Originally Posted by slimshady2357
Originally Posted by godfry n. glad
If 74% of those who were infected were unvaccinated, then there remains 26% of those who were infected....who were, what?
What is your point godfry?
The point is pretty obvious.
Originally Posted by slimshady2357
No one is denying that 26% of the people infected were vaccinated.
Are you not aware that the vaccination isn't 100% effective? Have you read the replies at all?
What is your point?
Again, either pretending not to understand something, or being too stupid to understand it, they both come across the same.
Way back in the day, after vaccination, the victim, I mean subject, was challenged with an actual infection, to see if the vaccination worked.
These days, nobody can do that. (it's illegal)
But they certainly can check for antibodies, and an immune response.
Also, before science knew how to preserve a vaccine, smallpox vaccination depended on young boys to carry the cowpox.
It sounds horrible, horrific, criminal and barbaric (which it was of course), but adults have always sacrificed children for the greater good.