapter in the evolution of Bruce Wayne. Go in with that in mind and you'll come out quite satisfied. Go in expecting "Batman vs. Bane" to top "Batman vs. Joker", and you'll be somewhat disappointed.

Larger-than-life Bane is one road block. In the end, like in the Knightfall comic series, the story is about decisions and their consequences on many, many, levels. There is a metric fuckton of closure that I didn't expect.

And the rope is totally a symbol of white male privilege :P
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Old 07-24-2012, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

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Old 07-25-2012, 12:54 AM
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Godzilla vs. Monster Zero or more accurately since I watched the Japanese version,Invasion of the Astro Monster.

I think everyone pretty much agrees that Monster Zero is one of the best Godzilla movies every. It's certainly one of my favorites, but after watching again last night I'm wondering why. It takes a surprisingly long time to get to the smashing stuff up point.

I also realized that it's the moment Godzilla turns camp. The first evidence of this is the jig Godzilla dances after beating Ghidorah for the first time. The other is a line that's never bothered me before. As they are leaving the monsters on Planet X, the American astronaut says he's not sure they are doing the right thing because Godzilla and Rodan look resentful. First off, of course they're resentful! You just left them on a planet with no way to get home. Resentful is putting it mildly. Second, we care about Godzilla's feefees now? When did this happen? This creature has been murdering people and destroying cities and you're worried about its feelings? No, just no.

And that's where Godzilla went wrong. From there it was a tiny step to baby Godzilla and laser smoke rings.
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Old 07-25-2012, 02:01 AM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

I dunno where you heard that was one of the best. I've only seen one star reviews of Monster Zero. It does have more ambition than most Godzilla films, but it doesn't deliver on it. The Three-Headed Monster is better (not that it's great).
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Old 07-25-2012, 09:09 AM
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The 1975 original, of course. I'd seen it before, around ten years ago, and I'd forgotten a lot of it.
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Old 07-26-2012, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Sock Puppet View Post
I dunno where you heard that was one of the best. I've only seen one star reviews of Monster Zero. It does have more ambition than most Godzilla films, but it doesn't deliver on it. The Three-Headed Monster is better (not that it's great).
Everyone I know thinks it's one of the greats. It must also have a certain prominence in Japan since they brought back the aliens from Planet X for Godzilla: Final Wars.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have realized that Ghidorah is probably my favorite monster because he's one who never helped humanity. I do love a good villain.
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Old 07-26-2012, 07:10 AM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

The Dark Knight Rises left me seriously underwhelmed. At least 30 min. before the end of the movie I was wishing it would be over. Too many plot holes, the story too over the top to fit with the two previous films.

I did like some details, like the twist.
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Old 07-26-2012, 07:33 AM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

Originally Posted by Kashmir View Post
The Dark Knight Rises left me seriously underwhelmed. At least 30 min. before the end of the movie I was wishing it would be over. Too many plot holes, the story too over the top to fit with the two previous films.
Too over the top compared to The Dark Knight?

Sure, the Joker doesn't threaten to blow up the whole city, but he predicts most every move from Batman and the authorities, has an endless supply of henchmen willing to die for him and has no hiccups in setting up elaborate sets of dominoes multiple times.
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Old 07-26-2012, 02:39 PM
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What bugged me most about DKR in retrospect was Alfred's behavior. Without spoiling anything, his actions in the second half of the film only make sense to fit the plot, not his character. Also, while I think Nolan understands the villains better than most, I really don't think he gets Batman as a character. But I accept that there have been and are a ton of people with different takes on the character working on Batman over the years and I can accept that I might be wrong in this case.

I don't really believe I am wrong, but I'd be willing to listen to a strong case to the contrary. And then, when said person had made their case, I'd say, "No. BTAS had it right and you are wrong and always will be." I'm just stubborn like that.
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Old 07-27-2012, 01:11 AM
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Originally Posted by erimir View Post
Too over the top compared to The Dark Knight?

Sure, the Joker doesn't threaten to blow up the whole city, but he predicts most every move from Batman and the authorities, has an endless supply of henchmen willing to die for him and has no hiccups in setting up elaborate sets of dominoes multiple times.

It wasn't the threat to the whole city, which of course happens in the first film, it's how it's treated; that combined with various other things, for examples
really took me out of the movie. It broke my suspension of disbelief, then stomped on it with Selina's heel-blades.
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Old 07-27-2012, 02:00 AM
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It wasn't the threat to the whole city, which of course happens in the first film, it's how it's treated; that combined with various other things, for examples
really took me out of the movie. It broke my suspension of disbelief, then stomped on it with Selina's heel-blades.

Last edited by erimir; 07-27-2012 at 02:22 AM.
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Old 07-27-2012, 03:18 AM
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Old 07-27-2012, 04:27 AM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

Eh, if you think Batman can't do that, then you have more of a problem with the whole idea of Batman than you do with the plot of the movie specifically.

Batman is well-established as being very resourceful and stealthy. He's not doing something physically impossible, nor something I wouldn't expect him to be able to do in the comics or the animated series, etc.

Obviously Batman is a very unrealistic character, being so good at so many things - he's an excellent fighter, acrobat, spy, inventor, excellent marksman whether shooting or throwing, high-speed chase driver, escape artist, lock pick, knowledgeable about most areas of science, technology, bombs, etc. and he speaks multiple languages.

While just how good he is at those things varies from portrayal to portrayal, you know that's what you're getting into with a Batman story. Just like you're not going to question that Superman doesn't get hurt by bullets.

So, yeah, I think you're making way too big of a deal out of that. Unless, as I said, your problem is with the character of Batman more generally.
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Old 07-27-2012, 02:51 PM
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Mr. Moto's Last Warning - I know that Mr. Moto movies are questionable, what with the yellow-face and all. I've been reluctant to watch them for just that reason, despite my appreciation for Peter Lorre. From what's been showing up at my house, I must have been on a George Sanders binge one day and tossed this in my queue along with the others.

So here's the thing, Mr. Moto is totally awesome! Seriously, great character beautifully played by Peter Lorre. I've put every other Mr. Moto movie Netflix has into my queue and checked out the books we have from the library. I really wish someone would remake them all with a Japanese actor so everyone could see how awesome a character he really is.
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Old 07-27-2012, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

Originally Posted by erimir View Post
Eh, if you think Batman can't do that, then you have more of a problem with the whole idea of Batman than you do with the plot of the movie specifically.

Batman is well-established as being very resourceful and stealthy. He's not doing something physically impossible, nor something I wouldn't expect him to be able to do in the comics or the animated series, etc.
Aye, but which Batman?

I wouldn't have a problem with it if it didn't conflict with the "realistic" world that Nolan previously established. It's not the cartoon, it's not the comics, it's not the Burton films.

If Saving Private Ryan had Rambo shit in it, it would take you out of the movie, wouldn't it?


Really though, this plot hole only took me out of the movie a little bit. The other problems I've mentioned, and some I haven't, were what really did it.
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Old 07-29-2012, 05:08 PM
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Saw The Dark Knight Rises last night in IMAX. I enjoyed it very much both as a comic book and a movie fan.

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Old 08-01-2012, 12:35 AM
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:03 PM
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Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

I finally got to see The Dark Knight Rises. Overall, I quite liked it. There were a couple of things that bothered me, though.

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Old 08-16-2012, 12:42 AM
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Old 08-16-2012, 04:07 AM
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Old 08-16-2012, 09:30 PM
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I always hated hearing people repeat that lie from Dark Knight as if it were supposed to be something we believed about The Joker, and yes, I have seen people do that. The character says he isn't a planner when he's in the midst of a ridiculously elaborate plan and soon to start on a more elaborate one, i.e. the thing with the ferries. Why would anyone, including Dent, believe him?
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Old 08-16-2012, 10:41 PM
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The Joker correctly identified himself as an agent of chaos. The heist in the beginning of the film should be the only evidence one needs to know how meticulous the Joker was. The scary part is he almost succeeded at every turn, and his one failure was by the skin of his teeth. He neatly dismantled Gotham's executive and judicial systems, broke the confidence that the people had in the same, turned Gotham's shining star into a vile mockery of justice, and though Batman didn't break his one rule, he did violate everyone's first amendment rights so he wouldn't have to break that rule.
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Old 08-17-2012, 05:48 PM
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If you think killing one judge and almost killing a mayor equates to dismantling the executive and judicial systems of a city, you've never lived in a big, corrupt city.
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