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I'm trying here

Posted 12-10-2007 at 02:28 AM by biochemgirl

I am doing my very best to make the most out of the holidays with the hubby. I love the holidays so I am trying to concentrate on what's important, spending time with him and cherishing it. We both seem to have a good amount of time off of work around Christmas so I am hoping we can just spend a lot of time together. We will also be driving down to Texas to see his family, then driving him off to his school and getting him settled, and then I will fly back. I think the trip is a nice distraction...
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This blows

Posted 11-11-2007 at 11:36 PM by biochemgirl

The husband will be leaving shortly after the holidays for his training, which right now is sitting at around 13-14 months. I am really really dreading him going. It sucks to live out here by myself, that and I've kinda grown attatched to the guy and miss him when he goes (the dogs aren't much for conversation). I know it could be much worse, that we've done much worse, but damn it, missing him is missing him period. We've also been told he will spend a good deal more time away each year just...
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