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Old 08-29-2010, 12:29 AM
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Default History geekodrome

Thread for posting cool history-related stuff so you can gloat over how you managed to beat liv to it...

"Lost" Language Found on Back of 400-Year-Old Letter

Notes on the back of a 400-year-old letter have revealed a previously unknown language once spoken by indigenous peoples of northern Peru, an archaeologist says.

Penned by an unknown Spanish author and lost for four centuries, the battered piece of paper was pulled from the ruins of an ancient Spanish colonial church in 2008.


The early 17th-century author had translated Spanish numbers—uno, dos, tres—and Arabic numerals into a mysterious language never seen by modern scholars.
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Thanks, from:
Adam (08-30-2010), Brimshack (08-29-2010), BrotherMan (08-29-2010), Dingfod (08-29-2010), JoeP (08-29-2010), John Dillinger (10-19-2012), livius drusus (08-29-2010), The Man (08-29-2010), Watser? (06-04-2017)
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