View Full Version : News, Politics & Law
- Getting Started With Social Action
- Conspiracy Theory
- Current events journal
- Orphans and the elderly in Mexico
- Scalia Shoots, Scalia Scores
- Giving a Whole New Meaning to the Term "Barfly"
- Fight City Hall? Sure!
- Fair and Balanced Ridicule of the Candidates
- Un-be-fucking-lievable!!!
- Habitat for Humanity
- And Baby Makes 178
- Anybody Watching the Convention?
- Castro Strikes Back
- Moore to appear on O'Reilly factor?
- Ann Coulter Gets The Boot
- Cool! Elephant Dung Paper!
- Insurgents in Iraq attacking churches
- Anyone watching PBS?
- Pre-Election 'Facts' From the Bush Camp
- Ron Reagan Lambasts Dumbya
- Immortal Technique: Hardcore Political Rap
- WHY???!?!?
- Fucking America!
- Privatizing Education.
- Allocating Spectrum
- Olympic Death Toll?
- Why the U.S. needs a constitutional convention
- Chris Matthews Nails a Swift Boat Vet
- Gasoline Prices
- Munch's "The Scream" Stolen!
- Prohibition in 2004
- Truth and Politics
- More depressing than the stolen Scream...
- Bill Gates: Philanthropist
- Israeli Spy at the Pentagon
- People Reluctant To Kill for an Abstraction
- Abolish the "ridiculous" Electoral College
- Working with your community
- Where is the Magic in the "Magic of the Marketplace"
- '08 or '12... Watch out!
- Jedi Academy Opens in Romania
- Chomsky on the Difference Between Bush & Kerry
- Zell Miller's Foghorn Leghorn Imitation on Hardball
- Why Bush Said We Can't Win War on Terror
- What they DON'T say is just as important . . .
- Project Censored: Top 25 Censored Media Stories
- Project Censored: Corporate Personhood Challenged
- Gay Teen Gets 17 Year Sentence
- Is the Supreme Court impartial?
- WTF Is Going on With the Russian Media?
- What's love got to do with it?
- 999 US dead in Iraq as of today
- Elephant Unemployment = Big Trouble in India
- Redefining the Political Spectrum - The Rational Spectrum
- Kitty Kelley on Bush! Woohoo!
- Depressing South African Stats
- I found the WMDs!
- is killing puppies wrong?
- Kerry's starting to piss me off...
- Introduction to the American Judicial System
- The Perfect Storm ~
- Colin Powell on neocons: "fucking crazies"
- Ashcroft's "Concentration Camps"
- Couple Arrested for Anti-Bush T-shirts
- Protect the Vote
- What if the whole world could vote in the U.S. presidential election?
- State of the New Zealand Family
- overseas and smoking
- Video Voyeurism Crackdown
- Small minded fucks in georgia
- Georgia Supreme Court and seebs
- I fault this president - E. L. Doctorow
- If You Had 5 Minutes With the President
- Riverbend - a young Iraqi woman's blog
- What affects gas prices?
- Let's talk Iraq
- Who Says All Teenagers Are Apathetic?
- Progressive Media Sources
- Blair admits WMD intel was bogus
- Freeway Free Speech
- Eisenhower's Son Speaks Out
- Are they really Independent?
- Bush SUCKS! (Warning: stream of consciousness fear-based rant within)
- Faith in the White House
- Liberals Hate America
- Candidates in Drag.
- VP Debate Sucks (too depressed for rant)
- The Constitution of NZ
- What if Jesus were running for president?
- Huh? (Or, "Eh?," as we say)
- Bush cannot say he is wrong!
- Will the batshit crazy never end?
- Will the batshit crazy never end?
- The Media can Legally Lie? WTF?
- A little levity.
- Schools Warned Of Terror Threats
- Homeland Security - or lack thereof
- Wangari Maathai
- Milli Vanilli President?
- Presedential Debate, Round II: This time, it's personal!!
- Oz Politik
- God faces renewed "flip-flopping" charges
- Bush's Dred Scott Idiocy = Anti-Abortion Code?
- Shame and (Self) Loathing in Politics
- 2nd Prez debate - did anyone else catch this...?
- peance, freance...
- race, the n word, cracker historical context and hate crimes
- The Weight Of Lies
- Debate 3: If Hate Were People, I'd Be China
- O'Reilly in Deep Shit
- I think Bush is going to get a second term.
- Wording of questions, proposals, amendments on ballots
- Unlawful orders
- Abu Ghraib: Administration culpability?
- Martha Stewart is Doing Fine
- Jon Stewart Is Nobody's Monkey
- A non-voter and proud of it, or, Why are people mean to me?
- Some good news in Nevada regarding elections
- Right wing knuckleheads
- Eyes Wide Open--Coming to a place near you?
- Are they ashamed?
- Early voting
- Legislator vs. Executive
- Gerrymandering
- Margaret Hassan
- 100 facts and 1 opinion
- Constitutional Restoration Act of 2004.
- Excellent WP article on the status of the war on terra
- Perhaps the biggest non news article ever
- Marriage Penalty My Ass
- You pay for junk mail
- Is anyone else scared of what will happen if Kerry is elected?
- Martin Luther King's daughter is a rightwing fundie bitch.
- as of right now everyone is in chat so join in
- Wolcott on the Coulter Pie Incident
- The Free Music Revolution
- Once Again, I am Delighted to Live In Australia
- Florida Voting Machine
- Seebs, Economist, both endorse Kerry.
- John Peel
- Healing Iraq
- The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis
- They're either with us, or against us
- S Africans 'armed to the hilt'
- [un]Holy smoke! Is Rush still doing drugs?
- What happens if...
- A great read, posted by UberLutheran at CF
- Salon "War Room" Addict
- Musings on Election Night
- Last weekend someone I knew died in Iraq
- Holding the line
- Does anyone understand what this means?
- Populism, Elitism and What I Haven't Done
- Fuzzy Math
- None of us really matter to them
- Curious
- "Get yer evangelicals out" - a Kiwi journalist's view
- Editorial in my local paper about Stewart
- The Commerce Clause, a View from the Right (Egads!) and Relevance Today
- It's just an online community, but...
- The Specter of the Supreme Court
- America's 50 Million Informed, Intelligent, Sane People
- Ashcroft likely to leave
- Let's get your minds onto something else, eh?
- This is my body, given to feed you.....
- Clinton to Kerry: Support Local Gay Marriage Bans
- A pro-Bush outcome and one enormous bitter pill
- Daschle obstructionist
- The moral values of a graceful loser
- "Us" vs. "Them"--I Dislike that Mindset
- Iraq's next Dictator?
- Arafat's Burial Choice Causes More Conflict
- A Plan to End Crystal Meth
- Electornic Voting: Fucked.
- Which Current Events Books?
- The Values-Vote Myth
- Petition Calling for an Impeachment Inquiry of Bush and Cheney
- internet fundraising (for Roland)
- Are people stupid, or am I just too cynical?
- Iraq Claims Emergency
- An Exercise in Reaching Across the Aisle
- Phelpsites Protest Church People
- From London: God Help America
- "The Dilemma" as seen by me.
- You Get The Government You Deserve
- On Understanding
- And now this...
- frontline: the persuaders
- Confessions of an Economic Hitman
- changing the terms
- So...
- A Decision...
- lisarea, the real ODB died :(
- Fix-all for society's problems: education
- This Year's Nobel Peace Prize
- The Good News Thread
- Band Aid
- Alarming statistics
- so my brother called me a hippie
- Linux user groups (LUGs)
- Please volunteer
- New Zealand foreshore and seabed controversy
- Intensive Pre-school and Lifetime Acheivement
- The Bybee Memo
- Record setting run is over (Jeopardy)
- Sex Slave Trade
- Inclusive Message Too Controversial
- The UN oil-for-food scandal
- JCWP 2004: Mexico
- Question for cops or attorney types
- Political-economic snit
- Goddamn lax gun laws
- Guitarist Shot and Killed on Stage
- *raises eyebrow*
- death penalty~your opinion
- My letter to the editor gut published
- Ukraine
- peterson penalty verdict will be announced at 4:30 eastern
- Buy Blue
- Gary Webb, Much Maligned Contra-Cocaine Reporter, Dead
- Medal of Freedom awarded to Iraq botchers.
- Bernard Kerik should be confirmed nonetheless
- Simple People Choosing Principles Over Fear
- Japanese innovation once again puts America to shame
- Predatory Lending: Charles D. Bailey
- Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2004...
- Tax Resistance
- A Hopeful Moment
- Pay It Forward
- Why we should starve the homeless.
- Earthquake/Tsunami Relief
- RIP Susan Sontag
- ~happiness is a warm gun~AKA~gun control~
- Mindboggling Sociopathology
- Counter-Inaugration
- what can I do to prepare for an economic depression?
- It's Not Premarital Sex If She's Already Married
- Where theism intersects public policy
- VA Legislative Sentry: Have a Miscarriage, Go to JAIL?
- Act Like Christians
- Whoring out tsunami victims
- Who we pointing at?
- Freedom on the march!
- Prince Harry and the Swastika
- Help stop the execution of a severely brain damaged man
- I got this idiot newsletter from the Libertarian Party - Could this be genuine??!!
- Soldier gets billed for Humvee parts damaged in bombing that tore off his hand.
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