View Full Version : News, Politics & Law
- Civil rights panel steps to the right
- Dude, you're getting a Dell-icious enchilada dinner
- GHB For Tots
- ELGS activism project: newsfeed
- Kissing and making up.
- This ain't no peach
- Why don't you shut up!--King Juan Carlos to Hugo Chavez
- No Ho for Santa
- NYC to Pigeons: No Soup For You!
- Ashes to ashes, dust to Disneyland
- Tropical Cyclone Sidr
- I Can Has Ride Home?
- I'm Schocked! SCHOCKED! Or, wait, not so much.
- America's allies in the now-Freedom-blessed Mideast
- Sociopathic Parents
- Too fat to be a Kiwi.
- Howard Beale for President
- Kerry To Debate Swft Boat Attacks
- If this happened in any State but Texas...
- German police prevent planned killing spree in school
- Russia doomsday cult in cave siege
- Squeeze all the Charmin you like.
- Bill Nye the Restraining Order Guy
- Turkey Invasion
- Iraq Detains Dozens of Security Contractors
- Let's go back to the 1950s....
- "The Euro is the New Bling."
- Harvard College for free
- Lion, Tires, and Scares, Oh My!
- FF Attorneys: Do you feel inadequate yet?
- For Sale: Prime Ministership of Australia.
- The Meth Epidemic
- Labor victory in Australia? Yes please, I'll have a landslide.
- What the FUCK is wrong with people?
- blasphemy
- Slow news day?
- Dutch politician plans to yell fire in crowded theater
- GOP Requires Loyalty Oath in VA Primary
- King for a day
- Giuliani's the Frontrunner How, Again?
- 11-month-old DR Congo rape victim dies
- Foes Use Obama's Jewish Ties to Fuel Rumors About Him
- "Let Them Be Tased!"
- DHS Tells Firefighters to Spy on Americans
- Summer Journeys to Niagra......
- US Democrats want rethink on Iran
- Former Ambassador Quits Over Anti-Gay Discrimination
- Suitable for framing...
- Barack O'Bollywood
- Not One Mention of the Planet Kolob
- Freedom Christian Academy is So Screwed
- Cuban Church Raided
- Yes, indeed.
- Romney's religion speech
- The hate crimes bill has been derailed
- Prosecuting the government
- Those Crazy Cascadians
- Inside the Church of Hate
- Parents and paediatricians - it's War!
- Hooray for Iceland
- How Muqtada is spending his vacation
- Multiple personality thief/gang of criminals arrested
- Jesus: Not such a great marksman after all
- Algiers blasts kill 10 UN staff
- I'm Not Sure I Agree With This Policy ...
- Avoid Death
- War on Hannukah
- Atheist's Influence in the US
- NJ Eschews DP
- UK Astronomy Funding Decimated
- Scandal Fatigue
- Anti-conservative bias/violence!
- UNICEF Photo of the year 2007
- Are crap eating worms depressed?
- Britney's 16 y.o. sister preggers
- A fool and his money are soon parted
- Historic Civil Rights Group Recognizes Nontheists' Struggle
- American Humanist Association offers free online membership
- Ron Paul and We the People
- Lakota Nation Secedes from the US
- Tragic irony
- Texans, prepare for the Pole Tax.
- Zero tolerance equals total abdication of common sense?
- Yes, people are this stupid
- The more things change...
- Siberian tigers butchered for body parts in their zoo
- Out On A Limb to the Tune of $347,600
- A little someone under the christmas tree?
- Benazir Bhutto is dead
- British government suggests "Let boys play with toy weapons". Teachers horrified
- The Prefix of the Devil
- Rough justice?
- 2007 Retrospective
- Use Your Period For Good; or Think About All The Menstruating Children In Africa.
- I am being sued? Funny nobody told me.
- Candidates on Global Warming
- Guerilla tactics in the gospel wars
- Hungry, hungry Homer strikes again!
- Kucinich as thorn in my side
- Coming attractions in Iraq
- Iowa
- H. Res. 888
- Battery Bill O'Reilly
- Nude Hamster Debates
- On atheism and politics
- New Hampshire
- Preacher steals everything not nailed down
- Bill Gates as Robin Hood
- Michigan
- Never mind embarassing pictures from childhood...
- Mark of the Beast
- Just when you thought it was safe...
- The Butler Did It. Or the Media. Perhaps the Chicken?
- Something Is Wrong with This Picture
- If the GWOT Were Gone...
- "I could see him throwing the kids off the bridge"
- Why They Hate US: Reason # 159
- Goodbye Sir Ed
- Hmm.. Trolling is now illegal. Unless you use your real name.
- War on Terror: Final Notice
- Begun the Lamb War has!
- Muddying the murky waters of the Persian Gulf
- A Cold Day in Hell!
- Episode V: The Director's Cut
- Cops Won't Arrest $17 Scammer
- I can see your balls.
- Health care, redux
- Dianagate
- Oh, well -- he's just a Republican frontrunner
- Aye, Laddie, thar be gold in them thar Trossachs
- Beijing Olympics behind iron curtain
- Loyalty Oaths Are the New Black
- Reporter goes off on Romney
- Comedy king in exile
- The Corpse on the Gurney
- Make-A-Wish:Child exploits the Make-a-wish foundation
- Looking for Bush Quote
- Chicago Lawyer vs Marines.
- George Bush $800 Tax Rebate
- a billion
- Extreme origami
- The Islamic Republic of Canada
- Bush administration lied 935 times to get the US into Iraq
- Turkey: Sandwich AND Ally
- intellectual and intelligent nazis
- interesting definition
- Why Are Only a Few Countries Required To Be Multicultural
- "I told you I was sick." Suharto dies.
- unusual map of USA
- Remainders of Empire
- Guilty plea in beheading plot.
- Videos: Extraterrestrial World Contact (June 6th)
- Edwards Out
- Freedom of Speech suddenly not so absolute after all...
- Stupid Swedes bungle bank burglary
- 9iu11liani goes down
- Ugh.
- Get Your Bets DOWN - Super Tuesday
- Berkeley vs US Marines.
- Freedom Day News.
- Drop the Lamp, Diogenes. Lincoln Chafee's Here.
- Chinese finally having trouble porking...
- Mix and Match candidate quiz
- Misremembering Reagan
- Iran attack in 4, 3, 2, 1 or not?
- "The ceasefire is over. The war is back on"
- The 3 Trillion Dollar Budget
- The Brits are losing it.
- Stevie Wonder has a thing for me!
- Explain why "immigration" is such an issue
- He tried to go to gay rehab, now they say no, no, no
- Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore
- Hillary? At Wal*Mart?
- Mitt Quits
- Watser? draws a line in the sand
- Party Delegates Question
- I went a'caucusing!
- We're So Screwed Part 4: ROFLCOPTERWTFBBQ
- Bush orders clampdown on flights to US
- You want to see my pron you Border Patrol bitch?
- Is this progress or what?
- American crackers in peril
- Please help- What does this mean?
- Isolated incident or example of Europe reverting to type?
- The “Cos” goes to Washington?
- Stand by for the Right blogosphere to trumpet this "political correctness" story
- What is the ideal IQ society for you?
- Journalist-Bites-Reality!
- I'm being sued update-Court date set
- Turnip truck overturns; whereabouts of House Oversight Committee unknown
- H.R. 1955: Government Suppression of Free Thought and Free Expression
- Damn Skippy, Huckabee
- Guy Gabaldon and the Medal of Honor
- Can India become a developed country?
- Can you really say "cunt" on tv?
- Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?
- What also floats on water?
- Dangerous mp3 terrorist arrested before he could change his tune.
- Dueling campaign videos... except one is dead before the duel starts
- Ayatolloh Huckabee
- six school shootings in a month?
- Be afraid. Be very afraid. Of what?
- Place your bets on Belgrade!
- Castro announces retirement
- Musharraf routed in polls
- The next new country to declare independence.... Montana!?
- Hey Presto: Making Iraq Disappear
- Gays blamed for quakes
- A Woman Can't Be President
- Satellite downed
- Demystifying the Texas electoral process
- Maverick in his pants
- Iran: America's best friend in Iraq or: Is Iran Winning the Iraq War?
- The brown people are about to kill you all!
- Panic at Luxembourg International Airport!
- Nanotechnology is morally unacceptable
- Love with the perfect dictator
- Clinton vs. Obama
- National Constitutional Convention
- Nader runs for President
- 60 Minutes episode on wrongful prosecution blacked out in Alabama
- Don't Start Squelching On The Deal Now
- Use Of The Word "NIGGER" By Black People
- The Bride was a Monkey
- Turkey radically revises Islamic texts
- Name Those Dictators
- William F Buckley
- "Brazen misrepresentations"
- No more crotch-scratching in Italy
- The world according to Yahoo headlines
- Debating Donkeys
- Sunni forces losing patience with US, abandoning posts
- 1 in 100
- Donohue's Panties in Yet Another Wad
- until moral improves..
- A Few Find Fricken Fowl Flub Foul
- I'll be popular
- Shoot me, please?
- The Texas v. Lawrence DA
- alleged ecoterrorism destroys "Street of Dreams" north of Seattle
- WaPo: Women are stupid
- John Roberts asks a stupid question...
- OH/TX primaries...
- Say it ain't so!
- National Socialism is the only answer for society
- Would you support Eugenics?
- Why does society need people with an IQ under 120?
- By virtue of your ample bosom, this court finds you Not Guilty.
- Bush & Cheney indicted!
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