We watched Solo and I fucking loved it. A Space Western it was, complete with a train heist, and poker shenanigans, and more than one quick-draw-style stand-off. Donald Glover is a treasure, of course.
I dared to hope that Lando would pronounce "Han" with the short-A sound, just like BDW did. I did not expect an actual retcon for why he does it.
Other fan-servicy stuff:
I can forgive the gun-fetishist close-up of Han's blaster when he first receives it, because I approve of any and all fan-service that doesn't attempt to explain Klingon forehead ridges.
But I can't wank away the bit later when they have to check their weapons. Woody has something stupid like a shovel left, I don't even remember what it was, and he makes a point of saying it's the only weapon he has left. Meanwhile Han checks "his" new blaster, and I'm like give Woody back his fucking gun, asshole. Damn.