
05-02-2020, 09:53 PM
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
I didn't like either Shawshank Redemption or Slumdog Millionaire.
I didn't care for Shawshank because I'm too stupid to understand it. I don't like things that I don't understand.
I hate Slumdog Millionaire because it's entirely too good. I'm really glad I saw it, I think it deserved the Oscar, and I will never watch it again. It's too horrific. It's a little bit like survivor guilt, because I don't deserve to live a life where I don't see or experience anything like what happens routinely in other parts of the world. Not that I wish to even the scales by having to experience it. My preference would be for NO ONE to have to experience those things in ordinary life, even the scales that way.

05-03-2020, 01:07 AM
angry white woman
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Originally Posted by maddog
I didn't like either Shawshank Redemption or Slumdog Millionaire.
I didn't care for Shawshank because I'm too stupid to understand it. I don't like things I don’t understand
Shawshank probably just isn’t your cup of tea. Stephen Kings short stories don’t always make the best movies, I don’t know why. I always read his stuff before I see the movies based on his books. Big Driver and A Good Marriage are short stories by him and I wouldn’t have liked either movie had I not read them beforehand. However I feel pretty sure that you’re not too stupid to understand it, ive read enough of your posts to know that.
What are sleeping dreams but so much garbage?~ Glen’s homophobic newsletter

05-03-2020, 01:18 AM
simple country microbiologist hyperchicken
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Originally Posted by Kamilah Hauptmann
Blinded By The Light
nb: I'm the right age group to resonate, also, I like Springsteen.
I particularly liked the scene where he first puts the headset on and presses Play.
Gen X should see this movie.
ES and I watched this during the quarantine, it is really fucking good.

05-04-2020, 01:38 AM
Shitpost Sommelier
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
(I enjoyed them both as popcorn entertainment.)
Peering from the top of Mount Stupid

05-05-2020, 03:49 PM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Finally saw Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood. It's a great movie that I can imagine some people might not like.

05-05-2020, 11:08 PM
simple country microbiologist hyperchicken
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Location: georgia
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
I really, really liked Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It is a love letter to hollywood and it is a pretty alternate history.
I also think Kareem Abdul Jabarr was right to criticize the portrayal of Bruce Lee
That’s why filmmakers have a responsibility when playing with people’s perceptions of admired historic people to maintain a basic truth about the content of their character. Quentin Tarantino’s portrayal of Bruce Lee in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood does not live up to this standard. Of course, Tarantino has the artistic right to portray Bruce any way he wants. But to do so in such a sloppy and somewhat racist way is a failure both as an artist and as a human being.
This controversy has left me torn. Tarantino is one of my favorite filmmakers because he is so bold, uncompromising and unpredictable. There’s a giddy energy in his movies of someone who loves movies and wants you to love them, too. I attend each Tarantino film as if it were an event, knowing that his distillation of the ’60s and ’70s action movies will be much more entertaining than a simple homage. That’s what makes the Bruce Lee scenes so disappointing, not so much on a factual basis, but as a lapse of cultural awareness.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Bruce Lee Was My Friend, and Tarantino's Movie Disrespects Him | Hollywood Reporter
So, yeah, I could understand people being deeply turned off by that portrayal. (and in Tarantino's defense there is reason to think that the problematic part on the Green Hornet set was from the stuntman's perspective and not from a reliable narrator and it could be that Tarantino was trying to establish how badass Brad Pitt's character was, regardless though, Kareem's complaints are still justified.)
also if you don't like films about film making.

05-06-2020, 01:15 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Originally Posted by beyelzu
I really, really liked Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It is a love letter to hollywood and it is a pretty alternate history.
I also think Kareem Abdul Jabarr was right to criticize the portrayal of Bruce Lee
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Bruce Lee Was My Friend, and Tarantino's Movie Disrespects Him | Hollywood Reporter
So, yeah, I could understand people being deeply turned off by that portrayal. (and in Tarantino's defense there is reason to think that the problematic part on the Green Hornet set was from the stuntman's perspective and not from a reliable narrator and it could be that Tarantino was trying to establish how badass Brad Pitt's character was, regardless though, Kareem's complaints are still justified.)
also if you don't like films about film making.
I read up on this a bit. It's unlikely that Bruce Lee would claim that he could take Mohammed Ali - in fact people have claimed he said the opposite. This seems to be the biggest liberty QT took.
It's less likely, but not impossible that Bruce Lee could have been caught in a moment of braggadocio. This is the 2nd biggest liberty QT took.
Neither person wins the fight by the predetermined rules. Lee knocks Booth down, Booth knocks Bruce down, and they are still sparring when they are interrupted. Lee being knocked down isn't completely unreasonable in the situation.
If you think this is an accurate memory of the event, I think it's pretty disrespectful to Lee's legacy. If you think this memory is heightened version of events from Booth's perspective, it's still disrespectful, but maybe a bit less. Lee's character is given some more dimension by the scenes later in the film where Lee is teaching Tate her movie fight moves. I'm not sure it's enough, but it's an indicator that Tarantino wanted to show Lee was more complex.
I'm willing to believe that QT wrote and filmed that scene thinking it wasn't as disrespectful as it is. Still, it's a black mark on the film.

05-30-2020, 07:37 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Fright Night (2011)
I avoided the 2011 remake for a while, because I didn't think it needed to be remade. While that's probably true, I honestly think the newer one compares favorably.
We recently rewatched the original 1985 Fright Night and it wasn't as good as I remembered. The '85 version really has two great things. 1) It was a relatively novel take on the vampire movie, setting it in contemporary suburbia and just a dash of humor. 2) Chris Sarandon as the vampire.
So Sarandon played his vampire as handsome, aristocratic and cool. Colin Farrell is not aristocratic and cool, but more animal and sexy. He brought his own style to it, and it works. I think the movie would have been terrible if Farrell had tried to copy Sarandon's performance.

06-02-2020, 10:24 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Incendies - by Denis Villeneuve
One of the best movies I've ever seen. Definitely top 10 material.
A mother's last wish was to send her twins to Lebanon to look for their father (which they assumed dead) and their brother (which they didn't know about at all). This is such a brutal, devastating and haunting movie as I have rarely seen. I watched it a week ago and still can't stop thinking about it.
Last edited by Stormlight; 06-02-2020 at 03:08 PM.

06-07-2020, 08:43 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Since Studio Ghibli movies are available for streaming in the US for the first time in years, or for many, the first time ever, I've been watching a number of those, or rewatching in some cases.
They give you the option to watch in English or in Japanese. The older films all seem to use the more recent Disney dubs, which often have some pretty famous people in the casts, although I suspect in a few cases they went for bigger names as opposed to the best person for the job.
So of the ones I've watched:
Spirited Away is still great, I hadn't seen it in at least a decade. I go back and forth between this one and Princess Mononoke as my favorite Miyazaki film.
Castle in the Sky - this was good, and it was apparently a big inspiration for steampunk elements in a lot of Japanese anime and RPG games (like the airships in the Final Fantasy series). A lot of interesting designs. Although the bit where the adult air pirates are all falling over themselves to flirt with a 13-year-old girl was some creepy shit.
Porco Rosso - I thought Michael Keaton's performance lacked a little something. I mean, I guess the character is supposed to be jaded and unenthusiastic, but... Anyway, it was good, although the bit where the adult air pirates are all drooling over themselves about the 16-year-old girl was kinda creepy (hmmm... this is becoming a pattern)
My Neighbor Totoro - I see the appeal of Totoro's design and the Catbus and all that, and I understand portraying the random hyper energy of children, yada yada, and this is one of Ghibli's best regarded films, but honestly, I found the movie somewhat boring and it is probably the Ghibli film I've least enjoyed.
Still up:
Rewatch Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle (maybe eventually also Ponyo and The Secret World of Arrietty).
And Kiki's Delivery Service and The Wind Rises. I may check out the non-Hayao Miyazaki offerings as well...

07-13-2020, 06:49 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Ford v Ferrari (or Le Mans 66) - with Christian Bale and Matt Damon
Incredibly well made movie (or biopic) about Carroll Shelby and Ken Miles who in 1966 are trying to build a race car for Ford that can win the 24h of Le Mans (and beat rival Enzo Ferrari's cars who were considered unbeatable at the time).
This is finally, FINALLY a movie for the straight white male. Very little misandry since there's only one woman in the whole movie and there are NO people of colour! This one's just for us guys!
Thanks, from:
BrotherMan (07-13-2020), ceptimus (07-17-2020), Crumb (07-13-2020), Ensign Steve (07-13-2020), erimir (07-13-2020), JoeP (07-13-2020), Kyuss Apollo (07-13-2020), lisarea (07-13-2020), Miisa (07-13-2020), Pan Narrans (07-13-2020), slimshady2357 (07-13-2020), Sock Puppet (07-13-2020), specious_reasons (07-13-2020)

07-17-2020, 10:42 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Antiporno - by Sion Sono
The less you know about this before watching it the better. So I'll just copy the storyline from Imdb:
Young artist Kyoko (Ami Tomite) wreaks havoc on everyone that she encounters, her worst being reserved for simpering older assistant Noriko (Mariko Trutsui), whom she routinely humiliates-or at least that's what seems to be happening, before an abrupt about-face. Outrageous rabble-rouser Sono's contribution to the Roman Porno redux series contains plenty of sex, but is also a fourth-wall breaking, experimental study of feminine agency set against outlandish, eye-popping backdrops.
Brilliant movie.

07-18-2020, 05:57 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Tim's Vermeer
I feel like I've seen people discuss this before, but didn't find it on a quick search.
This is a very matter-of-fact presentation of an interesting concept.... can a guy who has limited knowledge of painting reproduce a classic Vermeer painting?
The titular Tim (an inventor and founder of some video tech companies) was wondering how Vermeer painted with such accurate lighting and realism - something Vermeer's contemporaries were not doing. Tim futzed around with the idea for a while and came up with a workable solution using mirrors and a camera obscura. Then he proceeded to set up the scene for one of Vermeer's masterpieces, "The Music Lesson," and attempted to paint it using this technique.
Tim shows that using technology available at the time, this is possibly Vermeer's process. I don't consider rediscovering Vermeer's process is as groundbreaking as the movie is trying to claim, but it's interesting.
Once the concept is set up, and the scene is built, the movie drags a bit too much during the painting. I understand - painting to that much detail is a lot of work, and they're showing the drudgery of it. Still, I found myself looking longingly at the fast-forward.
Besides that, I had a one big critique. There are not enough experts. Sure, Martin Mull may be an experienced painter, but his opinion is only worth a reality-check. Mull thought it was reasonable enough. All of the rest of the people who are featured in this movie have proposed similar theories. I would have liked a more critical voice. I think I wanted more skepticism from world-famous skeptics Penn&Teller (the producer&director).
I also would have liked more analysis of the final painting and more discussion of the other aspects of Vermeer's artistry. I have a nice camera and some good lenses. I have access to the same techniques of photography masters, but my work isn't at the same level. It's not the tools that make the artist, and I think the movie forgets that.
One non-movie critique of this - more people should be independently wealthy enough to be able to spend hundreds of days of their lives following their passions like Tim. Seriously, I'm glad for Tim, but what makes his passion special and deserving of a documentary, other than he has the means to do it and famous friends willing to film it?

07-20-2020, 07:49 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
This is a very straight adaptation of the play. Unfortunately, this isn't one of my favorites. It's a light, pleasant play, pleasantly directed by Kenneth Branagh.
Nothing is really wrong here. The faults in the movie are inherent in the original. This is one of Shakespeare's comedies, so the plot is light, everyone gets married and the villain gets justice offstage.
It has great use of location. The movie is bright, sunny and beautiful. It makes me want to be an idle rich owner of an Italian villa, or royalty visiting that villa for a month.
The cast is handsome and talented, especially Branagh and Emma Thompson. They have just the right energy, both as themselves and a couple. Michael Keaton goes all out in the role of the foolish town constable.
Keanu Reeves is the villain, Don John, brother to Denzel Washington's Don Pedro. This is generally regarded as one of Reeves' worst performances - and it may be. He's stiff and terrible reciting verse, especially his evil monologue, but at least he does it shirtless. For the most of the rest of the movie, he's just a brooding asshole standing around... brooding, and it's OK.
If you're looking to watch an adaptation of the play, this is a fine choice.

07-20-2020, 08:38 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Little Women
I did know that the book is kind of a big deal in the colonies but I had no further knowledge about it. Turns out I really, really like it. Excellent performances all around!

07-20-2020, 08:57 AM
Dancing redshirt
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
I prefer Whedon's 2013 Much Ado About Nothing, a little less silly and was modernised except for the dialogue.

07-20-2020, 03:39 PM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Originally Posted by Miisa
I prefer Whedon's 2013 Much Ado About Nothing, a little less silly and was modernised except for the dialogue.
That's later on the queue. Hero's declaration of "I am a maid" must be even more cringe-inducing in a modern setting.

07-27-2020, 08:27 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
!!!International Misandry Weekend!!!
Papicha - from Algeria
This one plays during Algeria's "Black Decade" in the 1990s when the country was hit by Islamist terror attacks. It's the story of Nedjema, a young university student who wants to be a fashion designer but has to fight against shitbag men all the way.
Invisible Life - from Brazil
This movie plays in Rio de Janeiro in the 1950s. Euridice and Guida are inseperable sisters who get separated when Guida follows her sailor boyfriend to Greece. Euridice stays In Rio and dreams of a career as a concert pianist. Here again men are all serious dirtbags. Cruel, inconsiderate bastards one and all.

07-27-2020, 05:55 PM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
The Old Dark House (1932)
A group of travelers get caught in stormy night, the roads turn treacherous, so they ask for shelter at an old estate until the storm passes. The masters of the house reluctantly agree. Soon we learn that each of the occupants of the house have their own peculiarities, and there are all sorts of trouble as the night goes on.
I'm not sure if this is the first movie that examines the horror trope of spending the night in a creepy mansion, but this is definitely a template for a lot of future films.

10-15-2020, 02:37 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Scare Me
Fred, an aspiring writer, goes off to a cabin to attempt to start his novel. He meets a successful novelist, Fanny, who also escaped the city to write. Later that night, the power goes out, and Fanny stops by. Because they're both supposedly storytellers, she suggests they tell each other scary stories.
That's the bulk of the movie, people telling each other scary stories by the fire. The stories are entirely acted out by the characters, with subtle enhancements, like a werewolf hand reaching around the corner, or creepy sounds, but that's all.
If that's not your bag, then this movie isn't at all for you. It's totally my bag, baby.

10-29-2020, 01:02 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
The Japanese original. It's probably sacrilege to say, but I actually like the American remake better. This isn't a bad movie at all. No, it's quite good, and even if I didn't already know the basics of the story, I'd still feel like it's quite good and I could understand it.
It's not gory, and it's not full of jump scares, but it keeps an appropriate level of dread through the whole thing.
I was also marvelling at how this movie could barely be made today. Video tapes have so been eclipsed by DVDs and then digital streaming, I'm not even sure Sadako would be able to find an outlet for her anger now.

10-30-2020, 09:43 AM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Sorry We Missed You - Ken Loach
It's the story about a young family in Newcastle fighting to make ends meet. She is a home care nurse and he is hired as a self-employed delivery driver.
Fucking hell. No one can bum you out better then Ken Loach. Depressing and hopeless as hell.
Capitalism fucking sucks.
Last edited by Stormlight; 10-30-2020 at 04:14 PM.

10-30-2020, 03:58 PM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
Jesus the trailer was depressing enough for me.

10-30-2020, 04:19 PM
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Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
The movie is much, much worse than the trailer. Trust me. Much worse.

11-29-2020, 01:01 AM
here to bore you with pictures
Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?
I finally watched Citizen Kane in its entirety today - although I am sure I will have to watch it more carefully again, since I was also building a LEGO set at the time.
People more film literate than me have talked and written about this film, so I doubt I could contribute much else, other than acknowledging it's worth watching, and especially worth watching now if you haven't seen it during the Trump administration.
One scene made me laugh out loud - when it was clear that Kane is losing the election:
Fraud at Polls.jpeg
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