Time Missed / Limbo Land
Posted 05-31-2008 at 09:51 PM by Crumb
So, I have been unable to fly for more than a month due to annoying circumstances. So today I was back in the air for two flights and had a lot to relearn. 
It seems I was better at landing and following the tow plane the first time I tried. Now I am struggling and swerving around and just generally not as good as the first time. But now my 5-pack of lessons has run out. The good news is that I don't have to pay the sign up fee yet. I can take my lessons until I am ready to solo.
It is when I solo that I have to pay a $700 fee to become a club member.
That is a lot of money.
But my plan is to go for it anyway.
Until that time I am in limbo land half member half not member. Good thing is though I still pay member prices for all my flights.
I'm sure it will add up.
Solo or bust.
I have some video from the first flight that I will try and post next.

It seems I was better at landing and following the tow plane the first time I tried. Now I am struggling and swerving around and just generally not as good as the first time. But now my 5-pack of lessons has run out. The good news is that I don't have to pay the sign up fee yet. I can take my lessons until I am ready to solo.
It is when I solo that I have to pay a $700 fee to become a club member.

Solo or bust.
I have some video from the first flight that I will try and post next.

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