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Old 05-17-2012, 08:45 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
I don't have a therapist. I'm beyond help. There is nothing wrong with me.

Could you ask some of your imaginary friends. I know how important a second opinion can be.
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Old 05-17-2012, 09:44 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Light at a distance cannot be photochemically reacting with camera film, which requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film
Light is not at a distance though. The film is capturing the actual light because of the location of the OBJECT.
The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film.

What is the location of the "actual light"? If the location is "on the surface of the camera film" what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Picture that a far away object meets the requirements of efferent vision in that the object is bright enough and large enough to be seen. If that premise is true, then we must begin our reasoning from there. It follows necessarily that if we can see the object, then the reflected non-absorbed light has to be at the film/retina. Making it a requirement that light has to travel to Earth is not a physical necessity. The light is still interacting with the film.

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
If light is present at a location (the camera film), it had to come to be at that location through some physical mechanism.
It has. It just doesn't have to travel to Earth for light to actually be at the film if the OBJECT is in view.
Originally Posted by LadyShea
I've not mentioned anything about traveling to the Earth.

What is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film". An object being in view is not a physical mechanism by which light can come to be at a location.
The physical mechanism is the reflection of light that is automatically at the film IF THE OBJECT IS IN VIEW. It makes no difference that the photons are being replaced because the non-absorbed photons will always reflect what the object is doing, not the light, since the light is not what is being decoded into an image.

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Object = light = mirror image = photograph :sadcheer:
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What does that mean? Are the = symbols meant to be taken literally in that the object is the light which is the mirror image which is the photograph?
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Are you answering that an = symbol is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
No, I just meant that first there's an object, then there's light being reflected, then there's a mirror image that shows up on film (because it meets the requirements), and then a photograph is taken in real time.

Originally Posted by LadyShea
What is the mirror image? Is it material? What is it made of? Does it have a location? What is the physical mechanism by which the mirror images comes to be at the location?
Please think of the box and the light being reflected from the object. Picture that your lens (whether it's an eye or a camera) is within that light. Regardless of how far away the object is, it will create a mirror image. Just because it's a short cut, so to speak, doesn't mean the light isn't physically interacting. If the object appears small, then it will show up exactly that way on the retina due to the inverse square law. If your lens happens to be closer to the object which makes it appear larger, then it will show up exactly as you see it due to the inverse square law. Photons are still traveling but when we only get white light (remember, we are assuming the premise of efferent vision is correct and working backwards), then the object is out of range and we will no longer get an image.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:00 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Light at a distance cannot be photochemically reacting with camera film, which requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film
Light is not at a distance though. The film is capturing the actual light because of the location of the OBJECT.
The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film.

What is the location of the "actual light"? If the location is "on the surface of the camera film" what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Picture that a far away object meets the requirements of efferent vision in that the object is bright enough and large enough to be seen.

Do you know what "bright" means? You still don't, do you? I doubt you even know the definition of the word "large."

If that premise is true..
What premise did that word salad denote again?

...then we must begin our reasoning from there.

It follows necessarily that if we can see the object, then the reflected non-absorbed light has to be at the film/retina.
So the "reflected non-absorbed light has to be at the film /retina." How did it get there? Remember, you said earlier that light was not "reflected." Now it IS reflected? Still can't keep your twaddle consistent with its own twaddly nature, eh?

Making it a requirement that light has to travel to Earth is not a physical necessity.
Except the Big Dummy said that the photons would take eight and a half minutes to get to earth after the sun is switched on, yet maintained that despite this delay, we would see the sun instantly when God turned it on. How?

The light is still interacting with the film

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Old 05-17-2012, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Oh, and derper? If real-time seeing is true, why does NASA used delayed-time seeing to calculate flight paths to Mars and other planets?
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Peacegirl, you keep dishonestly claiming that these questions are based upon afferent assumptions. So I am instead going to build up to them from simpler questions so that you can see this is not the case.

1) On your efferent model, are some of the photons that hit an object not absorbed? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
2) On your efferent model, are there photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
1) Are the nonabsorbed photons which have hit the object still in existence 0.0001sec after hitting the object? [Y/N]

2) Were the photons which are at the camera film when the photograph was taken also in existence 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Y/N]

On YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT do the photons which you just agreed exist, also still exist at the times I am asking about?
Yes Spacemonkey, they exist...
Thank you for finally answering. One more question: On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?

On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
It gets to be there through the light that is instantly at the eye. Remember what I said: If the object is seen by the lens this automatically puts the light at the film/retina because it meets the requirements of efferent vision, not afferent vision. You have it backwards which is why you think the light has to travel to Earth or it would violate the laws of physics.
That still isn't an answer. How did the light at the film get there? Where was that light 0.0001sec beforehand? Was it also at the film then? Was it traveling between the object and the film? Was it at the object? Where was it?

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
It could be the lens of a camera or the lens of the eye. You're trying to make a distinction between cameras and eyes, but you can't, because up to the film/retina, they work virtually the same.
Fine, they work the same. So then how does the light get to the camera film? Remember that lenses can't reach out and capture light that is at a distance. A lens can only bend light that has traveled to it and is passing through it. That is all lenses ever do. So how did the light at the camera film get there?

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Because when you're coming from the efferent perspective, all that is necessary is the object to be in the camera's field of view. That means that the reflected light must be striking the film, or we wouldn't be able to take a photograph of the object in real time. To repeat: As long as the camera has the object in its field of view, we know that the light that is reflected from the object must be at the film, but once again this does not mean light has to travel to Earth for this interaction to take place. Every time you say that light has to reach Earth, you are right back to the afferent account. You can't seem to grasp the concept that when the object is in range (not just the light) and is reflecting its light (which eventually joins the other colors of the spectrum), there is no travel time.
So then how did the red photons get to the camera film without traveling? They weren't there at the immediately previous moment when the object was still blue. Yet at the very next moment there must be red photons at the film to interact with it. So where did they come from and how did they get there? All your answer tells me is that they have to be there. I already know that. What I want to know is how they got there.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
It's not about the light getting there Spacemonkey. The light is already there because of how the EYES WORK. You have no idea how frustrating this is for me, because you're not listening.
MY question IS about how the light gets there, and you have no answer. "Because of how the eyes work" is a non-answer that doesn't explain anything. That doesn't tell me how the light gets to the camera film in a scenario where there are no eyes.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I have, and have always continued to answer your questions, until I'm blue in the face but it won't matter as long as your premise starts out with light traveling to reach the eyes. This is NOT the efferent model whatsoever. This is a catastrophic failure to understand this demonstration, whether it is my failure or yours.
You are STILL not answering the question. Real-time photography requires a red photographic image to be possible at the very moment the ball first turns red. That requires red photons to be at the camera film before they've had time to travel from the now-red object to the camera. So how do red photons get to be at the camera film when at the immediately preceding moment there were no red photons anywhere near the camera?
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:18 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
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Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
What non-absorbed red frequency? When the object first turns red there is no such traveling red frequency light. The only non-absorbed photons that have had time to travel anywhere are the blue ones. What happens to the traveling non-absorbed BLUE photons if the object changes color to red before these traveling blue photons reach the point where they allegedly 'join up' with the other light in the spectrum? Do they change frequency in transit to match the now-red object, or do they stay blue?
Sorry about that. I reversed the colors by accident. The blue wavelength light stays blue but joins with the other light in the visual spectrum. The red light will be captured as the eyes (or film) focus on the object.
So then we can position the camera inside the range at which nonabsorbed light joins up with other light, such that the traveling nonabsorbed light will hit the camera film before this happens, and we can have nonabsorbed blue light traveling along from the blue object towards the camera, right? Then according to you the object can change color to red and yet this blue light will continue along still blue rather than red and will hit the film to produce a blue rather than a red image, right?
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:20 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, here's a very simple disproof of efferent vision and real-time photography. Both require a camera to be able to record the color change of a distant object in real-time. So when a distant ball changes from blue to red, a camera must be able to photograph it as red as soon as it has become red. But if the camera is inside the range where the traveling non-absorbed light has yet to return to 'white full-spectrum' light, then all that light will be blue before the color change. And at the very moment the ball changes to red (i.e. has turned into a ball that absorbs all but red photons) there are no red photons at the camera. They were previously all being absorbed by the ball, and are only now free to bounce off the ball and begin traveling towards the camera. So none of them can be at the camera yet. But the camera cannot produce a red image on film without any red photons there to chemically interact with the film. So the camera cannot produce a real-time image of the newly red ball, and real-time photgraphy and efferent vision are thereby disproved. QED.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
This thread has gotten so unproductive that there is absolutely no point in continuing.
And yet you will continue, even though you yourself have said you'd have to be insane to do so.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I can see that his first and most important discovery is being completely dismissed.
That would be the discussion you said you would not return to, and a topic you said you had no desire to continue discussing with anyone here. But of course you've forgotten this. Again.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:29 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
It follows necessarily that if we can see the object, then the reflected non-absorbed light has to be at the film/retina.

No, it does not follow necessarily thst the reflected light is at the film/retina instantly, it has only been stated and not supported by Lessans. If there is light at the object there is no reason to believe that it would also instantly be at the film/retina, it is only there after the time delay of the light traveling the intervening distance. This is not a reasonable claim to make without some kind of proof that contradicts what has been observed.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Peacegirl, you keep dishonestly claiming that these questions are based upon afferent assumptions. So I am instead going to build up to them from simpler questions so that you can see this is not the case.

1) On your efferent model, are some of the photons that hit an object not absorbed? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
2) On your efferent model, are there photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
1) Are the nonabsorbed photons which have hit the object still in existence 0.0001sec after hitting the object? [Y/N]

2) Were the photons which are at the camera film when the photograph was taken also in existence 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Y/N]

On YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT do the photons which you just agreed exist, also still exist at the times I am asking about?
Yes Spacemonkey, they exist...
Thank you for finally answering. One more question: On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?

On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?
You know that my answer is "no", so why are you asking this?
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, here's a very simple disproof of efferent vision and real-time photography. Both require a camera to be able to record the color change of a distant object in real-time. So when a distant ball changes from blue to red, a camera must be able to photograph it as red as soon as it has become red. But if the camera is inside the range where the traveling non-absorbed light has yet to return to 'white full-spectrum' light, then all that light will be blue before the color change. And at the very moment the ball changes to red (i.e. has turned into a ball that absorbs all but red photons) there are no red photons at the camera. They were previously all being absorbed by the ball, and are only now free to bounce off the ball and begin traveling towards the camera. So none of them can be at the camera yet. But the camera cannot produce a red image on film without any red photons there to chemically interact with the film. So the camera cannot produce a real-time image of the newly red ball, and real-time photgraphy and efferent vision are thereby disproved. QED.
But we're working backwards Spacemonkey. If the camera is viewing the object through the light, then the light is revealing the object as it is which is blue, not red. You keep talking about photons as if they are separate entities that are in line waiting to strike the film (where there is no connection with the object at all). It doesn't work that way.

What does QED mean? It sounds like it means that it's a tautology.

Q.E.D. is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, which translates as "which was to be demonstrated". The phrase is traditionally placed in its abbreviated form at the end of a mathematical proof or philosophical argument when what was specified in the enunciation — and in the setting-out — has been exactly restated as the conclusion of the demonstration.[1] The abbreviation thus signals the completion of the proof.


Last edited by peacegirl; 05-17-2012 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
This thread has gotten so unproductive that there is absolutely no point in continuing.
And yet you will continue, even though you yourself have said you'd have to be insane to do so.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I can see that his first and most important discovery is being completely dismissed.
That would be the discussion you said you would not return to, and a topic you said you had no desire to continue discussing with anyone here. But of course you've forgotten this. Again.
That's why I never make promises. :D
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:53 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post

What does QED mean?

Yep, you're a chip off the old blockhead, all right.
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Old 05-17-2012, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
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Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Peacegirl, you keep dishonestly claiming that these questions are based upon afferent assumptions. So I am instead going to build up to them from simpler questions so that you can see this is not the case.

1) On your efferent model, are some of the photons that hit an object not absorbed? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
2) On your efferent model, are there photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
1) Are the nonabsorbed photons which have hit the object still in existence 0.0001sec after hitting the object? [Y/N]

2) Were the photons which are at the camera film when the photograph was taken also in existence 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Y/N]

On YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT do the photons which you just agreed exist, also still exist at the times I am asking about?
Yes Spacemonkey, they exist...
Thank you for finally answering. One more question: On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?

On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?
You know that my answer is "no", so why are you asking this?
Because now I can prove to you that my original two questions - the ones you've been avoiding for months by repeatedly claiming they are based on afferent assumptions - do not presuppose anything at all about the afferent account, and are asking you only about aspects of YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT which you have now explicitly agreed to.

You have agreed that on your account there are photons which hit the object but are not absorbed. You have agreed that on your account these very photons also still exist 0.0001sec after hitting the object. You have also agreed that on your account they must have a location at this time.

You have agreed that on your account there are photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken. You have agreed that on your account these very photons also existed 0.0001sec before this time. You have also agreed that on your account they must have a location at this time.

That means that I am not making any afferent assumptions, or relying upon the afferent model in any way, by asking you in each case for the locations of these photons at these specified times. So, on your account...

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
1) Where are the unabsorbed photons 0.0001sec after they have hit the object? [Insert answer here]
Are they about 30 meters away from the object and traveling away from it? [Yes or No]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
2) Where were the photons (which are at the film comprising the mirror image when the photograph is taken) 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Insert answer here]
Are they about 30 meters away from the camera film and traveling towards it? [Yes or No]
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Old 05-17-2012, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, here's a very simple disproof of efferent vision and real-time photography. Both require a camera to be able to record the color change of a distant object in real-time. So when a distant ball changes from blue to red, a camera must be able to photograph it as red as soon as it has become red. But if the camera is inside the range where the traveling non-absorbed light has yet to return to 'white full-spectrum' light, then all that light will be blue before the color change. And at the very moment the ball changes to red (i.e. has turned into a ball that absorbs all but red photons) there are no red photons at the camera. They were previously all being absorbed by the ball, and are only now free to bounce off the ball and begin traveling towards the camera. So none of them can be at the camera yet. But the camera cannot produce a red image on film without any red photons there to chemically interact with the film. So the camera cannot produce a real-time image of the newly red ball, and real-time photgraphy and efferent vision are thereby disproved. QED.
But we're working backwards Spacemonkey. If the camera is viewing the object through the light, then the light is revealing the object as it is which is blue, not red.
No, the object is red, not blue, when the above photograph is taken. And merely saying that the red photons have to be there (which is all you are saying) does not explain how they get there, or where they were at the immediately preceding moment. It doesn't answer the objection at all.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
You keep talking about photons as if they are separate entities that are in line waiting to strike the film (where there is no connection with the object at all). It doesn't work that way.
We think that photons are traveling quanta of electromagnetic radiation. You've said you are not challenging the basic nature of light. If your only point is that the object must also be present, then note that the object always is present in the above example.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
What does QED mean?
Quod erat demonstrandum. It signifies the end of a proof.

Can you answer the objection now? How do red photons get to be at the camera film when at the immediately preceding moment there were no red photons anywhere near the camera?
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Old 05-17-2012, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
This thread has gotten so unproductive that there is absolutely no point in continuing.
And yet you will continue, even though you yourself have said you'd have to be insane to do so.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I can see that his first and most important discovery is being completely dismissed.
That would be the discussion you said you would not return to, and a topic you said you had no desire to continue discussing with anyone here. But of course you've forgotten this. Again.
That's why I never make promises. :D
Because your memory is so shot that you know you won't be able to recall what you've previously said or promised?
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Old 05-17-2012, 11:48 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
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Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Peacegirl, you keep dishonestly claiming that these questions are based upon afferent assumptions. So I am instead going to build up to them from simpler questions so that you can see this is not the case.

1) On your efferent model, are some of the photons that hit an object not absorbed? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
2) On your efferent model, are there photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
1) Are the nonabsorbed photons which have hit the object still in existence 0.0001sec after hitting the object? [Y/N]

2) Were the photons which are at the camera film when the photograph was taken also in existence 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Y/N]

On YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT do the photons which you just agreed exist, also still exist at the times I am asking about?
Yes Spacemonkey, they exist...
Thank you for finally answering. One more question: On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?

On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?
You know that my answer is "no", so why are you asking this?
peacegirl, to be more accurate your answer is (P) "no".
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Old 05-17-2012, 11:50 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

I love this:

You keep talking about photons as if they are separate entities that are in line waiting to strike the film (where there is no connection with the object at all). It doesn't work that way.
Wholly ignorant of optics, completely unschooled about electromagnetism, devoid of any knowledge whatsoever of quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality, the black body problem, ultraviolet collapse, Einstein's initial positing of the photon, the theory of relativity, and about a billion and one other things that have been painstakingly discovered and mathematically modeled over centuries of scientific struggle, she presumes to tell others how light does and doesn't work. The audacity of such arrogance really does take one's breath away.
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Old 05-18-2012, 12:25 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
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Originally Posted by LadyShea
Light at a distance cannot be photochemically reacting with camera film, which requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film
Light is not at a distance though. The film is capturing the actual light because of the location of the OBJECT.
The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film.

What is the location of the "actual light"? If the location is "on the surface of the camera film" what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Picture that a far away object meets the requirements of efferent vision in that the object is bright enough and large enough to be seen. If that premise is true, then we must begin our reasoning from there. It follows necessarily that if we can see the object, then the reflected non-absorbed light has to be at the film/retina. Making it a requirement that light has to travel to Earth is not a physical necessity. The light is still interacting with the film.
This does not provide an answer to the question asked.

The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film. Photons that are not on physically touching the surface of the camera film cannot be absorbed.

If the location of the non-absorbed light is "at the film/retina" -as asserted above in bold- what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "film/retina"?

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
If light is present at a location (the camera film), it had to come to be at that location through some physical mechanism.
It has. It just doesn't have to travel to Earth for light to actually be at the film if the OBJECT is in view.
Originally Posted by LadyShea
I've not mentioned anything about traveling to the Earth.

What is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film". An object being in view is not a physical mechanism by which light can come to be at a location.
The physical mechanism is the reflection of light that is automatically at the film IF THE OBJECT IS IN VIEW.
"The reflection of light that is automatically at the film" is not a physical mechanism by which light can come to be at a specific location.

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Object = light = mirror image = photograph :sadcheer:
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What does that mean? Are the = symbols meant to be taken literally in that the object is the light which is the mirror image which is the photograph?
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Are you answering that an = symbol is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
No, I just meant that first there's an object, then there's light being reflected, then there's a mirror image that shows up on film (because it meets the requirements), and then a photograph is taken in real time.
This set of responses does not provide an answer the question asked.

Do you have an answer to the question "what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?

Do you know what a physical mechanism is? Do you need some explanations or definitions in order to answer the question?

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What is the mirror image? Is it material? What is it made of? Does it have a location? What is the physical mechanism by which the mirror images comes to be at the location?
Please think of the box and the light being reflected from the object. Picture that your lens (whether it's an eye or a camera) is within that light. Regardless of how far away the object is, it will create a mirror image. Just because it's a short cut, so to speak, doesn't mean the light isn't physically interacting. If the object appears small, then it will show up exactly that way on the retina due to the inverse square law. If your lens happens to be closer to the object which makes it appear larger, then it will show up exactly as you see it due to the inverse square law. Photons are still traveling but when we only get white light (remember, we are assuming the premise of efferent vision is correct and working backwards), then the object is out of range and we will no longer get an image.
This response does not provide any answers to the 5 separate questions asked.

The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film. Photons that are not on physically touching the surface of the camera film cannot be absorbed. What is the mechanism by which photons come to be located at the surface of camera film?
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Old 05-18-2012, 02:37 AM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Please think of the box and the light being reflected from the object. Picture that your lens (whether it's an eye or a camera) is within that light.
If the lens is within the light then either the lens has traveled in order to enter the light or the light has traveled in order to encompass the lens. If the lens remains stationary and the light has not crossed the distance between the lens and the object then the lens is not yet within the light.
Old Pain In The Ass says: I am on a mission from God to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable; to bring faith to the doubtful and doubt to the faithful. :shakebible:
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Thanks, from:
LadyShea (05-18-2012)
Old 05-18-2012, 12:15 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Peacegirl, you keep dishonestly claiming that these questions are based upon afferent assumptions. So I am instead going to build up to them from simpler questions so that you can see this is not the case.

1) On your efferent model, are some of the photons that hit an object not absorbed? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
2) On your efferent model, are there photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken? [Y/N]

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
1) Are the nonabsorbed photons which have hit the object still in existence 0.0001sec after hitting the object? [Y/N]

2) Were the photons which are at the camera film when the photograph was taken also in existence 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Y/N]

On YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT do the photons which you just agreed exist, also still exist at the times I am asking about?
Yes Spacemonkey, they exist...
Thank you for finally answering. One more question: On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?

On your account do photons ever exist at any time without having a location?
You know that my answer is "no", so why are you asking this?
Because now I can prove to you that my original two questions - the ones you've been avoiding for months by repeatedly claiming they are based on afferent assumptions - do not presuppose anything at all about the afferent account, and are asking you only about aspects of YOUR EFFERENT ACCOUNT which you have now explicitly agreed to.
Yes, you are basing your entire position on what light does and are forgetting the requirements of efferent vision by the very fact that you say it doesn't matter if the object is even there. You are only thinking in terms of light which presupposes that it is entering the brain and being interpreted through signals. Can't you see this? How else could light bring the pattern if you weren't thinking in terms of afferent vision?

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
You have agreed that on your account there are photons which hit the object but are not absorbed. You have agreed that on your account these very photons also still exist 0.0001sec after hitting the object. You have also agreed that on your account they must have a location at this time.
That's true, they must have a location. This is not magic Spacemonkey.

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
You have agreed that on your account there are photons at the camera film (interacting with it and responsible for the color of the resulting image) at the time the photograph is taken. You have agreed that on your account these very photons also existed 0.0001sec before this time. You have also agreed that on your account they must have a location at this time.

That means that I am not making any afferent assumptions, or relying upon the afferent model in any way, by asking you in each case for the locations of these photons at these specified times. So, on your account...
You are not recognizing, once again, the importance of the object which reflects the mirror image due to this phenomenon. You are not working this problem backwards, which is to assume that the object is necessary for sight; the efferent premise. You are still assuming that all that is necessary is light, so red would come before blue because location of those "traveling" photons determines what we see. This is the afferent position.

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
1) Where are the unabsorbed photons 0.0001sec after they have hit the object? [Insert answer here]
Are they about 30 meters away from the object and traveling away from it? [Yes or No]

Don't you see what you're doing, or you still don't have a clue?

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
2) Where were the photons (which are at the film comprising the mirror image when the photograph is taken) 0.0001sec before the photograph was taken? [Insert answer here]
Are they about 30 meters away from the camera film and traveling towards it? [Yes or No]
I can't do this anymore.
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Old 05-18-2012, 12:20 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
This thread has gotten so unproductive that there is absolutely no point in continuing.
And yet you will continue, even though you yourself have said you'd have to be insane to do so.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I can see that his first and most important discovery is being completely dismissed.
That would be the discussion you said you would not return to, and a topic you said you had no desire to continue discussing with anyone here. But of course you've forgotten this. Again.
That's why I never make promises. :D
Because your memory is so shot that you know you won't be able to recall what you've previously said or promised?
I am frustrated beyond imagination, which is why I react by saying I have to move on. Eventually I will find a better home for this discussion. It's definitely not here.
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Old 05-18-2012, 12:26 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Light at a distance cannot be photochemically reacting with camera film, which requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film
Light is not at a distance though. The film is capturing the actual light because of the location of the OBJECT.
The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film.

What is the location of the "actual light"? If the location is "on the surface of the camera film" what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Picture that a far away object meets the requirements of efferent vision in that the object is bright enough and large enough to be seen. If that premise is true, then we must begin our reasoning from there. It follows necessarily that if we can see the object, then the reflected non-absorbed light has to be at the film/retina. Making it a requirement that light has to travel to Earth is not a physical necessity. The light is still interacting with the film.
This does not provide an answer to the question asked.

The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film. Photons that are not on physically touching the surface of the camera film cannot be absorbed.

If the location of the non-absorbed light is "at the film/retina" -as asserted above in bold- what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "film/retina"?

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
If light is present at a location (the camera film), it had to come to be at that location through some physical mechanism.
It has. It just doesn't have to travel to Earth for light to actually be at the film if the OBJECT is in view.
Originally Posted by LadyShea
I've not mentioned anything about traveling to the Earth.

What is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film". An object being in view is not a physical mechanism by which light can come to be at a location.
The physical mechanism is the reflection of light that is automatically at the film IF THE OBJECT IS IN VIEW.
"The reflection of light that is automatically at the film" is not a physical mechanism by which light can come to be at a specific location.

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
Object = light = mirror image = photograph :sadcheer:
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What does that mean? Are the = symbols meant to be taken literally in that the object is the light which is the mirror image which is the photograph?
Originally Posted by LadyShea
Are you answering that an = symbol is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?
No, I just meant that first there's an object, then there's light being reflected, then there's a mirror image that shows up on film (because it meets the requirements), and then a photograph is taken in real time.
This set of responses does not provide an answer the question asked.

Do you have an answer to the question "what is the physical mechanism by which light comes to be at the location "surface of the camera film"?

Do you know what a physical mechanism is? Do you need some explanations or definitions in order to answer the question?

Originally Posted by peacegirl
Originally Posted by LadyShea
What is the mirror image? Is it material? What is it made of? Does it have a location? What is the physical mechanism by which the mirror images comes to be at the location?
Please think of the box and the light being reflected from the object. Picture that your lens (whether it's an eye or a camera) is within that light. Regardless of how far away the object is, it will create a mirror image. Just because it's a short cut, so to speak, doesn't mean the light isn't physically interacting. If the object appears small, then it will show up exactly that way on the retina due to the inverse square law. If your lens happens to be closer to the object which makes it appear larger, then it will show up exactly as you see it due to the inverse square law. Photons are still traveling but when we only get white light (remember, we are assuming the premise of efferent vision is correct and working backwards), then the object is out of range and we will no longer get an image.
This response does not provide any answers to the 5 separate questions asked.

The photochemical reaction that occurs during film photography requires the absorption of photons at the surface of the camera film. Photons that are not on physically touching the surface of the camera film cannot be absorbed. What is the mechanism by which photons come to be located at the surface of camera film?
Why do you keep singling out photography when light has to interact with the retina also? I told you that if the object is reflecting a mirror image of itself, then when a picture is taken of the OBJECT, or we're viewing the OBJECT (which seems to be completely forgotten), it is only because the reflected light is interacting.
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