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My Life Stuff about my family and such.

Daughter's first injury

Posted 01-02-2009 at 05:32 AM by Kael

I feel terrible. I was playing with my daughter at a park near my wife's work, waiting for her to finish her shift so we could run some errands. She loved the swing, for a few minutes at least, then I took her down a couple of slides. She seemed unimpressed, perhaps even bored, so I started carrying her back to meet my wife. I slipped on some ice and instinctively caught myself on a rail, unfortunately pinning her leg against it. She was quite upset by this, obviously hurt, and I was very worried,...
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the internet says I'm right
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Science and Religion

Posted 11-03-2008 at 07:01 AM by Kael

So, a local church left their pamphlet/magazine on our porch the other day. I was bored and thumbed through it. I expected the usual stuff, the bible verses and explanations of the lessons we can take from them, the articles on things like 'How to show Christ-like love in every day life'. What I didn't expect was multiple articles attacking science in general, and evolution specifically. Those I deal with regularly who are religious are also learned, and I keep getting surprised by the depth...
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the internet says I'm right
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Views 7738 Comments 0 Kael is offline

And now for the politics

Posted 11-03-2008 at 02:16 AM by Kael

So, I had a chance finally to chat with my dad again, we are both very busy so it is an infrequent occurance anymore. Toward the end, I finally worked up the nerve to breach the subject of politics (my views have changed since last we spoke of it, and I didn't know where to begin explaining). Not going to go into great detail, but the short discussion (had to end, we both had work) left me thinking quite a bit, and I'm certain if we ever have time, we could talk for hours about it.
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the internet says I'm right
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Why are you reading this?

Posted 10-01-2008 at 09:01 PM by Kael
Updated 10-08-2008 at 03:10 AM by Kael

So, I've never had a blog before, not really sure what to do with it. But, I was sitting down today and thought "Why the hell not?" so here it is.

My daughter turns 1 year old this month, that's pretty cool. She's doing really great, normal development both physically and mentally. She hasn't walked or talked yet, despite trying very hard to do both these past few months, though I'm confident she'll get it soon. She's obviously starting to understand more of what we...
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the internet says I'm right
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