You know, when you file a lawsuit the sole purpose of which is preventing disclosure of documents to which you claim the attorney-client privilege attaches, you open yourself up to scrutiny aimed at determining whether any exception to the privilege might apply to one or more of the documents you're trying to keep under wraps. One of those exceptions is the crime/fraud exception.
Wingnut lawyer/lawprof John Eastman fucked around by filing such a lawsuit to keep emails away from the Jan. 6 commission, and, along with his client, is now finding out:
Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.
. . .
Based on the evidence, the Court finds that it is more likely than not that President Trump and Dr. Eastman dishonestly conspired to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.
. . .
Dr. Eastman and President Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower—it was a coup in search of a legal theory. The plan spurred violent attacks on the seat of our nation’s government, led to the deaths of several law enforcement officers, and deepened public distrust in our political process.
I am queasy at the prospect of the current SCOTUS entertaining an application for an emergency stay of this judge's order requiring production of 101 out of 111 disputed emails pending the outcome of an appeal, but this judge's opinion is a great read.
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." ~ Louis D. Brandeis
"Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are." ~ S. Gecko
According to white house records Trump took calls from Giuliani and Bannon, then went phone silent from 11:17am to 6:54pm on Jan 6th. It’s sad it must be said in this way, but it has been said that Trump has used, and more importantly, understands, the term ‘burner phone.’
Trump back’s TV’s doctor OZ for senate because he’s seen him on TV.
While endorsing another con-artist is nothing new, I find it interesting that it’s because Trump thinks the one way interaction between a TV personality talking at him through a screen is a friendship. Similar to how many Joe Rogan fans see Rogan as being part of the conversation with a fellow bro.
Or, as Rolling Stone put it, Fraud Endorses Quack. It's hard to imagine looking back at Pat Toomey's tenure as a U.S. Senator from Pa. as "the good old days," but here we are.
Wife-beating psycho Sean Parnell has thankfully dropped out of the race for the GOP nomination, which is now down to Oz (thanks, Oprah!), rich businessman David McCormick, who self-cucked by taking a futile trip to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring of the old incontinent fat fuck, and a boatload of other trumpers. There are four Dems vying for their party's nomination, including Lt. Gov. John Fetterman.
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." ~ Louis D. Brandeis
"Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are." ~ S. Gecko
Remember when it was just Elvis coming back? I miss that.
In loyalty to their kind
They cannot tolerate our minds
In loyalty to our kind
We cannot tolerate their obstruction - Airplane, Jefferson
"Jason Miller" and "Eric Bolling" should consider that there's no practical way to unring the bell hanging around the neck of a horse that's left the barn and is currently heading for destinations unknown aboard a ship that's already sailed.
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." ~ Louis D. Brandeis
"Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are." ~ S. Gecko