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Old 06-23-2013, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by ceptimus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Because the eyes are acting differently than the other senses. Any photons coming in and being interpreted by the brain should be easily identified just like the smell of his master's sock being carried into the nose and to the brain is easily identified (without any other cues), and just like the voice of his master coming into the ears and to the brain is easily identified (without any other cues).
Can you show us some videos of dogs prancing around and tail wagging when they're given one of their master's socks to smell, or when they're played a recording of their master's voice? Both tests must be done without any other cues, of course.
Ceptimus, if a dog hasn't seen his master in a long time, and suddenly gets a whiff of his odor, I believe there will be recognition. If you don't want to use a sock, use the real person. Dogs recognize smell; they do not recognize photons.


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Old 06-23-2013, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
If we actually see in real time, why are people so threatened by this?
If jews are actually not to blame for the majority of the world's ills, then why are people so threatened by anti-semitism?
Exactly. That's called irrationalism. What is there to actually fear if this knowledge is true? I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from; or is it just due to my defiance that makes people equally defiant, because they believe I have the nerve to argue with Lone Ranger and others, who know so much more than me? :glare:


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by The Lone Ranger View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Why are there no videos showing that insects and birds can recognize people as separate individuals?
Why won't you watch them when you're given the links?

As far as the one with the dog and the lever, I don't think the experiment was reliable. Let more experiments replicate the results.
More blatant misrepresentation and dishonesty on your part. Many such experiments have been performed, using different methodologies. And you've outright said that you won't read the write-ups.

Why are the eyes so different in animals?
They aren't. You're being dishonest again.

A sense organ is supposed to send a message to the brain that can be interpreted as an image, so why can't dogs recognize the image of his master, like he can identify the smell of his master, or the sound of his master? That's a fair question which leads to Lessans' explanation.
Good grief! Learn some elementary-school-level physiology! And why not actually read the results of the experiments that have been done?

You don't know whether this is real science, that's the problem.
That is a massive lie, and you know it.

Lessans didn't use scientific methodology, as you yourself repeatedly point out. Therefore, to call what he did "science" is dishonest by definition.

If the person wasn't seeing the eye chart, but was just getting impulses being sent from across the world, that would be pretty conclusive that the brain is decoding these impulses into a visual. Have they done experiments like this where the object (in this case the eye chart) is completely out of view and the only thing the brain interprets is the impulse coming in?
Yes we have! Have you not been paying attention at all?

I'm trying, but please don't call me a liar if I still have questions.
I call you a liar when you lie.
I told you to give me the links again if you can find them. Thanks.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by thedoc View Post
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Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
If this claim is wrong it will never be accepted. So what do you have to worry about? Also, it's not like it's a dangerous claim that can hurt anyone.

The danger is that if enough nutcase Woo believers adopt these ideas as valid, and can influence enough politicians, these policies could be forced onto society. You don't need to look far to find really silly irrational laws that have been put into effect, and the claims of world peace and no crime are incentive enough for people to overlook reality and hope for some fantasy in it's place. Prohibition was a stupid idea that in itself was harmless but the result was a criminal class that has not gone away, it has just shifted to different activities. Anything that can be made into a law that dictates behavior, is dangerous and can be abused. The claim doesn't need to be correct for someone to try and impliment it into society.
That's true but there are no laws that people could act against. There will be no prohibitions that cause people to go underground. That's the whole point. Claims of world peace and no crime can do no harm. People watch science fiction all the time, and they don't get reality and fantasy confused. So think of this as science fiction. I could care less.
Just because Lessans didn't intend them to be laws or prohibitions does not mean that others will not try to impliment them as such, after 10 years have you not learned that people can misintrepret what he has written? Claims of world peace and no crime can do real harm if people run with them to extreme cases and pass laws that cause harm because of that misunderstanding. I have seen people who have confused reality and fantasy, that happens and when they try to influence others based on that preception of fantasy as reality, there can be real harm to society. Typhoid Mary refused to believe that she carried a deadly disease and infected many people in her ignorance, her fantasy was that she was in good health and could not carry such a disease.

Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your ignorance has no bounds. There will be no laws or prohibitions. The only law will be the higher law of man's nature that is not man-made and does not prohibit. If anything, typhoid Mary would never take a chance in spreading a disease under the changed conditions. People will be so honest with each other, there will be no reason for her to be in denial. And she would never take a chance knowing that she may have the disease, and could spread it to others. So you're completely wrong again. Will there ever be a time that you will be right when it comes to this book? I doubt it, because your mind is so set in stone, there's no way I can break through that barrier.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by ceptimus View Post
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Originally Posted by ceptimus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I don't believe the verdict is in. Why should I prematurely give up when I don't think that the testing has been thorough enough?
The moons of Jupiter experiment has been repeated many thousands of times over hundreds of years, and it's disproved Lessans' claims every single time. This is just one of many experiments that disprove Lessans but it's probably the oldest one and can be carried out with only about a hundred dollars worth of equipment. We've repeatedly urged you to try this experiment for yourself, but although you're prepared to spend thousands of hours on internet forums arguing about this topic, you are not prepared to give maybe ten hours of your own time (spread across a whole year) towards the 'more empirical testing' that you say you want.
I'm not questioning the results. I know what I would see. If this is absolute proof, then we have a problem. I just don't know if this is absolute proof.
You accept the results that contradict Lessans' theories. If you don't think the results are proof then you should offer some alternative explanation for them.
I don't have to offer an explanation for what's going on because I really don't know. This is not the way Lessans came to the conclusions he did. All that I am responsible for is sharing his conclusions and seeing if there's any merit to them. If there is, then there's a conflict and it's up to scientists not to ignore his claim, but to try to find out if there is anything to it, and if there is, to figure what could be going on with their observations regarding the moons of Jupiter. If they don't want to follow this lead, they don't have to, but eventually truth comes out one way or another. Again, what harm is there to his claim? You're acting like he's building a nuclear bomb. :(

Originally Posted by Ceptimus
If you don't have any alternative explanation, it looks like you're saying, 'I accept that these results show that I'm wrong, so I'm just going to ignore them.'
No, that's not true. I just think there is merit to Lessans' observations, not because he's my father, but because his observations make sense.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:49 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
so why can't dogs recognize the image of his master, like he can identify the smell of his master, or the sound of his master?
Fact not in evidence.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
So think of this as science fiction. I could care less.
Science fiction usually includes at least some minimal scientific elements. Lessans' book more properly belongs in the utopian fantasy genre.
I am really surprised at you Angakuk. You've jumped on this bandwagon with such gusto that it shocks me every time you post. When I gave a very sincere answer to your last post, you couldn't wait to attack me without any real thought to what you were saying. You're just giving knee-jerk reactions like all the rest.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, you said the light from the newly ignited Sun would be at the retina at 12:02 and was located at the Sun at 12:00. Was this correct or incorrect?

What does it say about the plausibility of efferent vision that you're so completely incapable and/or unwilling to answer simple questions about it?
If you're so sure it's implausible, why are you hounding me? Just look at me as a fundie and shake your head in disbelief.
Why don't you just answer? All I'm asking is if you still agree with your own previous claims.
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Old 06-23-2013, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
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Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Angakuk
I asked you about shinning a laser pointer at the wall, whether the resulting red spot was an object or light. You didn't answer
Light, but the laser is an object.
When we see something, do we see the object itself or do we see the light reflected off of or emitted by the object?
We see the light obviously.
So, you agree that when we see an object what we are seeing is the light that is reflected or emitted by the object and not the object itself. Is that correct?
Yes that's correct, but we see the light because of the source. We will not see the light if the source of that light is too far away.
I agree. If the light source is so far away that the light is sufficiently dispersed so that not enough photons come into contact with the retina (or some other type of light sensor) then we will not see the light source.

Since you agree that what we see is the light that is reflected or emitted by the object, and not the object itself, then I suppose that you must also agree that we can only see that light if it is in contact with our retinas. Is that correct.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
The object IS the matter that is interacting with the light. The light itself shows nothing at all.
In the case of the laser and the red spot on the wall, what is the object that we are seeing when we see the red spot on the wall?
You are mixing up light (like David does), which takes time to strike the wall because the laser has just been turned on, and seeing the actual object due to light's presence. These are two different things. If the Sun was just turned on, we wouldn't see the light on the wall either because it hasn't yet arrived. This doesn't contradict efferent vision in the least.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill

Last edited by peacegirl; 06-23-2013 at 06:26 PM.
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Old 06-23-2013, 01:11 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I have answered this so many times, it's getting old.
Zero is not "so many times". I've been asking you for days simply to indicate whether or not you still stick by your previous answers, and you've ignored me every time, just as you have here.

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Time is not involved Spacemonkey. Photons would be at the retina if the object was bright enough. If it takes time for the object (the Sun) to get to the point of being bright enough, we wouldn't see it, therefore no photons would be at the retina. Maybe it would take 2 seconds; this doesn't change anything.
In Lessans' newly ignited Sun example, the Sun is big enough and bright enough to be see instantly at 12:00 when it is ignited. There is no warm up time. This is a complete red herring. I've shown you how you face the exact same problem both with and without this 2 second warm-up. In BOTH cases you are still unable to explain where the photons at the retina came from and how they got there.

Let's work through both possibilities once more:-

(1) No warm-up period at all. The Sun is ignited at 12:00 and is instantly big enough and bright enough to be seen. So it is seen at 12:00. So there must be photons at the retina at 12:00, right? So where did they come from? The Sun? Then when where they located at the Sun? You can't answer this question, can you? Because there is no possible answer that will make any kind of sense.

(2) This time there is a 2 second warm-up period. So the Sun is ignited at 12:00 but is only big enough and bright enough to be seen at 12:02. So now there is a 2 second delay between the Sun being ignited and our actually seeing it. So there will be photons at the retina at 12:02, right? Where did they come from? The Sun? Then when were they located at the Sun? At 12:00? Then how did they get from the Sun to the retina which is 90 million miles away in two minutes? You can't answer this question either, can you? Did they travel through the intervening distance, thereby traveling at 4 times the speed of light? Or did they not travel through the intervening distance, thereby having teleported instead?

Go ahead and try to answer the bold questions for each scenario. Can you see how you still face the same problem both with and without a warm-up time? Can you see how this warm-up time is NOT the problem you are facing? The real problem here is that warm-up or no warm-up, you can't explain where the photons at the retina came from or how they got there.
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Old 06-23-2013, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from...
It comes from your willful ignorance, denial of reality, dishonesty, evasion, and weaseling.
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Old 06-23-2013, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, you said the light from the newly ignited Sun would be at the retina at 12:02 and was located at the Sun at 12:00. Was this correct or incorrect?

What does it say about the plausibility of efferent vision that you're so completely incapable and/or unwilling to answer simple questions about it?
If you're so sure it's implausible, why are you hounding me? Just look at me as a fundie and shake your head in disbelief.
Why don't you just answer? All I'm asking is if you still agree with your own previous claims.
Because you cannot use this reasoning, that's why. I cannot continue to talk to you about efferent vision when we're on parallel roads, and until you understand why we're on parallel roads, we will be on a road to nowhere.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 02:27 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
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Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
In the new world the husband gets right-of-way to do anything he wants. What is most important here, is will he want to? The less she makes demands on him in situations where she can do certain things for herself without imposing on him unnecessarily, the more he will respond when a situation arises that calls for a loving response.
Peacegirl, I realize that I'm taking this out of context because you were talking about a husband at the time but in principle do you have any problem with the following statement?

Originally Posted by me
In the new world the wife gets right-of-way to do anything she wants. What is most important here, is will she want to? The less he makes demands on her in situations where he can do certain things for himself without imposing on her unnecessarily, the more she will respond when a situation arises that calls for a loving response.

Thanks for that long answer last time but I was really looking for a simple one-word answer. Are both of those statements above equally valid? Please just answer with one word - "yes" or "no".

Peacegirl, this one should be fast because I only want a one-word answer - yes or no? This is kind of important to me in terms of figuring out how this all would work.
Bump again...

I'll explain chew toy if you ever give me this one-word answer that I keep asking for. Why is it so hard to answer with one word? And please spare me the "I'm so sad" bullshit. If you weren't loving this you wouldn't be doing it.
I'm not on trial and I will answer you any way I want. If you had been more polite things may have been different, but I feel the disrespect and I'm not interested in engaging with you.
So when you finally get a chance to show that this isn't a bunch of sexist crap by simply switching the pronouns in an explanation that you wrote you're conveniently not speaking to me again and running off with your tail between your legs? That told me all I need to know about the relative equality of men and women in his brave new world. Women that aren't doormats better not sign on the dotted line.
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Old 06-23-2013, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
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Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, you said the light from the newly ignited Sun would be at the retina at 12:02 and was located at the Sun at 12:00. Was this correct or incorrect?

What does it say about the plausibility of efferent vision that you're so completely incapable and/or unwilling to answer simple questions about it?
If you're so sure it's implausible, why are you hounding me? Just look at me as a fundie and shake your head in disbelief.
Why don't you just answer? All I'm asking is if you still agree with your own previous claims.
Because you cannot use this reasoning, that's why.
Why not?

Am I wrong to think that if light is to be located somewhere then you need to be able to explain where it came from?

Am I wrong to think that if light came from some location then you need to be able to explain when it was located there?

Are these faulty assumptions, Peacegirl? Or are they perfectly reasonable questions that your account needs to address?

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I cannot continue to talk to you about efferent vision when we're on parallel roads, and until you understand why we're on parallel roads, we will be on a road to nowhere.
We are on parallel roads because I am investigating the implications of your claims, while you are running away from them. I'm trying to find out where these photons at the retina came from and how they got there on your account, while you're doing your best to ignore and evade the problem.
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Old 06-23-2013, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by ceptimus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Because the eyes are acting differently than the other senses. Any photons coming in and being interpreted by the brain should be easily identified just like the smell of his master's sock being carried into the nose and to the brain is easily identified (without any other cues), and just like the voice of his master coming into the ears and to the brain is easily identified (without any other cues).
Can you show us some videos of dogs prancing around and tail wagging when they're given one of their master's socks to smell, or when they're played a recording of their master's voice? Both tests must be done without any other cues, of course.
Ceptimus, if a dog hasn't seen his master in a long time, and suddenly gets a whiff of his odor, I believe there will be recognition. If you don't want to use a sock, use the real person. .
You can't use the real person, because there would be visual cues. It must be only something with the master's smell, and the dog must wag his tail, whimper, jump up and down, or otherwise "show recognition" according to your criteria.
Dogs recognize smell; they do not recognize photons
That's what you are being asked to demonstrate, that a dog reacts with what you consider signs of recognition to the master's scent without the person present at all.
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Old 06-23-2013, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from; or is it just due to my defiance that makes people equally defiant, because they believe I have the nerve to argue with Lone Ranger and others, who know so much more than me? :glare:
It's your blatant dishonesty and weaseling.
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Old 06-23-2013, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
If we actually see in real time, why are people so threatened by this?
If jews are actually not to blame for the majority of the world's ills, then why are people so threatened by anti-semitism?
Exactly. That's called irrationalism. What is there to actually fear if this knowledge is true? I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from; or is it just due to my defiance that makes people equally defiant, because they believe I have the nerve to argue with Lone Ranger and others, who know so much more than me? :glare:
It was your irrationalism I pointed out. You seem to have managed to miss the point once again. Engage slow clap routine : :appl:

As for the "backlash", there is no such thing. There is just a lot of people who are amused by how irrational you are about all this, and who enjoy arguing with you. Some of them are a bit outraged by your dishonesty, as well.

It is like arguing with jehovas witnesses, or fundy born-agains, or flat-earthers. It is funny, because the way they cling to an irrational idea for emotional reasons is certain to make them say things which are contradictory or plain absurd. They end up lying for jesus the way you lie for your dad: they think it is fine to use crooked arguments and dishonest tactics, because they believe it is for a greater causes, a higher truth.

Just look at you: you get cornered in your own BS, and then you need to muddy the waters, throw a hissy fit, declare you are leaving, etc.

This is because your position is inherently irrational. You need those tactics, or else it becomes too obvious that you do not even know what you are talking about where sight is concerned, that your right-of-way rules are absurd, that the author seems to have forgotten to provide the proof he promises... just to name a few of the enormous holes in the book.

If this was not the case, then look at your argument: now you are implying that the fact that people think your ideas are absurd somehow counts as a reason to believe they are correct!
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Old 06-23-2013, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Anyway - we still haven't cleared up how the eyes can work as cameras as well as movie projectors if there is no afferent sight?
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Old 06-23-2013, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Angakuk View Post
In the case of the laser and the red spot on the wall, what is the object that we are seeing when we see the red spot on the wall?
You are mixing up light (like David does), which takes time to strike the wall because the laser has just been turned on, and seeing the actual object due to light's presence. These are two different things. If the Sun was just turned on, we wouldn't see the light on the wall either because it hasn't yet arrived. This doesn't contradict efferent vision in the least.
Hilarious response! Come on peacegirl, answer Ang.

"In the case of the laser and the red spot on the wall, what is the object that we are seeing when we see the red spot on the wall?"
The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. -Eugene Wigner
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Old 06-23-2013, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
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Originally Posted by ChristinaM View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
In the new world the husband gets right-of-way to do anything he wants. What is most important here, is will he want to? The less she makes demands on him in situations where she can do certain things for herself without imposing on him unnecessarily, the more he will respond when a situation arises that calls for a loving response.
Peacegirl, I realize that I'm taking this out of context because you were talking about a husband at the time but in principle do you have any problem with the following statement?

Originally Posted by me
In the new world the wife gets right-of-way to do anything she wants. What is most important here, is will she want to? The less he makes demands on her in situations where he can do certain things for himself without imposing on her unnecessarily, the more she will respond when a situation arises that calls for a loving response.

Thanks for that long answer last time but I was really looking for a simple one-word answer. Are both of those statements above equally valid? Please just answer with one word - "yes" or "no".

Peacegirl, this one should be fast because I only want a one-word answer - yes or no? This is kind of important to me in terms of figuring out how this all would work.
Bump again...

I'll explain chew toy if you ever give me this one-word answer that I keep asking for. Why is it so hard to answer with one word? And please spare me the "I'm so sad" bullshit. If you weren't loving this you wouldn't be doing it.
I'm not on trial and I will answer you any way I want. If you had been more polite things may have been different, but I feel the disrespect and I'm not interested in engaging with you.
So when you finally get a chance to show that this isn't a bunch of sexist crap by simply switching the pronouns in an explanation that you wrote you're conveniently not speaking to me again and running off with your tail between your legs? That told me all I need to know about the relative equality of men and women in his brave new world. Women that aren't doormats better not sign on the dotted line.
You've been falsely judging me and this book the day I came online, so it's no surprise that you would misjudge me and this book now. It doesn't matter if it's a male or female, the principles apply in the same way. It doesn't matter what responsibilities you take on, or what you want to become, so why you are trying to make this book sexist, I don't have a clue. How can women be doormats when this new world is respectful to every single person; blacks, whites, garbage collectors, surgeons, women, men, gays, straights, skinny, fat? Do you see how premature you are in your judgment?


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 05:04 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Spacemonkey View Post
Peacegirl, you said the light from the newly ignited Sun would be at the retina at 12:02 and was located at the Sun at 12:00. Was this correct or incorrect?

What does it say about the plausibility of efferent vision that you're so completely incapable and/or unwilling to answer simple questions about it?
If you're so sure it's implausible, why are you hounding me? Just look at me as a fundie and shake your head in disbelief.
Why don't you just answer? All I'm asking is if you still agree with your own previous claims.
Because you cannot use this reasoning, that's why.
Why not?

Am I wrong to think that if light is to be located somewhere then you need to be able to explain where it came from?

Am I wrong to think that if light came from some location then you need to be able to explain when it was located there?

Are these faulty assumptions, Peacegirl? Or are they perfectly reasonable questions that your account needs to address?

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I cannot continue to talk to you about efferent vision when we're on parallel roads, and until you understand why we're on parallel roads, we will be on a road to nowhere.
We are on parallel roads because I am investigating the implications of your claims, while you are running away from them. I'm trying to find out where these photons at the retina came from and how they got there on your account, while you're doing your best to ignore and evade the problem.
You still don't understand that there is no "where it came from" because the image is not reflected in the light. I am really tired of discussing this, and I need a break.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 05:08 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
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I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from; or is it just due to my defiance that makes people equally defiant, because they believe I have the nerve to argue with Lone Ranger and others, who know so much more than me? :glare:
It's your blatant dishonesty and weaseling.
That's how you see me because I am not conceding. I admitted that I don't know what's happening with the moons of Jupiter or any other observation that scientists have used to confirm that the eyes are a sense organ, but Lessans' observations demonstrate otherwise, and I'm sticking with him until the proof of afferent vision smacks me in the face and knocks me for a loop. Just because I'm not willing to agree with people who think they have it all wrapped up, doesn't make me a dishonest person or a weasel.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 05:19 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Actually, not conceding when faced with overwhelming evidence is dishonest. And the evidence against efferent sight is overwhelming. The only way to make it seem otherwise is to use dishonest methods to avoid that evidence.

Because it is not just the moons of jupiter. It is it, and enormous piles of other evidence.

And next to that enormous pile of evidence, you have... the fact your dad said sight is efferent, and nothing else.
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Angakuk (06-24-2013), LadyShea (06-23-2013), Spacemonkey (06-23-2013), The Lone Ranger (06-24-2013)
Old 06-23-2013, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by LadyShea View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from; or is it just due to my defiance that makes people equally defiant, because they believe I have the nerve to argue with Lone Ranger and others, who know so much more than me? :glare:
It's your blatant dishonesty and weaseling.
That's how you see me because I am not conceding. I admitted that I don't know what's happening with the moons of Jupiter or any other observation that scientists have used to confirm that the eyes are a sense organ, but Lessans' observations demonstrate otherwise, and I'm sticking with him until the proof of afferent vision smacks me in the face and knocks me for a loop.
Except nothing will. Bionic eyes; astrophysical observations; the facts that Lessans contradicts Einstein's remarkably confirmed theories; and even more impressively confirmed theories based on relativity; basic physiology; basic neuroscience - you don't understand how any of that can be squared with Lessans. You have a prior - that Lessans is right - despite him providing no evidence for his so called 'observations'; despite him contradicting well known facts with every other sentence; despite him being ignorant of swathes of science. And that prior is so strong that I don't think there is any evidence that will convince you otherwise. Even when faced with ironclad evidence, of experiments repeated thousands of times over hundreds of years, you just shrug and say 'well, I am sure Lessans is right, so there must be some explanation I don't know that explains this'.

You are trapped in this belief. If you are wrong - and like it or not, you know that this is a possibility, however small - you will never find out with this mindset.
The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. -Eugene Wigner
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Old 06-23-2013, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
If we actually see in real time, why are people so threatened by this?
If jews are actually not to blame for the majority of the world's ills, then why are people so threatened by anti-semitism?
Exactly. That's called irrationalism. What is there to actually fear if this knowledge is true? I'm just trying to understand where all the backlash is coming from; or is it just due to my defiance that makes people equally defiant, because they believe I have the nerve to argue with Lone Ranger and others, who know so much more than me? :glare:
It was your irrationalism I pointed out. You seem to have managed to miss the point once again. Engage slow clap routine : :appl:

As for the "backlash", there is no such thing. There is just a lot of people who are amused by how irrational you are about all this, and who enjoy arguing with you. Some of them are a bit outraged by your dishonesty, as well.

It is like arguing with jehovas witnesses, or fundy born-agains, or flat-earthers. It is funny, because the way they cling to an irrational idea for emotional reasons is certain to make them say things which are contradictory or plain absurd. They end up lying for jesus the way you lie for your dad: they think it is fine to use crooked arguments and dishonest tactics, because they believe it is for a greater causes, a higher truth.

Just look at you: you get cornered in your own BS, and then you need to muddy the waters, throw a hissy fit, declare you are leaving, etc.

This is because your position is inherently irrational. You need those tactics, or else it becomes too obvious that you do not even know what you are talking about where sight is concerned, that your right-of-way rules are absurd, that the author seems to have forgotten to provide the proof he promises... just to name a few of the enormous holes in the book.

If this was not the case, then look at your argument: now you are implying that the fact that people think your ideas are absurd somehow counts as a reason to believe they are correct!
What if it turns out that you're the fundie Vivisectus? What then? You are so positive he is wrong, and you are doing everything you can to make it appear that way, but it's all a facade. As far as sight goes, the verdict is still out no matter how much you believe this is a proven fact. As far as the right-of-way system, there is no doubt that it prevents arguments. If I would say to my boyfriend "lets go to the movies" and he says, no honey, you go yourself because I'm tired, and I keep badgering him to go with me, not considering his feelings (which he has a right to), who is in the wrong here? I'm sure you will say that he is (just to be obstinate) because he is sacrificing my need for his time, but he is not telling me not to go. I am telling him to do something that he doesn't want to do. He has the right-of-way even though I would love him to come with me. The right-of-way system is based on a mathematical principle and it comes directly from the knowledge that man's will is not free. If you can't even follow that principle, it's no wonder you can't follow this one.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
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Old 06-23-2013, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by Vivisectus View Post
Actually, not conceding when faced with overwhelming evidence is dishonest. And the evidence against efferent sight is overwhelming. The only way to make it seem otherwise is to use dishonest methods to avoid that evidence.

Because it is not just the moons of jupiter. It is it, and enormous piles of other evidence.

And next to that enormous pile of evidence, you have... the fact your dad said sight is efferent, and nothing else.
I have my own evidence and it is just as convincing, if not more, than the evidence you have. You're being dishonest.


"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing
which is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors" -- John Stuart Mill
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