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Old 04-21-2011, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: A revolution in thought

Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
Originally Posted by Doctor X View Post
Originally Posted by peacegirl View Post
No David, this will be a real tragedy because instead of a serious investigation, . . .
Which you refuse to do. . . .

. . . we are bickering back and forth. . . .
You are the one bickering--we have already concluded you have nothing.

. . . and it will go nowhere. . . .
YOU are going nowhere. We have already arrived at the inescapable conclusion that you have nothing.

Just imagine if this discovery is right . . . .
We already proved it is not.


I hope you're kidding Doctor X. Nobody proved that he was wrong. They didn't even come close.
Proofs that he was wrong:

1. The theory of relativity, one of our best-confirmed theories and more than 100 years old, rules out "real-time seeing" because of the invariant and finite velocity of the speed of light, and because there is no "real time," only proper time relativized to reference frames.

2. It has been empircally and repeatedly confirmed that the optic nerve is afferent, and that impulses enter the eye, impinge on the optic nerve and are interpreted by the brain as images. In fact, the whole relationship between light and vision is very well understood down to the atomic level, as demonstrated by the essay written by a professional biologist that you in all your glorious chutzpah variously (1.) ignored; (2.) called "sketchy; and (3.) called "detailed" -- directly contradicting your earlier characterization of it as "sketchy." Then you went back to ignoring it.

3. The claim by Lessans that if the sun were suddenly turned on, we would see it turned on in real time but see our neighbors only eight minutes later, is not just false (see 1. above, due to Albert Einstein) but is actually incohrent, as it seems to differentiate between source light and reflected light, when they are both the same light.

4. The claim by Lessans that photons that fall on the other side of the world and then wait around to "smile" on us when we wake up is not only false, it is insane. Photons, except when refracted, always travel at c; they have no rest mass. Thus photons do not "stop" and hang around to smile on us. Every moment of every day, untold numbers of photons newly arrived from the sun, which they left eight minutes earlier, are falling on us. The behavior of photons has been empirically confirmed and is very well understood.

5. Lessans claimed that dogs cannot recognize masters by sight alone. The Lone Ranger posted the studies that empirically refute this claim.

6. You claimed that birds cannot identify objects by sight alone; this claim is empircially false. The studies refuting it have been posted.

Anything else, your royal highness? Always pleased to be of service! :asshat:
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Thanks, from:
Doctor X (04-21-2011), LadyShea (04-25-2011), specious_reasons (04-22-2011), The Lone Ranger (04-21-2011)
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