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Old 05-07-2013, 03:58 AM
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BrotherMan BrotherMan is offline
A Very Gentle Bort
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Question Re: Seen Any Good Movies...?

I don't disagree with slim because, hey, what you think is what you think and it's pretty subjectivy anyway. Even though I think he's wrong. I reviewed my review that I posted when Iron Mans 2 came out and I think I'm wrong too.

Unlike slim, I think the weak link in this trilogy was Iron Man 2. The subplot of Fury Ex Machina bugged me. IM3 had 98% less Avengers, and with everything else going on the movie was better for it. The events of the alien invasion were mentioned briefly a few times and there were lingering effects that Tony was dealing with.

The thing is Marvel is walking a fairly delicate line. They're trying to balance between making movies for Marvel fans and for regular folk who just like action movies. Something major happens here and while it works dramatically it very likely and understandably could piss off Marvel and Iron Man fans. Myself, not having that much invested historically in either Marvel or Iron Man loved it. I think it's brilliant but I'm also hoping that it hasn't fully paid off just yet.

As slim says, there is a lot going on in this movie. I never felt like it was flagging or suffering because of it. RDJ is, well, you know. He's smart and smarmy and snarky and charming - all those things you should already know and love about how he plays Tony Stark. And let me tell you what. I would watch the shit out of a Pepper Potts movie. As much as RDJ owns Stark, Gwenyth Paltrow owns as Pepper Potts.


In my review of my review I note that I gave IM1 a 9.2 and IM2 an 8.8. IM3 keeps the average by being a great 9.0. All you nerds who thought you could escape seeing it are just postponing the invevitable. IM3 is solid and I think actually adds to the universe instead of treading water like IM2. You guys were probably going to go see it anyway regardless of what I had to say about it. But for those on the fence (if those kinds of people actually exist): It's easy. If you liked the previous Iron Mans - for whatever reason - it's more of the same. I guess the same words apply to those who didn't like the previous Iron Mans. It is more of the same.
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Thanks, from:
Adam (05-07-2013), Crumb (05-07-2013), Dingfod (05-07-2013), Janet (05-08-2013), livius drusus (05-07-2013), ShottleBop (05-17-2013), slimshady2357 (05-07-2013), Sock Puppet (05-07-2013)
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