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Old 02-13-2020, 12:26 PM
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JoeP JoeP is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Kolmannessa kerroksessa
Gender: Male
Default Re: Video Games - Watcha playin'?

You are about to step back through the eastern wall when a noise makes you stop. In the woods outside, to the east -- something is there. Something breathing. Something huge.

The sound of tearing undergrowth grows louder. Whatever it is, it's practically bulldozing its way through the forest.

The ground trembles slightly with the thing's thunderous footsteps as it tromps up the path. It's right outside the slaughterhouse!

You never even see it coming. The east wall bursts inward in an eruption of bricks and mortar dust; squirming, ropy tentacles snake out from the obscuring cloud and wrap themselves around your your body... within moments you are unconscious, mercifully spared the sight of what happens to your body in the next few bloody minutes.
*** You have died ***

You hear it pause inside the building, its hide slithering loudly against the brick walls as it moves about. There is a horrible, wet snorting sound, as if it were trying to pick up a scent, then an unspeakable, inhuman grunt of anger.

You never even see it coming. A massive, bloated shape suddenly looms up behind the hole in the northern wall, and half a dozen fat, fleshy tentacles snake out with awful, twitching speed and wrap themselves around your body. Your head cracks against a brick as it drags your body through the opening, knocking you mercifully unconscious before the thing starts on you.
*** You have died ***

You cower down in the bottom of the well as the thing, whatever it is, moves closer. A shadow falls across the mouth of the well, and then the circle of light above you is blotted out by a shape so utterly, blasphemously hideous that even its mere silhouette is enough to blast you into unconsciousness. The last things you see are its squirming tentacles groping down the sides of the well for you...
*** You have died ***


eta: yes I saved shortly before this point and restored after each death
Also, the monster is William Verlac, brother of Edward whose suicide started off this game

Free thought! Please take one!

:unitedkingdom:   :southafrica:   :unitedkingdom::finland:   :finland:

Last edited by JoeP; 02-13-2020 at 12:49 PM.
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Stormlight (02-19-2020)
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