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Science and Religion

Posted 11-03-2008 at 07:01 AM by Kael

So, a local church left their pamphlet/magazine on our porch the other day. I was bored and thumbed through it. I expected the usual stuff, the bible verses and explanations of the lessons we can take from them, the articles on things like 'How to show Christ-like love in every day life'. What I didn't expect was multiple articles attacking science in general, and evolution specifically. Those I deal with regularly who are religious are also learned, and I keep getting surprised by the depth...
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Fable 2

Posted 11-03-2008 at 03:50 AM by Kael

So, my friend let me borrow this for a few days. I gotta say, I like it. They improved a lot of things about 1 that bugged me. Since I liked Fable, and this is most definitely an improvement (something which cannot be taken for granted in a sequel, sadly), Fable 2 has earned a place on my short list of games that I can afford before the year is out.

Good things:

Guns. I was skeptical at first, generally preferring my fantasy to be set in the classic range of Dark...
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And now for the politics

Posted 11-03-2008 at 02:16 AM by Kael

So, I had a chance finally to chat with my dad again, we are both very busy so it is an infrequent occurance anymore. Toward the end, I finally worked up the nerve to breach the subject of politics (my views have changed since last we spoke of it, and I didn't know where to begin explaining). Not going to go into great detail, but the short discussion (had to end, we both had work) left me thinking quite a bit, and I'm certain if we ever have time, we could talk for hours about it.
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I are math dumb

Posted 10-08-2008 at 02:59 AM by Kael
Updated 10-08-2008 at 03:09 AM by Kael

I'm actually not. At least, not usually. Yesterday, however, I seemed hell-bent on proving my own stupidity. I'm currently taking Math 1010 in college, Intermediate Algebra for those playing the home game. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, factoring, etc. polynomials. That's what we've covered so far, anyway. Well, most of this has been a refresher and review so far, as this is about how far I got in highschool, but that was years ago, so I'm retaking it. I've done fine, good scores...
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Posted 10-01-2008 at 09:19 PM by Kael
Updated 10-08-2008 at 03:10 AM by Kael

So, here's an entry about games...

I'm currently playing Mount & Blade heavily, an indie gem that just released its full version a bit ago. here's a link to their site, as well as the wikipedia page, in case you'd rather read someone else's ramblings about it. The full version is out now, and it's awesome. For those of you who do not wish to read links, it's a medieval RPG, no fantasy elements, and an emphasis on realistic combat, especially mounted combat.

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