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Old 07-20-2006, 05:44 PM
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Interweb MAFIA Game Thread

This Mafia consists of 14 players and the characters could be any of the following formats:

a) 3 mafia, 1 cop, 1 doc, rest townies
b) 3 mafia, 1 cop, rest townies
c) 3 mafia, 1 doc, rest townies
d) 3 mafia, rest townies

This version is a non-PMing version of the game.

Townie - a regular member of the town
Cop - can investigate one player per night and find out if they are mafia or not
Doctor - can protect one person per night from a mafia kill, no consecutive protections of the same player and no protecting themselves.

I as the GM will call nightfall when a solid consensus of votes has been reached 50% +1 vote, (So this game can be quick or long) and all game play occurs within the game thread. There is no discussions at night in the game thread. Any surviving Mafia can PM each other and mafia, the cop, and the doc all PM me there choices for a kill, investigation or protection. The game consists of the following players

1) livius drusus
2) Jacey
3) beyelzu
4) julie
5) RandomThoughts
6) viscousmemories
7) Crumb
8) quiet bear
9) Smilin
10) Legs
11) trillian
12) Adam
13) Leesifer
14) wei yau

It is now day. A common strategy is to just start accusing people and see how they and others react.

This thread is for game play and players only, any one wanting to talk about the game can do so here

The intro

The sun crawls up over the skyscrapers in Pitts-of-hell-berg. The Mormon Mafia have seen fit to take over the town, the evidence of their brutal ways is obvious when Spenser is found dead, his blood coating the sidewalk. He's been thrown threw his apartment window and fell 13 stories where he landed on his neighbors cat. The cat had to be rushed to the vet, poor Spenser didn't make it, but instead became your God. Bow down suckers!!!

The town is now in a panic and must do something to rid themselves of these thugs. Its time to weed out the scum. Please wait for your PMs telling you your role before posting, I'm sending them now. Feel free to PM me questions.
Old 07-20-2006, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Legs, you're with the mafia, aren't you?


Let's all :gangup: on her! :)
Old 07-20-2006, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

All PMs of roles have been sent out to the users in the list above so the game can commence. If you did not receive a PM, please PM me and do not mention it in the the forum. Good Luck.

Spenser (God)
Old 07-20-2006, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

You know, Smilin, you're pretty quick on the trigger with your accusations. Do I smell a little misdirection, perhaps?
Old 07-20-2006, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Also, all votes are to be in Bold and should be of this format:

Vote: Spenser

or they will not be counted. Also you can unvote and revote:

Unvote; Vote: God
Old 07-20-2006, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Originally Posted by Spenser
Unvote; Vote: God
I'm already being voted for. WTH............
"Have gone to commit suicide. Intend to return from grave Friday. Feed cat."

- A memo left by Spider Jerusalem; Transmetropolitan #16
Old 07-20-2006, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Why are you pickin' on Legsy Smilin? She looks so sweet and innocent. :wink:

So from what I have read of other games the starting gambit for the first victim is essentially random. We have to knock someone off just to get some information on what is what around here.

So I am going to start by voting for someone literally at random.

Vote: wei yau

I assume we can withdraw our votes at anytime until it is final?

Oh and me? I am but a humble baker of bread... :innocent:
:joecool2: :cascadia: :ROR: :portland: :joecool2:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread


Vote: Legs
Old 07-20-2006, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread


vote: smilin
Just cause you are so quick to pick on the dame with the killer gams
Old 07-20-2006, 06:15 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread


One vote for me... :neener: :neener:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:16 PM
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I've had some of Crumb's bread, stuff is as hard as concrete.

Concrete.... :chin:

Just as the first vote being random seems to be an essential part of the game, so are retaliation votes...

Vote: Crumb
Old 07-20-2006, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

:joecool2: :cascadia: :ROR: :portland: :joecool2:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Originally Posted by Crumb
So from what I have read of other games the starting gambit for the first victim is essentially random. We have to knock someone off just to get some information on what is what around here.

So I am going to start by voting for someone literally at random.
Good point.

* Adam searches his cubicle for a quarter.

OK, heads accuse Crumb, tails don't accuse Crumb...


Vote: Crumb

I'd just better not wake up with a horse's head for this...

Old 07-20-2006, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Don't lynch me. I'm not even a union baker.

:joecool2: :cascadia: :ROR: :portland: :joecool2:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

unvote Legs

Vote Crumb

I agree that his bread is quite stale...
Old 07-20-2006, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

vote: Crumb

Old 07-20-2006, 06:32 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Oh shit come on! don't take me out the first round. I beg you! I really want to play the game and I am not scum. :praying:

ETA: I think that if I were mafia I would be laying a bit lower than this, wouldn't you? huh?
:joecool2: :cascadia: :ROR: :portland: :joecool2:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

1) livius drusus --
2) Jacey --
3) beyelzu --
4) julie -- smillin
5) RandomThoughts --
6) viscousmemories -- Crumb
7) Crumb --
8) quiet bear --
9) Smilin -- Crumb
10) Legs --
11) trillian --
12) Adam -- Crumb
13) Leesifer --
14) wei yau -- Crumb

Crumb - 4

There are 14 of you so it takes 8 to lynch.

n00b suggestion #1, don't fully bandwagon only 1 person or you learn nothing...
Old 07-20-2006, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

All we need is four more votes and Crumb becomes "toast"

:muahaha: :deadhorse2:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:43 PM
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Toast makes for a good :sammich: !
Old 07-20-2006, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Vote Smilin
:joecool2: :cascadia: :ROR: :portland: :joecool2:
Old 07-20-2006, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Once 8 lynch votes is reached, night falls whether or not I am around to call it. Any one aware of this could certainly post "Nightfall" in bold and maybe over sized letters. If it is after work (6pm PST) for me I am not likely to be back on until tomorrow morning.

1) livius drusus --
2) Jacey --
3) beyelzu --
4) julie -- smillin
5) RandomThoughts --
6) viscousmemories -- Crumb
7) Crumb -- smilin
8) quiet bear --
9) Smilin -- Crumb
10) Legs --
11) trillian --
12) Adam -- Crumb
13) Leesifer --
14) wei yau -- Crumb

Crumb - 4
Smilin - 2

n00b suggestion #2 any player with a specialty role who is a vote or two away from lynching may want to out him/herself to the town. They are likely to die to the mob that night but at least you can attempt not to waste the lynching

Last edited by Spenser; 07-20-2006 at 07:09 PM. Reason: smilin had 2 votes
Old 07-20-2006, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

I didn't bandwagon, I reasoned that Crumb is mafioso. My rationale is that he unvoted as soon as he realized that his over-eager random accusation of wei yau was looking like it might come back and bite him. Typical "shoot first, think later" pattern of a mafia scumbag, imnsho.
Old 07-20-2006, 06:51 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Originally Posted by viscousmemories
I didn't bandwagon, I reasoned that Crumb is mafioso. My rationale is that he unvoted as soon as he realized that his over-eager random accusation of wei yau was looking like it might come back and bite him. Typical "shoot first, think later" pattern of a mafia scumbag, imnsho.
I wasn't calling you out, in this game bandwagoning conveys 2 meanings. First is the way you are thinking, hopping on a vote because every one else is but also it seems to just describe the group of voters one person has trying to lynch them.

n00b suggestion #3 well, more of a freebie. God is more than likely to help the town of newer players with as many special roles as possible.
Old 07-20-2006, 06:51 PM
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Default Re: MAFIA Game Thread

Hey, Spenser, I might have missed this in the other thread, but assuming we end up lynching Crumb (the guilty bugger!), do we get to find out whether or not he's Mafia?
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