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Dog eating dead bird = Not good

Posted 05-17-2009 at 04:37 AM by Shelli
Tags dogs

Last night is the first time that my dog, Raistlin, had :shit: at all in two days and the first time in just about two WEEKS that he'd had a solid bowel movement since he pulled a stupid and ate a dead bird. :brooding:

At first it was just your typical wet stool diarrhea, but then it progressed into a projectile diarrhea and then into a projectile, almost clear diarrhea. It looked like he was peeing out of his butt except that there was a hell of a lot more of it. It looked like someone had turned on a faucet. :ohno:

Yeah, so, it scared the shit out of me, no pun intended. :worry: I'm no doctor, but it's not brain surgery to know that that kind of thing can't go on for long without dire consequences. :brainsurgery:

After he had gone from regular diarrhea to projectile diarrhea, I called the vet and the vet wanted to see him so I made an appointment for that morning. That was Monday. The vet gave me two antibiotics and told me to keep giving him the Pepto Bismo that I had been giving him. So, I did that along with feeding him rice & chicken and rice & hamburg. :rice:

On Wednesday, I called him because I was very concerned that not only had his diarrhea gotten any better, it had gotten worse. It was at this point, the projectile butt water I spoke of above. :nailbiter:

Well, I had an appointment scheduled for Tigger for his yearly shots that night, so when I went in for that, the doctor gave me a different antibiotic (at no charge, huh) and told me to stop feeding him the meat and rice. Rather, he wanted me to feed him a prescription formula Iams dog food, formulated specifically for his problem called Iams® Veterinary Formulas Intestinal Low-Residue™/Canine Dry Formula . He also told me to give him Immodium in place of the Pepto Bismo I'd been giving him. :bluepill: Lastly, he asked me if there was any way that I could keep him from sampling stuff in the backyard. We decided that I'd quarantine him along with my other two dogs to a little, fenced in side yard that I have that doesn't have anything in it besides dead, peed on grass and I can keep close tabs on him. :eyeonyou:

I did as instructed and his last water bowl movement was that Wednesday night. I gave him Immodium that night and the following morning, but after not seeing any bowl movement since Wednesday night, I didn't give him any more Immodium after Thursday morning's. :nuhuh:

Raistlin loves the Iams special food and I mix in just a little of it into the other dogs food because they'd have a fit if Raistlin got something they didn't. :rolls: But, whatever, no harm done either way.

I called the vet Thursday as instructed and gave him the update on Raistlin at which time, the vet said that it was okay to mix the rice and chicken that I'd made in with the special dog food which made the dogs and myself happy seeing as how, before I'd been told to stop feeding him that, I'd made up a few days worth of it to store in the fridge. :cheer:

I called the vet again on Friday as instructed and told him that Raistlin was in good spirits, eating, drinking, running around, and so forth but that he still hadn't poo'd. The vet said not to worry. I tried not to, but I didn't succeed very well. :no:

Relief finally came for Raistlin and myself Friday night around midnight. I was on the puter and he started farting. hmm... "C'mon guys, let's go outside." I said. Out we went and Raistlin pooped and then pooped again. :phew:

So far he's pooped twice again today and although it doesn't look quite normal, it's pretty solid just the same. :cheer:

Meanwhile, he's still eating his prescription dog food for a week or so more and he'll finish his antibiotics along with stay in the side yard until I'm reasonably sure that this is over. :yup2:

Now, if he would just stop eating dead stuff. :patdog:
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