So before the internet my parents and most of the adults in my life maintained 'Americans are stupid', based solely on prejudices of the 'other'. Then I got on the internet, met a lot of pretty great Americans, smart people, usually saw things a little differently but not enough to really worry about it. 911 happened, and then, Freedom Fries. No problem, there are dumbasses everywhere, every village has idiots.
Peter Navarro: “Canada has been taken over by Mexican cartels”
Big if true
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— Aaron Rupar ( March 5, 2025 at 5:06 PM
This is
Freedom Fries level stupid. So stupid that the prejudice is coming back. So stupid that should we avoid nuclear armageddon and get back to a normal tense relationship not arranged around smacking our faces with shovels covered in BBQ sauce in the leopard enclosure, Canadians, and indeed the world, will discover, 'oh, that tourist is an American? Best watch and make sure they don't stick a chop stick in the electric socket.'