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Old 01-31-2025, 12:51 PM
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viscousmemories viscousmemories is offline
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Default Re: BREAKING: Sometimes Famous People Die

Delayed reaction: Civil Rights attorney Thomas N. Todd (aka "TNT") died February 18th, 2024.

I do pilates three days a week, and every time my trainer tells me to "switch", like "switch to two springs", I think (and sometimes even say) "they would rather SWITCH, than fight!", from Public Enemy's Fight the Power. So I finally decided to see if I could find the origin of the sample, and this is how I learned about Todd.

"Fight the Power" begins with a vocal sample of civil rights attorney and activist Thomas "TNT" Todd, speechifying in a resonant, agitated voice, "Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight. Matter of fact, it's safe to say that they would rather switch than fight". - from Wikipedia
The funniest part is that it was apparently a play on a commercial slogan of the era: "Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch!", and not a common activist slogan as I had always assumed.
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Thanks, from:
Crumb (02-01-2025), JoeP (01-31-2025), LarsMac (01-31-2025), slimshady2357 (01-31-2025), Sock Puppet (01-31-2025), Stephen Maturin (01-31-2025), vremya (01-31-2025)
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