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Old 09-23-2018, 02:03 AM
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Join Date: May 2009
Default Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?


Melissa McCarthy plays a CIA agent who is the desk operative for a charming and daring field agent (Jude Law). She comes into her own as a field agent when he is killed and she volunteers to go after them. Jason Statham is a cocky field agent who goes rogue because he doesn't believe McCarthy can do the job.

It's genuinely funny and well done, with good action scenes to complement the comedy. The pleasant surprise was that Statham can do straight comedy - I mean, I've seen him in "Crank" but that's not him doing comedy exactly.
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Thanks, from:
Ari (09-26-2018), BrotherMan (09-23-2018), Ensign Steve (10-08-2018), slimshady2357 (09-23-2018), Stormlight (10-03-2018), The Man (09-23-2018)
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