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Two for one!

Posted 12-30-2007 at 07:49 PM by BrotherMan

Now that the end of the year is upon us, I'm reviewing what I saw and what I want to see. Hey, it's either that or clip my toenails.

Movies for 2008

Not a complete list. I can't tell looking at names what may or may not strike my fancy.

Dungeon Siege – I played the original game. I feel like it's Geek Code to have to see this.

Cloverfield – This better not be like how I hear Lost is. All build up and no resolve. I like JJ Abrams, he better not give me reason to rethink that.

Iron Man – I had my doubts about Robert Downey as Tony Stark. The trailer removed the doubt.

Indiana Jones – C'mon. It's Indy … after 20 years.

The Incredible Hulk – New everything, I'm willing to forgive and forget. Though I didn't hate the first Hulk movie.

Get Smart – I loved the series and the one movie in the early 80s. I'm not sure how it'll pan out, though.

WALL-E – Pixar. Despite how I felt about Cars, I'm willing to see this.

Hellboy 2 – Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

The Dark Knight - zomgbatmanlol

[X-Files Sequel] – It's been a long time since the first X-Files movie. Hopefully it's not been too long.

[Bond 22] – Another Daniel Craig as Bond. I'm hopeful.

Harry Potter – Hopefully the Potter series can keep getting better the more adult and darker it gets.

The Day the Earth Stood Still – Yes. A remake of this sci-fi classic. Depending on reviews I could rule this one out.

Star Trek – I'm sorry, Ensign Steve, but the last Trek movie was atrocious and Enterprise wasn't much better. Now that certain influences are no longer hanging on at Paramount, maybe the Trek name can mean something again. But then, going back to Starfleet Academy may not be that right step. But I'm willing to hope.
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  1. Old Comment
    Dingfod's Avatar
    I'm seeing a theme there. You like superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy movies. I too look forward to seeing many of those that you list, but I expect to be left wanting after seeing them.

    The upcoming movie I want to see is There Will Be Blood with Daniel Day Lewis. I think loosely historical dramas is more up my alley.
    Posted 12-31-2007 at 10:01 AM by Dingfod Dingfod is offline
  2. Old Comment
    BrotherMan's Avatar
    I burned myself out on various types of drama a few years back. I'm not a psychoanalyst but I think I'm avoiding the opportunity to emote. So, for now at least, I'm taking the easy way out. Those are the ones that struck my fancy on the first run through of a list I found at wiki.

    The list can expand (or contract, even) if I see a trailer or hear buzz about something else with a more serious bent.
    Posted 01-01-2008 at 07:45 AM by BrotherMan BrotherMan is offline

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