I’ve talked about Gizmo’s kidney issues. She is doing great! I’ve got her eating the expensive kidney canned food. I think as she switched over and found that she wasn’t getting nauseous that she would eat more.
I’m feeding her an excessive amount of times. She asks for food and going outside by staring.
I feed her 4 or 5 times a day. She eats a small amount each time. I reward her with a toothbrush dog treat some of the times that she eats well.
I haven’t weighed her, but I’m certain she is putting on mass. I feel her ribs less well and she is eating and pooping a lot.
She is doing so much better. She has more energy and is more into pets.
She still doesn’t hear that well nor is her vision great, but she still enjoys smells and pets and sunshine when we have some.
Kirby is an awesome loving dog who will just sleep on you.
I hurt my foot a couple weeks ago, so we needed help from our friend Steph and ES had to help me and the girls, but I’m feeling better now.
Mookie has adjusted pretty well to Kirby. I’m sure she appreciates the walks that Kirby’s presence brings.
Many evenings, ES and I will each be in a recliner with a lapdog ensconced.
I like taking them on walks, it gives me structure and activity which is nice especially when there isn’t much gardening going on.