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Old 11-30-2023, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: What's for Dinner?

Not for dinner, but for lunch. Cooked the below linked recipe for work in celebration of Native American Heritage Month. I may have made it slightly more peppery than recommended, but it was good. Hard to find wild rice though ... it always comes in a long grain/wild rice blend around here. I also swapped the kale out for spinach, but would have preferred escarole (not very Native American, unless they also happen to be part Italian), which I also have a hard time finding around here.

Recipe: https://news.extension.uconn.edu/wp-...ers-recipe.pdf
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Old 11-30-2024, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: What's for Dinner?

Originally Posted by livius drusus View Post
Did I mention that the garlic clove I chopped and added to the spinach had been used to flavor the basting butter for the filet so it was all buttery and steaky? I'm seriously considering hitting the market and getting another filet mignon (on sale for $14.99 a pound) and having the exact same thing for dinner today.

Your burger sounds damned tasty, Bort, despite the accent items being insufficiently sharp and/or savory. Since I kicked the sugars, starches and refined carbs, I find my tolerance for non-sweet flavors had skyrocketed. I crave them, in fact. Things are rarely as sour, hot, bitter or funky as I would wish them to be nowadays.
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Old 12-20-2024, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: What's for Dinner?

Prepared a slow cooker (casserole pot thing with an electric heater that takes several hours to gradually warm up) full of vegetables this morning.

Diced the potatoes and onion, chopped the carrots and parsnips, added dried lentils, tin of chopped tomatoes, and tin of red kidney beans.

Spiced with herbs, chilli powder and garlic powder, added some curry powder and half a stock cube.

Was just finishing off with a few grinds of pepper, when the top broke off my pepper grinder, emptying all the black peppercorns into the mixture. The grinder was pretty full, so probably about five or more tablespoons of whole black peppercorns.

I fished out the peppercorns I could see, but probably about half of them are still in there, now gently cooking.

I'll report later what it tastes like, assuming I survive.
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Old 12-20-2024, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: What's for Dinner?

It tasted quite nice. The peppercorns didn't have as strong a kick as I'd feared - they had a slightly crunchy texture, despite the hours of gentle cooking, but not an overwhelmingly strong taste, when crunched.

Lots of it still left for at least two more meals, probably tomorrow.
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Old 12-20-2024, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: What's for Dinner?

I've spilled pepper in a meal before.

I didn't have a choice not to eat it. It was not okay.
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ceptimus (12-20-2024)

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