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Old 08-29-2013, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
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Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
He's probably trying to help you for the same reasons that I did. On our planet when people want to get things done they get a plan together and go do it without a lot of fuss and bother. Things just don't work here like they do on your world if all someone does is flail around and whine and waste time being a drama queen.
I don't mind him helping me, but if you read his posts he can't help but get his little digs in, which I won't tolerate. You wouldn't either.
Amazing how someone with all this mathematical, undeniable, completely scientific truth on their side can nevertheless be so sensitive to any hint of sarcasm as to become utterly incapable of getting their point across at the merest whiff of its presence. You would think that it would be trivially simple to just respond with devastatingly self-evident truth, perhaps leavened by a modicum of wit, and thus render us all to begrudgingly respectful silence.

You truly are a creature of excuses. You surround yourself with them, a protective layer of them seems to be present at all times between you and reality.
Any hint of sarcasm? I've been bombarded with every kind of verbal attack you can think of. My nerve endings are raw from it, and therefore it's no wonder I am a little rough at the edges. You would be too. I don't think a lot of people in my position could deal with the kind of vitriol that I've experienced in here.
You repeatedly come here of your very own volition without coercion, so complaining about the people here makes you seem insane. Or like you have a martyr complex.
The funny thing is you keep answering me. If I'm insane, then you must be too. :D


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-29-2013, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

1: Create your value-statement

I would think this book would be valuable to anyone searching for answers to the problems of our world. I don't see anything wrong with what is already on the website. In fact, I might use this as a press release.
This paragraph is too woolly, and does not really tell us clearly why someone should buy THIS book. You can expand later, based on it, but the whole idea is of a single, short paragraph that answers the question shy someone should select YOUR product. I would revise it.

2: Decide on the keywords that you want to use.

This is a tough one because people would be drawn to it if I included keywords related to marriage and children, but it could be misleading due to the fact that this doesn't come until later in the book.
It sure is. There does not seem to be a "Saving the earth" category.

However, you have made quite a few claims about this book:

- It saves marriages
- It makes relationships honest
- It makes people honest
- It brings out universal benevolence and happiness
- Makes people happy
- Ends war
- Ends poverty

We could go on all day. Try to think along those lines. Let us not worry over-much about misleading people. Most people are pretty hard to fool. And let us be honest: these are the things you claim.

3: Re-edit your book and get it set up on Lulu.

I wish I could re-edit the book but it's too late for that. I am just too tired, and no matter how you slice it people are either going to be interested or they're not. It is a nurturing book that has nothing in it but information that will help mankind. Taking out controversial parts won't do a damn thing if someone has already made up his mind that the book has no value. That is not the kind of person that should be reading it then. Are you telling me to take out his discovery on the eyes because it's controversial? :glare: I sort of agree with you that keywords are important. I need help here. I also agree with you that I should put my effort in reaching people who are interested in this subject matter such as the groups you mentioned.
Nonsense. Laziness, self-sabotage, and more of your interminable excuses. What you are telling me is "I'd save the world, but I am too tired to edit a book". Good grief. There is a problem. It needs fixing if you want to move forward.

Hmmm, I am curious what the company I'm using charges for 150 pages. I will have to ask my rep and compare. I really don't see how I could divide the book up into separate books without ruining the integrity. Each chapter leads into the next. Even if someone bought all four books it would still be a lot less than what my company is charging. :sadcheer:
You really seem to be one of those glass-half-empty people who go looking for the first obstacle they can find so they can justify throwing in the towel, which is what they wanted to do in the first place.

50 dollar books don't sell as a rule, unless they are specific types. You have edited your way right into marketing death. Fix it or not: that is up to you. But do not refuse to fix a problem of your own making and then blame the world for not sorting it out for you.

4: Re-design your website from the ground up.

Thanks. Your advice seems sincere, for once. Keep it up and we'll actually get along. :yup:
Don't worry. I'll say something to piss you off again soon enough.

5: Based on your value-statement and keeping in mind the keywords you have selected, begin to generate some content for your site.

I have to do this with a web designer. Once I find someone to work with I can rearrange things, add new content using keywords, and try to capture people's interest without giving too much information. It may scare them away. :(
No, web designers just place content and do the fiddly bits. They don't write it. This is the mistake you made the last time, and you ended up with a real stinkburger. You need to do the work first.

Or hey - learn to do it yourself! You can have a dozen different websites that way for next to nothing so you can try as many different approaches. It is not hard. If it was, webdesigners would not be able to do it. Trust me, I know loads. They are all freeloading hacks who sell the same lame old stuff over and over and charge a mint because everyone thinks it is difficult to do. Seriously, it is like being the only person in a whole town who knows how to change a lightbulb.

I would say this is all achievable in about 2 weeks, and that is assuming you can only spend a few hours on it every working day, with say an afternoon on weekends. Point 5 will take a bit longer, but that is fine as we can continually update the site with more content.

What do you mean more content? More selling points? I already have too much content on there.
Content. Something for people to read, think about, maybe interact with and respond to. Write applications of your book to real-live situations, blog entries that talk about a specific part of it... anything. Write material about the book. You really have far too little: there is nothing there to capture someone's interest. There is next to nothing on there for people to engage with.

Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? You're really going out of your way to help me, which I appreciate but am having a hard time getting use to. :cool: I was looking at a lot of peace sites that might be interested in exchanging links. Just remember that I'm in nursery school when it comes to this stuff, so it's going to take some time but I am determined.
Oh do not get me wrong: I do not have the slightest bit of respect for the way you argue about your ill-informed home-baked religionette, especially the feeble attempts at emotional blackmail.

But I reckon that I can at least try to keep you from getting ripped off again, and perhaps something productive can come out of your unfortunate obsession.

I do want to pursue these goals, but I had to feel good about the book. I have done the best I can so I'm ready to move on to the marketing phase.

But nothing significant has changed between last year and now. You would have saved the world earlier, but you didn't quite feel in the right mood? And this past year has been... what? Necessary editorial work? You could have written a new book in the time it took you.

Moods are for cattle and lovemaking. I read that in a book somewhere I think.

The way you described the plan, it seems very doable, but still is going to take some hard work in the beginning. I do like your ideas.
Hard work hard schmork. A few determined afternoons will get the majority of it done in one go. What do you do all day if some simple tasks like this seem hard work to you? Besides, this is supposed to be your calling, your Big Thing. Seriously, if this is determination, I hope you never lose it. You would probably slip into a coma or something.

You come up with some excuses for not doing anything, but I don't think they are very good ones: The book is actually written as an explanation of the ideas for ordinary people: it requires no technical knowledge so your comparison to Einsteins theoretical physics is not a very good one.
It does require some understanding of the free will/determinism debate (I believe)[/QUOTE]

Thats not what the book says.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nor is it true that you had nothing to sell and nowhere to sell it: you had books for ages, and before that you had PDF files you could easily have sold or otherwise distributed. By the same token that website of yours has been around for months and months now.
Let me reiterate that this has taken me a long time to compile. Everything was necessary. Saying what I could have done is not helpful. I am where I am now, and I'm moving forward.
Oh please. You were posting portions in PDF version years ago. If that is your idea of an acceptable level of productivity, then you should fire yourself.

I don't like the fact that Lulu does not have good phone support. Trafford has been excellent in that regard. I only have good things to say about them.
... but they put together an unsellable book for you. I am glad that you enjoy talking on the phone to them, but I do not think the collaboration has really worked out. How much did you pay them for the privilege?

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I get the feeling you are really not interested in any of it. That you would rather sit around dreaming of a miracle in stead of pursuing this goal you claim to have. The problem is that this does not match up at all with the things you say or claim.
Not true at all. I am pursuing this goal with determination. I've just had a lost feeling about how to go about it with the small budget at my disposal. I like a lot of your ideas. I should copy them and put them in my documents for easy reference. Thanks Vivisectus. You put a lot of time and thought into this post and I appreciate it! :wink:
Good luck. Let me know how you get on.
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Old 08-29-2013, 08:47 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
She won't recall, of course -- with her it's always in one ear, out the other -- but I wrote her a very nice statement hawking the book, artfully done to make it seem attractive while concealing the details of its dreadful content. Oh, well, another opportunity missed!
I sort of liked your statement. Can you remember it? I didn't save it.

Originally Posted by Davidm
She also missed the opportunity to make the acquaintance of Wayne Stewart, whose claims about what happens after we die are exactly in accord with those of Lessans. Oh, well, another missed opportunity! Rather than actually try to market this book and make alliances with others who would support and promote at least one of her father's three non-discoveries, she'd rather waste time with big meanies like us. One can only wonder why.

I think she missed her chance with Wayne, as I doubt he'll be back after his claim was, shall we say, thoroughly deconstructed in the spin-off thread.
I don't think his philosophy is in accord with Lessans because in Lessans' explanation of what happens after death there is no existential passage of any kind. EP implies something in one person being physically transformed into another. Anyway, he wouldn't be interested because he has his own beliefs and it's hard to listen to that of another when you are already invested in your own. Maybe I'm wrong here, but that's what I have experienced.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-29-2013, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
He's probably trying to help you for the same reasons that I did. On our planet when people want to get things done they get a plan together and go do it without a lot of fuss and bother. Things just don't work here like they do on your world if all someone does is flail around and whine and waste time being a drama queen.
I don't mind him helping me, but if you read his posts he can't help but get his little digs in, which I won't tolerate. You wouldn't either.
Amazing how someone with all this mathematical, undeniable, completely scientific truth on their side can nevertheless be so sensitive to any hint of sarcasm as to become utterly incapable of getting their point across at the merest whiff of its presence. You would think that it would be trivially simple to just respond with devastatingly self-evident truth, perhaps leavened by a modicum of wit, and thus render us all to begrudgingly respectful silence.

You truly are a creature of excuses. You surround yourself with them, a protective layer of them seems to be present at all times between you and reality.
Any hint of sarcasm? I've been bombarded with every kind of verbal attack you can think of. My nerve endings are raw from it, and therefore it's no wonder I am a little rough at the edges. You would be too. I don't think a lot of people in my position could deal with the kind of vitriol that I've experienced in here.
That is because of your dishonest way of arguing, the blathering, the flip-flopping, the goalpost moving, the Lying for Lessans... you have received the respect you have shown others, really.
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Old 08-29-2013, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
...but in reality there is no such thing as the future (we can't arrive in the future); we only have the present.
Then there can be no such thing as future evidence that will vindicate Lessans. All there is is the present, and in the present all the evidence universally opposes his claims.
Of course I can. These are concepts that can be used in the present. When I think of the future or past, I am doing this in the present. I can quite enjoyably think about the time when Lessans will be vindicated, and this has no bearing on the truth that only the present exists.
Then in addition to indulging your imagination and living in a wish-fulfillment fantasy world, you are also agreeing that the future exists. No future, then no future evidence.
video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
1: Create your value-statement

I would think this book would be valuable to anyone searching for answers to the problems of our world. I don't see anything wrong with what is already on the website. In fact, I might use this as a press release.
This paragraph is too woolly, and does not really tell us clearly why someone should buy THIS book. You can expand later, based on it, but the whole idea is of a single, short paragraph that answers the question shy someone should select YOUR product. I would revise it.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
2: Decide on the keywords that you want to use.
This is a tough one because people would be drawn to it if I included keywords related to marriage and children, but it could be misleading due to the fact that this doesn't come until later in the book.[/B][/I]
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
It sure is. There does not seem to be a "Saving the earth" category.

However, you have made quite a few claims about this book:

- It saves marriages
- It makes relationships honest
- It makes people honest
- It brings out universal benevolence and happiness
- Makes people happy
- Ends war
- Ends poverty

We could go on all day. Try to think along those lines. Let us not worry over-much about misleading people. Most people are pretty hard to fool. And let us be honest: these are the things you claim.
If it's not misleading, I could add a lot of keywords related to these topics. It would add a lot of spice and would probably get a broader audience.

3: Re-edit your book and get it set up on Lulu.

I wish I could re-edit the book but it's too late for that. I am just too tired, and no matter how you slice it people are either going to be interested or they're not. It is a nurturing book that has nothing in it but information that will help mankind. Taking out controversial parts won't do a damn thing if someone has already made up his mind that the book has no value. That is not the kind of person that should be reading it then. Are you telling me to take out his discovery on the eyes because it's controversial? :glare: I sort of agree with you that keywords are important. I need help here. I also agree with you that I should put my effort in reaching people who are interested in this subject matter such as the groups you mentioned.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nonsense. Laziness, self-sabotage, and more of your interminable excuses. What you are telling me is "I'd save the world, but I am too tired to edit a book". Good grief. There is a problem. It needs fixing if you want to move forward.
I don't think it does need fixing. I worked hard on this book to clarify the concepts, and I think I did a good job. I anticipated the questions that I believed people would have in order that I leave no gap in their understanding.

Hmmm, I am curious what the company I'm using charges for 150 pages. I will have to ask my rep and compare. I really don't see how I could divide the book up into separate books without ruining the integrity. Each chapter leads into the next. Even if someone bought all four books it would still be a lot less than what my company is charging. :sadcheer:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
You really seem to be one of those glass-half-empty people who go looking for the first obstacle they can find so they can justify throwing in the towel, which is what they wanted to do in the first place.

50 dollar books don't sell as a rule, unless they are specific types. You have edited your way right into marketing death. Fix it or not: that is up to you. But do not refuse to fix a problem of your own making and then blame the world for not sorting it out for you.
I am satisfied with the book. When it was only 144 pages people complained so he reduced it to 89 pages. Then people said it was too simplified. He couldn't win. I tried to clarify his concepts by giving more detailed examples. I used my own noodle, and I believe it's well written. I did the best I can, and that's all I can ask of myself.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
4: Re-design your website from the ground up.
Thanks. Your advice seems sincere for once. Keep it up and we'll actually get along. :yup:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Don't worry. I'll say something to piss you off again soon enough.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
]5: Based on your value-statement and keeping in mind the keywords you have selected, begin to generate some content for your site.
I have to do this with a web designer. Once I find someone to work with I can rearrange things, add new content using keywords, and try to capture people's interest without giving too much information. It may scare them away. :([
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
No, web designers just place content and do the fiddly bits. They don't write it. This is the mistake you made the last time, and you ended up with a real stinkburger. You need to do the work first.

Or hey - learn to do it yourself! You can have a dozen different websites that way for next to nothing so you can try as many different approaches. It is not hard. If it was, webdesigners would not be able to do it. Trust me, I know loads. They are all freeloading hacks who sell the same lame old stuff over and over and charge a mint because everyone thinks it is difficult to do. Seriously, it is like being the only person in a whole town who knows how to change a lightbulb.
You're funny. :) The problem is I don't know wordpress at all. I have to take a course because I'm better at hands-on learning.

I would say this is all achievable in about 2 weeks, and that is assuming you can only spend a few hours on it every working day, with say an afternoon on weekends. Point 5 will take a bit longer, but that is fine as we can continually update the site with more content.
What do you mean more content? More selling points? I already have too much content on there.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Content. Something for people to read, think about, maybe interact with and respond to. Write applications of your book to real-live situations, blog entries that talk about a specific part of it... anything. Write material about the book. You really have far too little: there is nothing there to capture someone's interest. There is next to nothing on there for people to engage with.
How can I do that when they don't understand the foundational principles? I guess that would be okay; I see it all the time...people offering promises as a selling point.

Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? You're really going out of your way to help me, which I appreciate but am having a hard time getting use to. :cool: I was looking at a lot of peace sites that might be interested in exchanging links. Just remember that I'm in nursery school when it comes to this stuff, so it's going to take some time but I am determined.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Oh do not get me wrong: I do not have the slightest bit of respect for the way you argue about your ill-informed home-baked religionette, especially the feeble attempts at emotional blackmail.
Where am I blackmailing you emotionally? I don't expect anything from you, so any good advice is like icing on the cake. :)

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I reckon that I can at least try to keep you from getting ripped off again, and perhaps something productive can come out of your unfortunate obsession.
You're already back to your old ways? Your good behavior didn't even last half a day! :yawn:

I do want to pursue these goals, but I had to feel good about the book. I have done the best I can so I'm ready to move on to the marketing phase.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus

But nothing significant has changed between last year and now. You would have saved the world earlier, but you didn't quite feel in the right mood? And this past year has been... what? Necessary editorial work? You could have written a new book in the time it took you.

Moods are for cattle and lovemaking. I read that in a book somewhere I think.
This saying is very appropos: Walk a mile in my shoes and then you would understand my position. Until then, please keep your criticisms to a minimum.

The way you described the plan, it seems very doable, but still is going to take some hard work in the beginning. I do like your ideas.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Hard work hard schmork. A few determined afternoons will get the majority of it done in one go. What do you do all day if some simple tasks like this seem hard work to you? Besides, this is supposed to be your calling, your Big Thing. Seriously, if this is determination, I hope you never lose it. You would probably slip into a coma or something.
Vivisectus, I have just spent a lot of years polishing this book. The marketing aspect is not my forte. I am inviting people to give me advice for this reason. But it's not that easy for me to get this going without help. As I stated, I don't know wordpress at all. I don't know how to use the dashboard even. It's all very new to me. Can't you give me a break?

You come up with some excuses for not doing anything, but I don't think they are very good ones: The book is actually written as an explanation of the ideas for ordinary people: it requires no technical knowledge so your comparison to Einsteins theoretical physics is not a very good one.
It does require some understanding of the free will/determinism debate (I believe)
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Thats not what the book says.
That's true but when I say it can improve marriage (which it can) but they start reading about determinism, they may think they bought the wrong book. I don't want people to be misled.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nor is it true that you had nothing to sell and nowhere to sell it: you had books for ages, and before that you had PDF files you could easily have sold or otherwise distributed. By the same token that website of yours has been around for months and months now.
Let me reiterate that this has taken me a long time to compile. Everything was necessary. Saying what I could have done is not helpful. I am where I am now, and I'm moving forward.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Oh please. You were posting portions in PDF version years ago. If that is your idea of an acceptable level of productivity, then you should fire yourself.
But that pdf was not a finished product which I didn't know at the time.

I don't like the fact that Lulu does not have good phone support. Trafford has been excellent in that regard. I only have good things to say about them.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
... but they put together an unsellable book for you. I am glad that you enjoy talking on the phone to them, but I do not think the collaboration has really worked out. How much did you pay them for the privilege?
Nothing. The customer service is out of the Phillipines. I have never met such a polite group of people in my life.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I get the feeling you are really not interested in any of it. That you would rather sit around dreaming of a miracle in stead of pursuing this goal you claim to have. The problem is that this does not match up at all with the things you say or claim.
Not true at all. I am pursuing this goal with determination. I've just had a lost feeling about how to go about it with the small budget at my disposal. I like a lot of your ideas. I should copy them and put them in my documents for easy reference. Thanks Vivisectus. You put a lot of time and thought into this post and I appreciate it! :wink:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Good luck. Let me know how you get on.
I will. It all seems very overwhelming which is probably why I took a break and came back to the forum. Researching this topic and learning how to apply what I have learned is a course in itself.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

There have been a lot of complaints with Lulu. And the savings would not be that great: $34 (for a 600 page book) versus $39.
Excuses excuses. You want to just keep doing what you're doing even though it's not working. Vivisectus was right, you are waiting around for some miracle to happen.

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Old 08-29-2013, 09:34 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
...but in reality there is no such thing as the future (we can't arrive in the future); we only have the present.
Then there can be no such thing as future evidence that will vindicate Lessans. All there is is the present, and in the present all the evidence universally opposes his claims.
Of course I can. These are concepts that can be used in the present. When I think of the future or past, I am doing this in the present. I can quite enjoyably think about the time when Lessans will be vindicated, and this has no bearing on the truth that only the present exists.
Then in addition to indulging your imagination and living in a wish-fulfillment fantasy world, you are also agreeing that the future exists. No future, then no future evidence.
That is not true at all Spacemonkey. I can conceptualize about the past or future in the present. I can think about a future time when scientists will confirm this discovery. I can also anticipate his vindication, which will happen in the present whether we're here or not.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

I know there are complaints at every publishing company if you want to compare apples to apples. I know people who have been successful at Lulu, and I'm happy for them. All I can say is that I am not willing to take a chance on another company at this point. I did inquire about Lulu a few years back, and I didn't like that I couldn't have a detailed conversation with someone on the phone. There wasn't enough technical support and I didn't want to feel insecure about getting my questions answered. I have been with Trafford for over 10 years. Although there were a few mishaps when the ownership changed (my proof got lost), there have been no serious problems since, and I'm grateful for that.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Angakuk (08-30-2013)
Old 08-29-2013, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
He's probably trying to help you for the same reasons that I did. On our planet when people want to get things done they get a plan together and go do it without a lot of fuss and bother. Things just don't work here like they do on your world if all someone does is flail around and whine and waste time being a drama queen.
I don't mind him helping me, but if you read his posts he can't help but get his little digs in, which I won't tolerate. You wouldn't either.
Amazing how someone with all this mathematical, undeniable, completely scientific truth on their side can nevertheless be so sensitive to any hint of sarcasm as to become utterly incapable of getting their point across at the merest whiff of its presence. You would think that it would be trivially simple to just respond with devastatingly self-evident truth, perhaps leavened by a modicum of wit, and thus render us all to begrudgingly respectful silence.

You truly are a creature of excuses. You surround yourself with them, a protective layer of them seems to be present at all times between you and reality.
Any hint of sarcasm? I've been bombarded with every kind of verbal attack you can think of. My nerve endings are raw from it, and therefore it's no wonder I am a little rough at the edges. You would be too. I don't think a lot of people in my position could deal with the kind of vitriol that I've experienced in here.
You repeatedly come here of your very own volition without coercion, so complaining about the people here makes you seem insane. Or like you have a martyr complex.
The funny thing is you keep answering me. If I'm insane, then you must be too. :D
Um, except you don't see me complaining about how horribly I am treated all the time.
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
1: Create your value-statement

I would think this book would be valuable to anyone searching for answers to the problems of our world. I don't see anything wrong with what is already on the website. In fact, I might use this as a press release.
This paragraph is too woolly, and does not really tell us clearly why someone should buy THIS book. You can expand later, based on it, but the whole idea is of a single, short paragraph that answers the question shy someone should select YOUR product. I would revise it.

2: Decide on the keywords that you want to use.

This is a tough one because people would be drawn to it if I included keywords related to marriage and children, but it could be misleading due to the fact that this doesn't come until later in the book.
It sure is. There does not seem to be a "Saving the earth" category.

However, you have made quite a few claims about this book:

- It saves marriages
- It makes relationships honest
- It makes people honest
- It brings out universal benevolence and happiness
- Makes people happy
- Ends war
- Ends poverty

We could go on all day. Try to think along those lines. Let us not worry over-much about misleading people. Most people are pretty hard to fool. And let us be honest: these are the things you claim.[/quote]

If it's not misleading, I could add a lot of keywords related to these topics. It would add a lot of spice and would probably get a broader audience.

3: Re-edit your book and get it set up on Lulu.

I wish I could re-edit the book but it's too late for that. I am just too tired, and no matter how you slice it people are either going to be interested or they're not. It is a nurturing book that has nothing in it but information that will help mankind. Taking out controversial parts won't do a damn thing if someone has already made up his mind that the book has no value. That is not the kind of person that should be reading it then. Are you telling me to take out his discovery on the eyes because it's controversial? :glare: I sort of agree with you that keywords are important. I need help here. I also agree with you that I should put my effort in reaching people who are interested in this subject matter such as the groups you mentioned.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nonsense. Laziness, self-sabotage, and more of your interminable excuses. What you are telling me is "I'd save the world, but I am too tired to edit a book". Good grief. There is a problem. It needs fixing if you want to move forward.
I don't think it does need fixing. I worked hard on this book to clarify the concepts, and I think I did a good job. I anticipated the questions that I believed people would have in order that I leave no gap in their understanding.

Hmmm, I am curious what the company I'm using charges for 150 pages. I will have to ask my rep and compare. I really don't see how I could divide the book up into separate books without ruining the integrity. Each chapter leads into the next. Even if someone bought all four books it would still be a lot less than what my company is charging. :sadcheer:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
You really seem to be one of those glass-half-empty people who go looking for the first obstacle they can find so they can justify throwing in the towel, which is what they wanted to do in the first place.

50 dollar books don't sell as a rule, unless they are specific types. You have edited your way right into marketing death. Fix it or not: that is up to you. But do not refuse to fix a problem of your own making and then blame the world for not sorting it out for you.
I am satisfied with the book. When it was only 144 pages people complained so he reduced it to 89 pages. Then people said it was too simplified. He couldn't win. I tried to clarify his concepts by giving more detailed examples. I used my own noodle, and I believe it's well written. I did the best I can, and that's all I can ask of myself.

4: Re-design your website from the ground up.

Thanks. Your advice seems sincere, for once. Keep it up and we'll actually get along. :yup:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Don't worry. I'll say something to piss you off again soon enough.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
]5: Based on your value-statement and keeping in mind the keywords you have selected, begin to generate some content for your site.
I have to do this with a web designer. Once I find someone to work with I can rearrange things, add new content using keywords, and try to capture people's interest without giving too much information. It may scare them away. :(
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
No, web designers just place content and do the fiddly bits. They don't write it. This is the mistake you made the last time, and you ended up with a real stinkburger. You need to do the work first.

Or hey - learn to do it yourself! You can have a dozen different websites that way for next to nothing so you can try as many different approaches. It is not hard. If it was, webdesigners would not be able to do it. Trust me, I know loads. They are all freeloading hacks who sell the same lame old stuff over and over and charge a mint because everyone thinks it is difficult to do. Seriously, it is like being the only person in a whole town who knows how to change a lightbulb.
You're funny. :) The problem is I don't know wordpress at all. I have to take a course because I'm better at hands-on learning.

I would say this is all achievable in about 2 weeks, and that is assuming you can only spend a few hours on it every working day, with say an afternoon on weekends. Point 5 will take a bit longer, but that is fine as we can continually update the site with more content.
What do you mean more content? More selling points? I already have too much content on there.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Content. Something for people to read, think about, maybe interact with and respond to. Write applications of your book to real-live situations, blog entries that talk about a specific part of it... anything. Write material about the book. You really have far too little: there is nothing there to capture someone's interest. There is next to nothing on there for people to engage with.
How can I do that when they don't understand the foundational principles? I guess that would be okay; I see it all the time...people offering promises as a selling point.

Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? You're really going out of your way to help me, which I appreciate but am having a hard time getting use to. :cool: I was looking at a lot of peace sites that might be interested in exchanging links. Just remember that I'm in nursery school when it comes to this stuff, so it's going to take some time but I am determined.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Oh do not get me wrong: I do not have the slightest bit of respect for the way you argue about your ill-informed home-baked religionette, especially the feeble attempts at emotional blackmail.
Where am I blackmailing you emotionally? I don't expect anything from you, so whatever I get is like icing on the cake. :)

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I reckon that I can at least try to keep you from getting ripped off again, and perhaps something productive can come out of your unfortunate obsession.
You're already back to your old ways? Your good behavior didn't even last half a day! :yawn:

I do want to pursue these goals, but I had to feel good about the book. I have done the best I can so I'm ready to move on to the marketing phase.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus

But nothing significant has changed between last year and now. You would have saved the world earlier, but you didn't quite feel in the right mood? And this past year has been... what? Necessary editorial work? You could have written a new book in the time it took you.

Moods are for cattle and lovemaking. I read that in a book somewhere I think.
This saying is very appropos: Walk a mile in my shoes and then you would understand my position. Until then, please keep your criticisms to a minimum.

The way you described the plan, it seems very doable, but still is going to take some hard work in the beginning. I do like your ideas.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Hard work hard schmork. A few determined afternoons will get the majority of it done in one go. What do you do all day if some simple tasks like this seem hard work to you? Besides, this is supposed to be your calling, your Big Thing. Seriously, if this is determination, I hope you never lose it. You would probably slip into a coma or something.
Vivisectus, I have just spent a lot of years polishing this book. The marketing aspect is not my forte. I am inviting people to give me advice for this reason. But it's not that easy for me to get this going without help. As I stated, I don't know wordpress at all. I don't know how to use the dashboard even. It's all very new to me. Can't you give me a break?

You come up with some excuses for not doing anything, but I don't think they are very good ones: The book is actually written as an explanation of the ideas for ordinary people: it requires no technical knowledge so your comparison to Einsteins theoretical physics is not a very good one.
It does require some understanding of the free will/determinism debate (I believe)[/QUOTE]

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Thats not what the book says.
That's true but when I say it can improve marriage (which it can) but they start reading about determinism, they may think they bought the wrong book. I don't want people to be misled.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nor is it true that you had nothing to sell and nowhere to sell it: you had books for ages, and before that you had PDF files you could easily have sold or otherwise distributed. By the same token that website of yours has been around for months and months now.
Let me reiterate that this has taken me a long time to compile. Everything was necessary. Saying what I could have done is not helpful. I am where I am now, and I'm moving forward.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Oh please. You were posting portions in PDF version years ago. If that is your idea of an acceptable level of productivity, then you should fire yourself.
But that pdf was not a finished product which I didn't know at the time.

I don't like the fact that Lulu does not have good phone support. Trafford has been excellent in that regard. I only have good things to say about them.
... but they put together an unsellable book for you. I am glad that you enjoy talking on the phone to them, but I do not think the collaboration has really worked out. How much did you pay them for the privilege?[/quote]

Nothing. The customer service is out of the Phillipines. I have never met such a polite group of people in my life.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I get the feeling you are really not interested in any of it. That you would rather sit around dreaming of a miracle in stead of pursuing this goal you claim to have. The problem is that this does not match up at all with the things you say or claim.
Not true at all. I am pursuing this goal with determination. I've just had a lost feeling about how to go about it with the small budget at my disposal. I like a lot of your ideas. I should copy them and put them in my documents for easy reference. Thanks Vivisectus. You put a lot of time and thought into this post and I appreciate it! :wink:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Good luck. Let me know how you get on.
I will. It all seems very overwhelming which is probably why I took a break and came back to the forum. Researching this topic and learning how to apply what I have learned is a course in itself.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

10 years and you still don't have a book to sell. Yeah they rock!
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
10 years and you still don't have a book to sell. Yeah they rock!
Now I do, and that's all that counts. :D


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

peacegirl, your father's book is a demonstrable pile of trash. This has been demonstrated to your for ten years on the Internet by your moral and intellectual betters. You may recall, were you able to do so, that way back in 2007, every single flaw in the book was explained to you in detail at iidb. Then you came here and a different set of people had to give you the same explanations.

If you want to market this book, change the title to "The Journal of a Crackpot" and market it as a parody of a self-styled genius with delusions of granduer and a chip on his shoulder the size of Montana. Because that is what Lessans was. Marketed this way, you may find yourself with a best-seller.
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:47 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Good luck. Let me know how you get on.

As usual there is a lot to be learned on this thread, whether you are preparing a book for publication or not, there is interesting information to be had, Thanks.
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Wayne Dyer
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Old 08-29-2013, 09:51 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
10 years and you still don't have a book to sell. Yeah they rock!
Now I do, and that's all that counts. :D
I can go to Trafford and buy the book right this second?
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Old 08-29-2013, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

We've been telling you for the last year or more to self publish the book and/or website.

A well written website - even one made using a horrible web tool like Microsoft Word - is better than a website with lots of flashy menus and stuff, but poor content.

That's right, even Microsoft Word (or the free equivalents in Open Office or Libre Office) allow you to create a website. Just prepare the document in the normal way as if you were going to print it and then 'save as html'.

Then you use a free ftp program like filezilla to upload the files to your web space. You can learn how to do it in about ten minutes, and you'll find plenty of step-by-step guides on the internet.

Of course, there are much better tools for making websites than Word - but it's the content that's important, not the tool. Get the content right using whatever environment you're familiar with, and then it's easy to move that content into a different web publishing tool.

Don't bother to look for a WordPress training course. WordPress (if you decide to use it) is really easy, and the best training course is playing with it, looking at other peoples WordPress sites, and reading all the tips from WordPress themselves and WordPress users that you can find on the web. It's not much different and no harder than posting to :ff: You might want a half hour or so of help in setting up the WordPress environment in your web space initially - but even that is easy enough to do on your own if you follow the many web tutorials that take you through the process step by step.
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Old 08-29-2013, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

If it's not misleading, I could add a lot of keywords related to these topics. It would add a lot of spice and would probably get a broader audience.
Obviously it would be misleading if I said it. And we could argue it is even a little bit misleading when you say it, as you should certainly know better by now. But you don't, so we cannot consider this terribly deceptive.

3: Re-edit your book and get it set up on Lulu.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nonsense. Laziness, self-sabotage, and more of your interminable excuses. What you are telling me is "I'd save the world, but I am too tired to edit a book". Good grief. There is a problem. It needs fixing if you want to move forward.
I don't think it does need fixing. I worked hard on this book to clarify the concepts, and I think I did a good job. I anticipated the questions that I believed people would have in order that I leave no gap in their understanding.[/QUOTE]

...And now you switch to excuse number 2: that you do not think the book needs changing. But obviously it does: it's current form makes it much, much harder to spread.

It seems you have no intention of doing anything about this: you have already decided this, and you are just looking for some excuse to justify this decision.

I suspect that later on you will happily use your own decision to not do anything about it as some sort of excuse for the books lack of acceptance, as an excuse not to really try to market it.

I am satisfied with the book. When it was only 144 pages people complained so he reduced it to 89 pages. Then people said it was too simplified. He couldn't win. I tried to clarify his concepts by giving more detailed examples. I used my own noodle, and I believe it's well written. I did the best I can, and that's all I can ask of myself.
That only works in kindergarten. In the real world, you need results. As it stands you seem to have created a really awkward, hard-to-sell format.

But fine: don't change it. The numbers will speak for themselves in the end.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
]5: Based on your value-statement and keeping in mind the keywords you have selected, begin to generate some content for your site.
You're funny. :) The problem is I don't know wordpress at all. I have to take a course because I'm better at hands-on learning.
Just get it - or any other tool. Hell, you can do basic HTML in frikking wordpad if you want. Start messing with it. It really is not terribly hard.
Content. Something for people to read, think about, maybe interact with and respond to. Write applications of your book to real-live situations, blog entries that talk about a specific part of it... anything. Write material about the book. You really have far too little: there is nothing there to capture someone's interest. There is next to nothing on there for people to engage with.
How can I do that when they don't understand the foundational principles? I guess that would be okay; I see it all the time...people offering promises as a selling point.
Not sales stuff - examples of your ideas at work in everyday situations. Or a look into a small aspect of one of the points discussed in the book, with plenty of "As is explained int he book (name of book)," references. An illustrative little story perhaps. You know. Something for people to engage with, to give them an idea of the kind of material they are likely to find.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Oh do not get me wrong: I do not have the slightest bit of respect for the way you argue about your ill-informed home-baked religionette, especially the feeble attempts at emotional blackmail.
Where am I blackmailing you emotionally? I don't expect anything from you, so whatever I get is like icing on the cake. :)
I am talking about the way you argue about your book. It features quite a bit of it.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I reckon that I can at least try to keep you from getting ripped off again, and perhaps something productive can come out of your unfortunate obsession.
You're already back to your old ways? Your good behavior didn't even last half a day! :yawn:
When did I ever give you the impression I had changed my mind on any of that? I think you are sadly deluded. But hey, perhaps I can keep you from dropping more money (you claimed to have sunk tens of thousands into it thus far at one stage) and you may even learn something useful when you start to actually do something about any of this.

This saying is very appropos: Walk a mile in my shoes and then you would understand my position. Until then, please keep your criticisms to a minimum.
Well, why don't you ever do anything? Why does everything take so incredibly long? It is not like you work or anything. Youi basically have all day to spend on this, don't you?

Vivisectus, I have just spent a lot of years polishing this book. The marketing aspect is not my forte. I am inviting people to give me advice for this reason. But it's not that easy for me to get this going without help. As I stated, I don't know wordpress at all. I don't know how to use the dashboard even. It's all very new to me. Can't you give me a break?
I think you need a break from breaks, and that you should try doing some work so you get something to take a break from.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Thats not what the book says.
That's true but when I say it can improve marriage (which it can) but they start reading about determinism, they may think they bought the wrong book. I don't want people to be misled. [/QUOTE]

You are being dishonest again: we were not talking about that at all. We were talking about your excuse, which was that trying to get people to read the book is like getting people to read and understand Einsteins theorems. I pointed out that this is a poor analogy as the book requires no technical knowledge. And it doesn't. What is more, it says so.

Why do you always do that? It is very disrespectful. I really am not that stupid you know.

But that pdf was not a finished product which I didn't know at the time.
Right. You and a 100-year hermit in the Appalachians are the only 2 people left on the planet who never heard of an e-book I guess. Good grief. Are there any other gaps I need to know about?

Nothing. The customer service is out of the Phillipines. I have never met such a polite group of people in my life.
Well that's a relief.

Have it your way: we won't be improving the accesability and spread of a the book that will save the world because the outsourcing company that handles the support for Traffords are nice and polite. Since you won't be putting it into a more manageable size anyway it will not make the slightest difference in any case.

I will. It all seems very overwhelming which is probably why I took a break and came back to the forum. Researching this topic and learning how to apply what I have learned is a course in itself.
But what have you actually done so far? Except being perpetually overwhelmed?
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:02 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
He's probably trying to help you for the same reasons that I did. On our planet when people want to get things done they get a plan together and go do it without a lot of fuss and bother. Things just don't work here like they do on your world if all someone does is flail around and whine and waste time being a drama queen.
I don't mind him helping me, but if you read his posts he can't help but get his little digs in, which I won't tolerate. You wouldn't either.
Amazing how someone with all this mathematical, undeniable, completely scientific truth on their side can nevertheless be so sensitive to any hint of sarcasm as to become utterly incapable of getting their point across at the merest whiff of its presence. You would think that it would be trivially simple to just respond with devastatingly self-evident truth, perhaps leavened by a modicum of wit, and thus render us all to begrudgingly respectful silence.

You truly are a creature of excuses. You surround yourself with them, a protective layer of them seems to be present at all times between you and reality.
Any hint of sarcasm? I've been bombarded with every kind of verbal attack you can think of. My nerve endings are raw from it, and therefore it's no wonder I am a little rough at the edges. You would be too. I don't think a lot of people in my position could deal with the kind of vitriol that I've experienced in here.
You repeatedly come here of your very own volition without coercion, so complaining about the people here makes you seem insane. Or like you have a martyr complex.
The funny thing is you keep answering me. If I'm insane, then you must be too. :D
Um, except you don't see me complaining about how horribly I am treated all the time.
That's because you aren't being treated horribly, for if you were you would complain too. :wave:


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I reckon that I can at least try to keep you from getting ripped off again, and perhaps something productive can come out of your unfortunate obsession.
You're already back to your old ways? Your good behavior didn't even last half a day!

Peacegirl, you are so pathetically thin skinned, Vivisectus said almost nothing offensive and you react like this, - pitiful. The truth is that you do not want help, you want abuse, and when anyone tries to be nice or to help you, you find something to bitch about.
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Wayne Dyer
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:22 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
If it's not misleading, I could add a lot of keywords related to these topics. It would add a lot of spice and would probably get a broader audience.
Obviously it would be misleading if I said it. And we could argue it is even a little bit misleading when you say it, as you should certainly know better by now. But you don't, so we cannot consider this terribly deceptive.
You lost me.

3: Re-edit your book and get it set up on Lulu.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Nonsense. Laziness, self-sabotage, and more of your interminable excuses. What you are telling me is "I'd save the world, but I am too tired to edit a book". Good grief. There is a problem. It needs fixing if you want to move forward.
I don't think it does need fixing. I worked hard on this book to clarify the concepts, and I think I did a good job. I anticipated the questions that I believed people would have in order that I leave no gap in their understanding.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
...And now you switch to excuse number 2: that you do not think the book needs changing. But obviously it does: it's current form makes it much, much harder to spread.
The size of it, yes, but I am offering a discount. Hopefully that will encourage those who are seriously interested to buy it.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
It seems you have no intention of doing anything about this: you have already decided this, and you are just looking for some excuse to justify this decision.
I cannot start over again. It's too much money to pay another publishing company. I have to work with what I have.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
I suspect that later on you will happily use your own decision to not do anything about it as some sort of excuse for the books lack of acceptance, as an excuse not to really try to market it.
I am going to market it Vivisectus and use some of your ideas.

I am satisfied with the book. When it was only 144 pages people complained so he reduced it to 89 pages. Then people said it was too simplified. He couldn't win. I tried to clarify his concepts by giving more detailed examples. I used my own noodle, and I believe it's well written. I did the best I can, and that's all I can ask of myself.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
That only works in kindergarten. In the real world, you need results. As it stands you seem to have created a really awkward, hard-to-sell format.
Only because of the size and the fact that the price is a little high. That's also why I hope to send the book to people who could possibly be instrumental by giving me an endorsement and maybe helping in other ways.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But fine: don't change it. The numbers will speak for themselves in the end.
True, and I will survey the results. That's what the program Cory Rudl talked about at length. Always test the results to see what changes need to be made.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
]5: Based on your value-statement and keeping in mind the keywords you have selected, begin to generate some content for your site.
You're funny. :) The problem is I don't know wordpress at all. I have to take a course because I'm better at hands-on learning.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Just get it - or any other tool. Hell, you can do basic HTML in frikking wordpad if you want. Start messing with it. It really is not terribly hard.
I'm calling my great nephew tomorrow. He's just starting a web designer business. He might want to help me considering it was his great grandfather.

Content. Something for people to read, think about, maybe interact with and respond to. Write applications of your book to real-live situations, blog entries that talk about a specific part of it... anything. Write material about the book. You really have far too little: there is nothing there to capture someone's interest. There is next to nothing on there for people to engage with.
How can I do that when they don't understand the foundational principles? I guess that would be okay; I see it all the time...people offering promises as a selling point.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Not sales stuff - examples of your ideas at work in everyday situations. Or a look into a small aspect of one of the points discussed in the book, with plenty of "As is explained int he book (name of book)," references. An illustrative little story perhaps. You know. Something for people to engage with, to give them an idea of the kind of material they are likely to find.
I have to think about what I could include. :chin:

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Oh do not get me wrong: I do not have the slightest bit of respect for the way you argue about your ill-informed home-baked religionette, especially the feeble attempts at emotional blackmail.
Where am I blackmailing you emotionally? I don't expect anything from you, so whatever I get is like icing on the cake. :)
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
I am talking about the way you argue about your book. It features quite a bit of it.
Arguing for the book is not emotional blackmail.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I reckon that I can at least try to keep you from getting ripped off again, and perhaps something productive can come out of your unfortunate obsession.
You're already back to your old ways? Your good behavior didn't even last half a day! :yawn:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
When did I ever give you the impression I had changed my mind on any of that? I think you are sadly deluded. But hey, perhaps I can keep you from dropping more money (you claimed to have sunk tens of thousands into it thus far at one stage) and you may even learn something useful when you start to [I]actually do something about any of this.
This saying is very appropos: Walk a mile in my shoes and then you would understand my position. Until then, please keep your criticisms to a minimum.
I have spent a lot of money just redoing the book, converting the tapes to a CD and then to an MP3, and paying my formatter.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Well, why don't you ever do anything? Why does everything take so incredibly long? It is not like you work or anything. Youi basically have all day to spend on this, don't you?
No I don't. I have other things to do besides this. I have to fit this in. If I started making some money I would be encouraged because then I could use that money to fund this project and maybe make enough to actually advertise. But you have to crawl before you walk.

Vivisectus, I have just spent a lot of years polishing this book. The marketing aspect is not my forte. I am inviting people to give me advice for this reason. But it's not that easy for me to get this going without help. As I stated, I don't know wordpress at all. I don't know how to use the dashboard even. It's all very new to me. Can't you give me a break?
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
I think you need a break from breaks, and that you should try doing some work so you get something to take a break from.
Would you please stop it. It hasn't even been a week since I got my hardback copy. Let me relax for a bit before you put me on a treadmill again. :doh:

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Thats not what the book says.
That's true but when I say it can improve marriage (which it can) but they start reading about determinism, they may think they bought the wrong book. I don't want people to be misled.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
You are being dishonest again: we were not talking about that at all. We were talking about your excuse, which was that trying to get people to read the book is like getting people to read and understand Einsteins theorems. I pointed out that this is a poor analogy as the book requires no technical knowledge. And it doesn't. What is more, it says so.
It still is not easy reading, especially the first three chapters. Even philosophers well versed in this subject can easily be confused.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Why do you always do that? It is very disrespectful. I really am not that stupid you know.
I've lost track of the conversation. I never am disrespectful unless I am spoken to disrespectfully.

But that pdf was not a finished product which I didn't know at the time.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Right. You and a 100-year hermit in the Appalachians are the only 2 people left on the planet who never heard of an e-book I guess. Good grief. Are there any other gaps I need to know about?
I have an ebook on my site. I'm not sold yet on selling the whole book as a pdf. Maybe I'm behind the times and it will take a little more thought.

Nothing. The customer service is out of the Phillipines. I have never met such a polite group of people in my life.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Well that's a relief.

Have it your way: we won't be improving the accesability and spread of a the book that will save the world because the outsourcing company that handles the support for Traffords are nice and polite. Since you won't be putting it into a more manageable size anyway it will not make the slightest difference in any case.
The customer service is very efficient, not just polite. I cannot cut the book in half. It's all related. 600 pages is not that big although it costs a lot because I can't mass market it. I just hope money won't be an object for people who are truly interested.

I will. It all seems very overwhelming which is probably why I took a break and came back to the forum. Researching this topic and learning how to apply what I have learned is a course in itself.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But what have you actually done so far? Except being perpetually overwhelmed?
I'm reading all kinds of stuff. Like social marketing, for one.

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"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:22 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
That's because you aren't being treated horribly, for if you were you would complain too.

It is becoming more and more clear that Peacegirl was abused as a child, continued to be abused as an adult, and after having her father's book foisted on her as her mission in life, is still being abused. Her father's maggot ridden corpse is still abusing her from the grave, she is truly pathetic.
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Wayne Dyer
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Old 08-30-2013, 02:15 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
That is not true at all Spacemonkey. I can conceptualize about the past or future in the present. I can think about a future time when scientists will confirm this discovery. I can also anticipate his vindication, which will happen in the present whether we're here or not.
If you think these things will happen in the future, then you are agreeing that there is such a thing as the future. If your only point is that the future is not occurring in the present, and events are always in the present when they occur, then you are arguing a trivial point of no relevance.

Have you worked out why you keep coming back here yet?
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Old 08-30-2013, 02:44 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
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Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
He's probably trying to help you for the same reasons that I did. On our planet when people want to get things done they get a plan together and go do it without a lot of fuss and bother. Things just don't work here like they do on your world if all someone does is flail around and whine and waste time being a drama queen.
I don't mind him helping me, but if you read his posts he can't help but get his little digs in, which I won't tolerate. You wouldn't either.
Amazing how someone with all this mathematical, undeniable, completely scientific truth on their side can nevertheless be so sensitive to any hint of sarcasm as to become utterly incapable of getting their point across at the merest whiff of its presence. You would think that it would be trivially simple to just respond with devastatingly self-evident truth, perhaps leavened by a modicum of wit, and thus render us all to begrudgingly respectful silence.

You truly are a creature of excuses. You surround yourself with them, a protective layer of them seems to be present at all times between you and reality.
Any hint of sarcasm? I've been bombarded with every kind of verbal attack you can think of. My nerve endings are raw from it, and therefore it's no wonder I am a little rough at the edges. You would be too. I don't think a lot of people in my position could deal with the kind of vitriol that I've experienced in here.
You repeatedly come here of your very own volition without coercion, so complaining about the people here makes you seem insane. Or like you have a martyr complex.
The funny thing is you keep answering me. If I'm insane, then you must be too. :D
Um, except you don't see me complaining about how horribly I am treated all the time.
That's because you aren't being treated horribly, for if you were you would complain too. :wave:
That's the whole point. I don't repeatedly seek the company of people who treat me horribly. I don't complain, I just don't spend time wherever they are. That's a crazy thing to do.
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Old 08-30-2013, 03:05 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
except you don't see me complaining about how horribly I am treated all the time.
That's because you aren't being treated horribly, for if you were you would complain too.
And that is because LadyShea isn't the lying, evading little weasel that you are.
She is straight with her opinions and isn't trying to foist some nonsense as a genuine discovery of knowledge. What Lessans wrote was worthless drivel, LadyShea knows it and says so in her posts, If you were honest you would admit what you already know and stop trying to pull a 'Sargent Bilko' on an unsuspecting public.
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Wayne Dyer
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