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Old 06-07-2011, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl
I hope people read when the discovery is validated to see how difficult it was to break through the ignorance that existed, and the vitriol that took place. This would never reflect on Lessans. It would reflect on those who couldn't stand that I was discussing a genuine discovery that they were blind to see.
Keep going peacegirl, the more you talk the more you discredit yourself. You have put yourself in the category of the flat Earthers, 9/11 Truthers, Creationsists, Scientologists, and Birthers, because your behavior is indistinguishable from the assorted nuts.
I'm not continuing in here LadyShea; what has already been recorded will show how impossible it was for me to be heard, let alone understood. Future generations will make the decision as to who was right and who was wrong.
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Old 06-07-2011, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

In future generations, will I be played by an evil Jeremy Irons?
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl
will show how impossible it was for me to be heard
You have been heard, 1759 posts just by you.

Your words have not been edited, your words have not been deleted, you have not been banned, sanctioned, or officially warned away from saying your piece in any way. Because your words are typed, rather than spoken, they are on record for any and all to read, as you noted.

You exercised free speech and you received free speech in return.

This was the most free exchange of ideas you are likely to encounter anywhere.
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
Originally Posted by davidm View Post
You little fool, tell us again about God turning on the sun and how we would see it immediately but not the reflected light for eight and a half minutes, a situation that is logically impossible under ANY theory of sight.
Having been away from the board for nearly a month, I am way behind on reading this thread. So, I ask you to excuse me for posting when I haven't finished reading the entire thread. I simply feel compelled to respond to davidm's repeated assertions that this hypothetical example is illogical.

According to Lessan's idea of efferent vision, when God turns on the sun we are able to see it immediately because it is big enough and bright enough to be seen. It does not matter that the light from the sun has not had enough time to reach our eyes. It does not matter because it is not the presence of the light in our eyes that allows us to see the sun. We can see the sun because the light is present in the sun. That is, the sun is adequately illuminated by its own light the moment that it is switched on.

We can't see our neighbor, or anything else on earth, until after a lapse of 8.5 minutes because that is how long it takes for the light from the sun to reach the earth and illuminate objects on the earth.

The light that illuminates the sun and the light that illuminates objects on earth are the same light, but that light is 8.5 minutes old by the time it arrives at a place where it can reflect off of those nearby objects.

The really cool, and entirely logical, part is that even if the sun were once again turned off, even a mere second after it was turned on, we would still be able to see those nearby objects 8.5 minutes after we first saw the sun, even though we would no longer be able to the see the sun, because it has been turned off. First, the sun suddenly appears, then, a second later, it disappears and then, 8.5 minutes (minus one second) later, we can see our neighbor. This beatific vision of our neighbor would, of course, cease after one second, because the light which had illuminated our neighbor would have passed on to illuminate someone else's neighbor.

Now, imagine (hypothetically of course) that God decides to turn the sun on and off at one second intervals. It would be just like the strobe light they used at one of your Junior High dances. How cool would that be?

All of this is, of course, quite wrong, but there is nothing illogical about it. It follows, quite necessarily, from the initial premise that efferent sight does not require light to carry information. Light is indeed a condition of such sight, but the light does not have to be here (i.e. in the eye of the beholder), it simply has to be there (i.e. illuminating the object being beheld).

I hope that davidm and his cronies have found this explanation useful.
Thank you Angakuk. You really have explained this better than I ever could. The only part that is faulty is when you say that his observations are quite wrong. :) ;)

You do realize that Angakuk isn't actually trying to help you here, ja?

Also, why does the reflected light of the moon appear instantly, even though it, like your neighbor, is 8.5 light minutes distant from the source light of the sun?

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Moreover, as has been demonstrated to peacegirl, seeing the sun instantaneously because it is big enough and bright enough (illuminated by its own light) is impossible because the physical world bars instantaneous information transfer regardless of how we see. The state change from sun off to sun on is information by definition.

Now, peacegirl, lets deconstruct the logic of the situation that Angakuk has laid out, and ensnared you into agreeing with in the brilliant trap that he set for you. Are there two kinds of light? Actually, there must be THREE kinds of light: The source light of the sun that is seen instantaneously (even though that is impossible); the reflected light off the moon that is also seen instaneously, and the reflected light off one's neighbor that is seen 8.5 minutes later. So we have 1. instantaneous source light; 2. instantaneous reflected light; and 3. delayed reflected light.

Do you seriously wish to maintain such fuckwittery? I know you won't attempt to defend or explain it, even if you maintain it; it's IMPOSSIBLE to defend such arrant nonsense!

Originally Posted by davidm View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post

You are such a broken record that the crack cannot be repaired. Even if Lessans was proved to be right and was finally given acclaim for his contribution, I would be hearing you in the background saying over and over again: Why does the reflected light of the moon appear instantly, even though it, like your neighbor, is 8.5 light minutes distant from the source light of the sun? :laugh:
And? Why does it, twit? :laugh:

Even a kindergarten student could spot the logical flaw here, but not you and your dumbass dingbat Dad.


Oh, and Angakuk WAS lampooning your position. His is a pastor, but a very EVIL pastor. :muahaha:
Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Even if it wasn't impossible it doesn't explain why we should see the moon instantly as well, as Lessans claimed.
Please reread Angakuk's interpretation. I will not repeat what he explained so eloquently.
LOLS he didn't cover the moon. Do you even read?
First, let's settle the moon question. Efferent vision requires that all sight be instantaneous sight. That is, the very moment that some object is illuminated it becomes visible. The sun, the moment it is turned on, instantly becomes visible. The moon, the moment it is struck by light from the sun, instantly becomes visible. Nearby objects, the moment they are struck by light from the sun, instantly become visible. Each of these classes of objects is seen instantaneously, but none of them are seen at the same instant. The logic of this argument is irrefutable, never mind that the initial premise (that sight is efferent) is false. The sweet irony here is that Lessans criticizes the afferent theory of sight on the grounds that it is a predominantly logical argument while his own "theory" relies on an argument that is exclusively logical. The principle difference between the two theories being that the prevailing theory of afferent sight is based on solid empirical evidence and Lessans' "theory" of efferent sight is based on nothing more than his own unsubstantiated "astute observation".

Second, I strenuously object to the characterization of my previous post as a "lampoon". I am deeply insulted at the very suggestion that I would stoop to the use of sarcasm or satire merely to score points in a debate. I believe that I am owed an apology.:offended:
Old Pain In The Ass says: I am on a mission from God to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable; to bring faith to the doubtful and doubt to the faithful. :shakebible:
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

How very shallow you are Vivisectus. This mirrors who you are in your self-importance, not Lessans. It makes me sad. I'm sure you will all say, "Then be sad, you idiot." The phrase, "You idiot," is your proof that he has nothing, but it fails over and over again. Answer me sincerely, is this the kind of response that comes from someone who is truly unbiased, or more importantly, professional? No, it isn't, and it allows me to see (with a bright light shown on it), that this is nothing more than people who don't want to be wrong, no matter what it takes. They will keep anybody who threatens them under wraps, no matter how they do it; even if the means they attack with full force like Stephen Marturin (the worst of them all), Davidm, The Editor, Doctor X, thedoc, and others, what they cannot understand because they did not read the book. Does that seem a little bit nuts to anyone in here?

I have come to realize why people are scared straight from sharing their truth. They don't want to be condemned for their thoughts like I have been condemned. And I don't blame them one bit. This is the third Reich. You better agree, or you will be eaten up alive. Does anyone with any brain left recogize the dynamic going on in here? This thread is nothing more than a big lie (I feel sorry for you people who think you are god's gift to humanity), and will ruin it for others if they are depending on these people to determine what is true.
Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Barely coherent, with a VERY idiosyncratic idea of "proof", and always claiming persecution - you rant just like your father writes, did you know that?
It's the dynamic that's played out in here that doesn't add up. I'm not going to get sucked back into this thread. It's full of name calling, with very little substance.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
But I am of course utterly baffled by your invoking of the nazis - everyone knows that when you call your opponent a nazi, that makes you about 7 more right. You have beaten the thought-police with this cunning and novel strategy. Bravo!
And you can't see how the responses in here were a cunning strategy to make Lessans look foolish? How could they have been objective when no one read the book? If I go down, you're coming with me. :yup:

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Thank goodness that we have you, the only person in his entire board who can think for herself and does not mindlessly parrot authority! A plucky little fighter who doggedly pursues the truth, even if the evidence that surfaces goes right against everything she was raised to believe.
Coming from someone who can't even explain the two-sided equation in his own words, yet tells me that the premises are wrong. All you keep repeating is that firemen are not a condition of fires, therefore blame is not a condition for justification. Bad analogy!!!! I cannot believe, in all honesty, that out of 200 pages, this was the only refutation other than davidm saying that Lessans' definition of determinism was a modal fallacy. And this group is supposed to be the cream of the crop??? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Someone who is willing to look the truth in the face and stand up to the hypocrites who claim that their "rational thinking" and "scientific method" gives them a better standard of truth than those who simply say "My daddy said so, and he was a very clever fellow who spent a lot of time thinking about stuff, so if he thought stuff that was wrong, he would notice and think something else in stead!".
That's a red herring if I ever saw one. It's another distraction so you can be right. You're not interested in anything that could lead to the truth; you're only interested in the sound of your own voice.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
How dare we all criticize this epic work that you so graciously allowed us to celebrate! Why, we don't even know what is written in it, because none of us have read a page. We are just incredibly lucky to guess that it features such gems of wisdom as love of a persons genitals, the sexy jacket and the translucent robe! How we ever divined that there was a man on Rigel who can send messages back in time is beyond me.
That is why I can't continue. For you to twist this man's words and turn them into something I couldn't have made up if I tried, makes this thread a mockery at Lessans' expense. But the joke will be on you, when you look back and see how unfair you all were. This is not about persecution; it's about fair treatment.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
And the mocking! Just because it features the marvel of efferent, instant sight we quibble about such minor problems as physics, causality and the inevitable paradox of time-travel. We mope and whine about a complete lack of mechanism by which sight is supposed to work. Who the hell was Einstein anyway? Did he ever devise a system to save the world? No Ma'am!
Funny you talk about time travel when efferent vision has nothing to do with time. :glare:

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
It must be because this awesome epic of epic epicness so threatens us, somewhere deep inside, that we must suppress it. We just cannot bear the idea of our treasured preconceptions being taken away from us, as we are all deeply and emotionally invested in it. I myself have cried myself to sleep many a night, rocking back and forth, murmuring "No! It cannot be true that the optic nerve is not afferent! I must think something up, find some way to shut her up!"
Maybe you aren't threatened by afferent vision, but others are. It's very difficult to be in the hot seat for a change, and get a taste of your own medicine.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Why, I would not be a bit surprised of government agents in black suits are on their way to your house as we speak, to silence the awesome wisdom of your father before it takes root and begins to threaten the power of the political establishment. No wonder those presidents never wrote your father back!
There you go again coming up with all kinds of false conclusions. The president probably never received the letter to begin with. These letters were only meant to show the reader what lengths he went to, to be heard.

Originally Posted by Vivisectus
Keep up the good fight, peacegirl! Surely, your day will come. Oh wait - you have already conveniently moved the revolution to a time after we are all dead, even though the book says otherwise. So your day will come, but none of us will notice, and for all intents and purposes the world will go on exactly as if your time will in fact not come. Hey if it works for religions, why not for you?
Wrong again. He said 25 years from the time this discovery was confirmed valid, which has not happened, so you can't go by that number.

Last edited by peacegirl; 06-07-2011 at 06:56 PM.
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Funny you talk about time travel when efferent vision has nothing to do with time.
Actually, it has quite a lot to do with time. As you'd know if you'd bothered to read some of the explanations and links that have been given to you.
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I'm not going to get sucked back into this thread.

That is why I can't continue.
And yet you do.
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Angakuk, Then let me offer here a most sincere and heart felt apology.

Of course I can only speak for myself.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Angakuk
First, let's settle the moon question. Efferent vision requires that all sight be instantaneous sight. That is, the very moment that some object is illuminated it becomes visible. The sun, the moment it is turned on, instantly becomes visible. The moon, the moment it is struck by light from the sun, instantly becomes visible. Nearby objects, the moment they are struck by light from the sun, instantly become visible. Each of these classes of objects is seen instantaneously, but none of them are seen at the same instant. The logic of this argument is irrefutable, never mind that the initial premise (that sight is efferent) is false. The sweet irony here is that Lessans criticizes the afferent theory of sight on the grounds that it is a predominantly logical argument while his own "theory" relies on an argument that is exclusively logical. The principle difference between the two theories being that the prevailing theory of afferent sight is based on solid empirical evidence and Lessans' "theory" of efferent sight is based on nothing more than his own unsubstantiated "astute observation".
Empirical evidence can be misleading, while an astute observation can be correct. ;)

Last edited by peacegirl; 06-07-2011 at 09:01 PM.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Yeah, Ang, you big jerk!
For Science!
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Funny you talk about time travel when efferent vision has nothing to do with time.
Actually, it has quite a lot to do with time. As you'd know if you'd bothered to read some of the explanations and links that have been given to you.
We can’t see
bacteria either with the naked eye, but we can through a microscope.
The actual reason we are able to see the moon is because there is
enough light present and it is large enough to be seen. The
explanation as to why the sun looks to be the size of the moon —
although much larger — is because it is much much farther away,
which is the reason it would look like a star to someone living on a
planet the distance of Rigel. This proves conclusively that the
distance between someone looking, and the object seen, has no
relation to time because the images are not traveling toward the optic
nerve on waves of light, therefore it takes no time to see the moon,
the sun, and the distant stars
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Again, your "response" boils down to "Lessans said it, and that settles it as far as I'm concerned."

Go read "Relativity for Dummies," or any astronomy textbook, or some such thing. If we could see in "real time" (we can't; that has been thoroughly proved), it would necessarily cause all sorts of problems with how we experience time.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

I really enjoyed that one bit in Sagan's Cosmos where he sets up what things would be like if the speed of light were much, much slower, like less than 60 mph, and then goes through what we might experience at a typical intersection were that the case.
For Science!
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
We can’t see
bacteria either with the naked eye, but we can through a microscope.
The actual reason we are able to see the moon is because there is
enough light present and it is large enough to be seen. The
explanation as to why the sun looks to be the size of the moon —
although much larger — is because it is much much farther away,
which is the reason it would look like a star to someone living on a
planet the distance of Rigel. This proves conclusively that the
distance between someone looking, and the object seen, has no
relation to time because the images are not traveling toward the optic
nerve on waves of light, therefore it takes no time to see the moon,
the sun, and the distant stars

If the images aren't seen because they are carried to us via light, then how are they seen? What the fuck is the mechanism?

Oh, and you've already answered at least four times:



The fact is, however, that regardless of how we see, real-time information acquistion, which is what your Royal Stupidness is describing here, is IMPOSSIBLE, for reasons that have repeatedly been explained to you. Too bad, so sad! Your father was nuts, and so are you. :wave:
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:40 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

I should also point out, by the way, that Lessan's quoted "proof" that there's no relationship between time* and distance is a textbook example of a non sequitur. And even more to the point, it's a perfect example of circular reasoning, since he assumes what he's trying to prove.

*Presumably, he meant that there is no delay imposed by the finite speed of light between when a distant event happens and when we see it happening. As is typical, however, Lessans is unable to convey the idea clearly.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl
will show how impossible it was for me to be heard
You have been heard, 1759 posts just by you.
No LadyShea. This thread is a joke.

Originally Posted by LadyShea
Your words have not been edited, your words have not been deleted, you have not been banned, sanctioned, or officially warned away from saying your piece in any way. Because your words are typed, rather than spoken, they are on record for any and all to read, as you noted.
I really tried to analyze how people could have gotten this book so wrong. It's all because you took this book as a joke from the very beginning. Every single one of you. This book was not read from cover to cover. Everyone says they read the book, but didn't even know that there would be no authority or control of any kind in the new world. That's a dead give-a-way, if there ever was one.

Originally Posted by LadyShea
You exercised free speech and you received free speech in return.

This was the most free exchange of ideas you are likely to encounter anywhere.
Maybe it was a free exchange of ideas; but it wasn't based on mutual understanding or respect.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
I should also point out, by the way, that Lessan's quoted "proof" that there's no relationship between time* and distance is a textbook example of a non sequitur. And even more to the point, it's a perfect example of circular reasoning, since he assumes what he's trying to prove.
That wasn't meant to be his proof. He was just extending his observation that if there is nothing coming from the light that is converted into an image; then sight has nothing to do with time.

Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger
*Presumably, he meant that there is no delay imposed by the finite speed of light between when a distant event happens and when we see it happening. As is typical, however, Lessans is unable to convey the idea clearly.
There is no delay because there is no image coming from the light. I thought he was very clear.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

You are not entitled to understanding or being taken seriously or to be respected. The :ff: allows most everyone to say what they want to say, and you got to take advantage of that.

That you don't like what others had to say, oh well :shrug:
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
Again, your "response" boils down to "Lessans said it, and that settles it as far as I'm concerned."

Go read "Relativity for Dummies," or any astronomy textbook, or some such thing. If we could see in "real time" (we can't; that has been thoroughly proved), it would necessarily cause all sorts of problems with how we experience time.
I do not understand why seeing in real time would cause a problem at all. It doesn't change anything except for the belief that we would be seeing an image from the past. It doesn't contradict any proven technology.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
I should also point out, by the way, that Lessan's quoted "proof" that there's no relationship between time* and distance is a textbook example of a non sequitur. And even more to the point, it's a perfect example of circular reasoning, since he assumes what he's trying to prove.
That wasn't meant to be his proof.
Oh? Then why did he say "This proves conclusively..."
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
You are not entitled to understanding or being taken seriously or to be respected. The :ff: allows most everyone to say what they want to say, and you got to take advantage of that.

That you don't like what others had to say, oh well :shrug:
It's not anyone's fault; it's just that the format doesn't lend itself to introducing an unknown work of this type. It was my error to ever think that people would take Lesans seriously. After all, who am I to come on a forum and announce that I have a discovery that will change the world? It really does sound crazy, but if you understood my background and why it has been so difficult getting this knowledge investigated, it wouldn't seem so strange after all. Being here (and on the other forums) has taught me a lot though; especially what not to repeat again.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:47 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
Again, your "response" boils down to "Lessans said it, and that settles it as far as I'm concerned."

Go read "Relativity for Dummies," or any astronomy textbook, or some such thing. If we could see in "real time" (we can't; that has been thoroughly proved), it would necessarily cause all sorts of problems with how we experience time.
I do not understand why seeing in real time would cause a problem at all. It doesn't change anything except for the belief that we would be seeing an image from the past. It doesn't contradict any proven technology.
That's the point! It does contradict proven technology. And more to the point, you would understand why it contradicts quite a lot of very well-established theory -- and proven technology -- if you would bother to read up on the subject matter. But you won't.

That's practically your entire MO:

Step 1.) You make an unsupported claim
Step 2.) Various people point out that the claim is both unsupported and contradicted by well-established facts and theories
Step 3.) You claim that you don't understand how this is the case
Step 4.) People give you explanations and specific examples of facts that contradict you claim, with information on how you can learn more about this for yourself
Step 5.) You declare that you have no desire to/intention of educating yourself on the matter
Step 6.) Go to Step 1
“The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
I should also point out, by the way, that Lessan's quoted "proof" that there's no relationship between time* and distance is a textbook example of a non sequitur. And even more to the point, it's a perfect example of circular reasoning, since he assumes what he's trying to prove.
That wasn't meant to be his proof.
Oh? Then why did he say "This proves conclusively..."
He was describing how the eyes work based on his observations regarding our relationship with the external world. He was assuming you were following his reasoning, and therefore would see the veracity of his conclusions.

Last edited by peacegirl; 06-07-2011 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

If I go down, you're coming with me. :yup:

:awesome: I see that an exaggerated sense of self-importance runs in the family!

I cannot believe, in all honesty, that out of 200 pages, this was the only refutation other than davidm saying that Lessans' definition of determinism was a modal fallacy.
There were lots of others - you just ignored them as usual. Remember the unsupported assertion and the way human conscience "just works that way" which Lessans just knew because of his "astute observations?"

Besides - as you correctly say - they are refutations. They refute your fathers theories.

That's a red herring if I ever saw one. It's another distraction so you can be right. You're not interested in anything that could lead to the truth; you're only interested in the sound of your own voice.
You really are totally immune to farce and sarcasm aren't you? Just like you are immune to any part of reality that shows how wrong your father was.

That is why I can't continue. For you to twist this man's words and turn them into something I couldn't have made up if I tried, makes this thread a mockery at Lessans' expense. But the joke will be on you, when you look back and see how unfair you all were. This is not about persecution; it's about fair treatment.
:plotting: They called me mad! Maaaaad I tell you! haha! Aahaha!! AHAHAHA!!!!

Funny you talk about time travel when efferent vision has nothing to do with time. :glare:
It is funny - and foolish! Because you hide behind willful ignorance so you don't have to realize that actually, yeah it does. So I am a fool for pointing it out once more - you do not understand it, and you will not do a thing about it. You simply make idiot statements like "I don't believe that it contradicts relativity" and leave it at that. As if it makes the slightest jot of difference what you believe.

Maybe you aren't threatened by afferent vision, but others are. It's very difficult to be in the hot seat for a change, and get a taste of your own medicine.
I have no idea what you are on about here. You seem to be having a sort of random hissy fit at this stage. Awesome, but unintelligible.

There you go again coming up with all kinds of false conclusions. The president probably never received the letter to begin with. These letters were only meant to show the reader what lengths he went to, to be heard.
Maybe, juuuuust maybe someone at this stage should have wondered if maybe it was being ignored because they are the ramblings of a autodidact who badly botched the job, was not too bright and had a messiah complex?

Seriously, this man called Durant a great philosopher.

Wrong again. He said 25 years from the time this discovery was confirmed valid, which has not happened, so you can't go by that number.
Actually I don't think that was what he actually said. I do appreciate that it is what you keep telling yourself so you can continue to believe in this drivel. Meanie scientists it is then, stubbornly resisting getting themselves Nobel prizes for creating the first time-machine, and not realizing how far superior your fathers education was.

But hey - it is all mathematical and undeniable. Any moment now everyone will realize that it is brilliant, really. Any moment now. :waiting:
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Old 06-07-2011, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
Again, your "response" boils down to "Lessans said it, and that settles it as far as I'm concerned."

Go read "Relativity for Dummies," or any astronomy textbook, or some such thing. If we could see in "real time" (we can't; that has been thoroughly proved), it would necessarily cause all sorts of problems with how we experience time.
I do not understand why seeing in real time would cause a problem at all. It doesn't change anything except for the belief that we would be seeing an image from the past. It doesn't contradict any proven technology.
It is one of many things that you do not understand. This one you refuse to learn about even if it is presented in simple terms.
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Goliath (06-07-2011)

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